Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar
Fri-Mon, Feb 14-17 No School - Presidents Day Weekend
Monday, March 3 Now a STUDENT ATTENDANCE day
March 24-28 NO School - Spring Break
Monday, April 7 Now a STUDENT ATTENDANCE day
2025-2026 Registration and
Enrollment information!
Enrollment for the new school year opened this week. We have a new process where our full-time academic families can enroll and re-enroll online through the Gradelink “EnrollMe” feature on our SIS. There will be some kinks to work out, we imagine, so be patient. We already have made a few adjustments based on feedback! We encourage early enrollment (by March 31 with a discounted registration fee). It greatly helps us to plan for 2025-2026. Families that are participating in extracurricular activities only, you may use the re-enrollment link sent previously.
Tuition (as expected) will increase for next year, but the school board has kept that increase at 8% or less in nearly all categories. There are some adjustments in the way family discounts are calculated as well as a small student assistance tuition add-on. We pray that CLA stays affordable (as it has been in comparison with other Christian schools). Any questions, please contact Mr. Horning ([email protected]).
Mark your calendars for the following dates and times, when we will have OPEN HOUSE events. Invite your friends and family to check out Christian Life Academy! Printed and digital flyers are available to share.
Tuesday, February 18 - 8 am to 7 pm - including chapel at 8:30 am
Monday, February 10 - 8 am to 7 pm - including chapel at 8:30 am
Thursday, February 13 - 4 pm to 8 pm
Extra Curriculars Corner
Thursday, Feb 6 8th Grade night for cheer and basketball!
HOME game will be a Green/White game - JH 5:30
Fri-Sat, Feb 7-8 JV Basketball tournament at CLA, games Friday 5:40 and 6:50
Games Saturday 9:30 through the afternoon
Monday, Feb 10 Senior Night for boys basketball!
HOME game will be a Green/White game - all HS players - 5:30
Thursday, Feb 13 HOME games with Bethel Church teams - JV 6:00 V 7:15
Friday, Feb 14 HS Basketball @ Midwest Central (Manito) JV 6:00 V to follow
Monday, Feb 17 HS Basketball @ Flanagan JV 1:00 V to follow
Fri-Sat, Feb 21-22 HS Basketball Varsity @ Arthur Christian for Midwest Championships
Look for spring activities registration coming NEXT WEEK!
From the Principal's Desk
Yes, 2025-2026 is approaching quickly! I am excited to share plans for next year, although the necessary tuition increases are always hard to announce. We are growing our program and our school, which is super exciting! If you have questions, considerations, or concerns, please feel free to ask or share with me. If you are ready to jump in for another year, I encourage you to do this right away… because we love to know how enrollment will be shaping up as soon as possible! God is moving greatly in our midst, and I’m glad to walk this path with you all.
“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4
Mr. Horning