Today, Feb 27 Volleyball HOME games vs Delavan, 6:00
Friday, Feb 28 5th-HS field trip to Shedd Aquarium in Chicago
Monday, March 2 Volleyball practice
Tuesday, March 3 Volleyball HOME games vs Havana, 6:00
Wednesday, March 4 Volleyball practice
Thursday, March 5 Volleyball games @ Tremont, 6:00. Departure 5:10.
Friday, March 6 No School- End of Quarter 3 and Teacher In-Service
Sunday, March 8 Spring Forward! Daylight Savings Time Begins.
March 9-11 Spring Conferences
Tuesday, April 7th Easter Program
Solo and Ensemble Contest Rescheduled
Band students will have their Solo and Ensemble contest rescheduled. Tentative reschedule date is Saturday, March 14. Band parents - look for information from Mrs. Stribling next week regarding this.
Easter program- Journey to the Cross
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 7th for CLA’s annual Easter program! We will be doing Journey to the Cross, a multi-sensory experience with stations (similar to the Road to Resurrection we did a couple of years ago!) Please invite friends, family and neighbors to this outreach event to help spread the Good News of Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
To help us plan, we are asking that everyone planning on attending to fill out the Google Form below. We will have groups of 10-15 people go through at a time, and this will help us ensure short wait times! Please go to https://tinyurl.com/tsshntk to sign up and request a time!
MS/HS Shedd Aquarium Trip
Middle school/High School students will be traveling to Shedd Aquarium tomorrow - Friday, February 28th. We are leaving no later than 6am and are tentatively scheduled to arrive back at the school around 5:30pm. Students must bring a sack lunch with disposable items- please do not send reusable containers.
**Students must wear CLA gear (shirts/hoodies) that must be visible at all times. Students not wearing CLA gear at the time of departure will not attend the trip. There will not be a way for students to obtain a shirt that morning, so plan accordingly.**
From the Principal's Desk
I was gone for a couple of days last week, and enjoyed a short vacation in South Carolina, reconnecting with friends from my home in Pennsylvania. In chapel this week, I shared with the students how enjoyable it was to spend time fellowshiping with friends who share my faith, and who challenge me as a person, father, and friend. Looking forward to how some of our students, after spending years together at CLA, will be able to count lifelong friendships as one of the benefits of their CLA experience!
Mr. Horning