Upcoming Dates
Friday, April 29 No School - Teacher in-service
Saturday, April 30 CLA Bike-a-Thon, 9-11 am NOTE: POSSIBLE RESCHEDULE…check email!
Wednesday, May 4 Early Dismissal 11:30 am / Teacher in-service
Thursday, May 19 8th Grade Graduation 5:30 pm / 12th Grade Graduation 7:00 pm at LHCC
Friday, May 20 Field Day / Last day of school
2022-23 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families!
As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE! We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school. Questions, please ask! Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!
The week of May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation week!
This is a great time to bless the teachers and thank them yet again for all the wonderful hard work they do to help our students grow academically, mentally, and spiritually. Our theme is Bloom based on 1 Corinthians 3:7-9. “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”
Below you will find a sign up genius of different ways we need your help. Feel free to sign up for multiple slots if you are able. If you would also like to spoil your teacher in other ways ( ask your students what they like, they probably know!) feel free to do that too! We are looking forward to making this a really great week for our teachers and we appreciate your help.
The parents of Parent Teacher Fellowship
Don’t forget, the Andy Johnson Memorial Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 9-11 am. The cost to register is $5, and there may be some T-shirts available the day of the event, although the guaranteed t-shirt option has passed. To register, come the day of the event, or contact Mrs. Espenschied at [email protected]. Please note - due to the possibility of severe weather Saturday, we may make a last-minute change to Sunday afternoon, with a different location… check emails!
CLA is HIRING… Pray for amazing new staff for our school
With growth happening in our physical building as well as in our classrooms, we have some staffing positions that will need to be filled for the upcoming school year. CLA is looking for wonderful, Godly, faith-focused individuals to help lead our students in several areas: high school English, HS and middle school electives and support, and kitchen management. We have always been blessed with great staff, and we know that God has the exact people in mind for these positions. Please pass the word on to any individuals who may fit these roles. Applications will be accepted through May 31. Contact Mr. Horning 309-449-3346 or [email protected] for more information, or for a copy of the official posting.
Building Project update… Foundations have been completed!
On our way to seeing the building rise over the next few months.
We have started building the new high school classroom building!! The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year! Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project. You can help in the following ways:
Mr. Horning will continue organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS. We had a great group of helpers for our two foundation concrete pours the last two weeks, and there will be MANY chances to help. Look for this information coming out from Mr. Horning via facebook and email updates and requests… and sign up to help!
We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just over $225,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project! Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!
From the Principal's Desk
I love to see our community grow. We are seeing physical growth with our new high school classroom building, student growth as students complete a year of school, and also community growth as new families join us. This means we also are in need of new staff to accommodate additional growth in the future. Would you pray with me for the current and future staff of our school. The Lord has already planned for who these individuals will be, and given them the unique preparation they need to be an amazing part of our staff. Pray for the Lord’s leading and guidance to be on the process of connecting them to CLA. While you are at it, pray for our current staff and for the strength needed to complete the final weeks of the school year! Celebrate, and pray for a strong finish!
Mr. Horning