Lion Tales 3/31/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, April 1 MS Track at Midwest Central HS 4:15 (depart 3:15)

Wednesday, April 6 Early dismissal 11:30 am / staff in-service

Thursday, April 7 Easter Program / Worship Service at Living Hope Comm. Church - 6:30 pm

Monday, April 11 MS Track at Tremont HS 4:30 (depart 3:45)

Fri-Mon, April 15-18 No School - Easter Break

Saturday, April 30 CLA Bike-a-Thon, 9-11 am - register NOW to get a T-shirt reserved.

2022-2023 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families! 

As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE!  We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school.  Questions, please ask!  Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!


Don’t forget, the Andy Johnson Memorial Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 9-11 am.  To get your T-shirt, you need to REGISTER NOW!!! The cost to register is $5, T-shirts are $15, and then riders should get pledges to raise money for the CLA Building Project!  

We are looking forward to many students and friends riding on April 30!  To register, visit, click  or contact Mrs. Espenschied at [email protected]

Building Project update… Moving forward!

At the March school board meeting, the decision was made to START BUILDING!! We will be announcing an official “groundbreaking” soon, but we will likely see some action happening prior to that time.  The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year!  Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project.  You can help in the following ways:

  1. Mr. Horning will be organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS soon.  Look for this information coming out via facebook and email… and sign up to help!  The first two opportunities will be for:

    1. foundation prep work - possibly within the next 2-3 weeks as weather permits

    2. clean-up crew (we will have ongoing teams to help keep the site looking good!)

  2. We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just over $200,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project!  Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!

From the Principal's Desk

I hope that all of our families had a refreshing spring break.  In central IL, it sure hasn’t felt like spring the past week or so.  But we know that our Creator God handles the weather, and we can rest in the knowledge that He knows what is best for us.  

We can also rest in the fact that in a short while we will remember and recognize the most important and significant celebration… Easter!  We recognize the perfect plan that God had, to send His one and only Son, our Savior, to earth. Jesus, fully God, lived as a man, died, rose, and lives again… giving us an opportunity to live eternally with Him.  I look forward to sharing with you all in this celebration next week at our April 7 (6:30 pm) school Easter celebration at Living Hope Community Church.


        Mr. Horning