Lion Tales 9/23/21

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Sept 23 HS Volleyball practice

Saturday, Sept 25 Board of Directors’ meeting 7:30 am (MOVED from Sept 18) 

Monday, Sept 27 NO SCHOOL - Teacher in-service day

Tuesday, Sept 28 AWAY volleyball games vs Calvary Baptist - Chillicothe 

Thursday, Sept 30 HOME volleyball games vs ICCS 5 pm JH / 6 pm Varsity

Monday, Oct 4 PTF (Parent-Teacher Fellowship) meeting 3:45 pm (join in - all welcome!)


All families are expected to participate.  See below for more information and details.

Big Events Coming Up! Please get involved- check out these ways:

Golf Outing - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 at North Greens Golf Course in Atlanta. Please help make this successful… proceeds benefit our BUILDING FUND!

  • Enter a team in the outing!  Brochures available in the office

  • Ask a business to sponsor the outing! Brochures available in the office

  • Sign up to come eat lunch (no school that day) and join in a bit of golf fun in the afternoon! Sign up for the meal and activities!

  • USE THIS LINK to register: 

Life Days 2021 - Sat, October 9...Friday and Saturday, October 15-16.  

We will kick off with a MOVIE ON THE LAWN (“Facing the Giants” is planned) on Sat, Oct. 9 at 6 pm… Concessions available for sale, Donations encouraged!

Online AUCTION ITEMS WILL BE POSTED starting October 9.

Here’s what you can do….

  • Return your FAMILY RESPONSE PAPER which came home last week

  • Sell items to benefit the school (more details coming with order sheets)

  • Sign up to volunteer at this link: 

  • Donate items, Ask a business or individual to make a financial donation

  • mark your calendars and participate!!!

Join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PTF’S Change Wars Fundraiser

The “Change Wars” fundraiser is ongoing…. 

  • This week’s featured coin - DIMES should be brought in through tomorrow (Friday, September 24). 

  • NEXT WEEK…. September 28-October 1… Bring the QUARTERS!  Those most valuable coins should be arriving all week to fill up the jars! Who will win the week??

  • The team winner for week 2 - NICKELS - was the 6th/7th grade team with $55.80

  • So far, over $237 has been raised!  And that’s not yet including the high value coins!

From the Principal's Desk

As we near the end of September, and begin to ramp up for October -  probably the BUSIEST month of the school year for Christian Life Academy… I ask that you all pray fervently for our events coming up.  Over the years, Life Days has become a significant, big deal in the life of our school.  It gives our friends and families a chance to show support of the work that is being done here.  Support comes with participation in activities, with commitment to help financially, and most of all coming alongside the school and indicating “we believe in what God is doing at CLA.”  Thank you in advance for your prayers and participation.  May this season of LIFE DAYS 2021 truly show how GOD is WORKING through this ministry.  I’m excited to continue this journey with all of you!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/16/21

Thursday, Sept 16 HS Volleyball practice

Saturday, Sept. 18 HS Volleyball AWAY Tournament at Rosamond, IL (all day)

Monday, Sept 20 SCHOOL PICTURE DAY! 

JH/JV volleyball practice

Tuesday, Sept 21 AWAY volleyball games vs Faith Baptist at Cornerstone in Groveland

Thursday, Sept 23 HS volleyball practice

Saturday, Sept 25 Board of Directors’ meeting 7:30 am (MOVED from Sept 18) 


All families are expected to participate.  Get the word out, donate, and volunteer!


As we start the year, sometimes we notice small adjustments that are necessary for the flow of the school day.  We are so glad to have full-school chapels the first day of each week, and to make this flow better in the transitions for students, CHAPEL WILL NOW BEGIN AT 8:30 am on Mondays (or Tuesdays if we have no school on Monday).  Chapel will end at 8:50.  If possible, having all students arrive at school by 8:25 would help this timing.  We will ask any students arriving after 8:25 to go directly to the gym rather than their classrooms.  Thanks for helping us make the day go more smoothly! 

CLA’s School Picture Day is Monday, September 20

Information was sent home last week, with order forms for PICTURE DAY!  If your student (part time or preK) does not normally come on Monday mornings, please plan to come for pictures!  Talk with Mrs. Westley for details or times if this is necessary.  SMILE!

PTF’S Change Wars Fundraiser

The “Change Wars” fundraiser is ongoing…. 

  • This week’s featured coin - NICKELS should be brought in through tomorrow (Friday, September 17). 

  • NEXT WEEK…. September 20-24… Bring the DIMES!  Those 10-cent coins should be arriving all week to fill up the jars!

  • The team winner for week 1 - PENNIES - was the 6th/7th grade team with $39.64

Big Events Coming Up! Please get involved!

We are planning the CLA FALL GOLF OUTING - that’s new - in the fall! FRIDAY OCTOBER 8th at North Greens Golf Course in Atlanta, IL.  (Yes, the date has moved from the 1st to the 8th) You’ll soon see more information coming, but if you play golf, or have friends or family that play, please tell them to take that day off of work, and plan to play a round of golf in support of the school.  Also, we would like to have some helpers/volunteers in preparation, planning, etc.  Talk to Mr. Horning if you can help!

Life Days 2021 will be Friday and Saturday, October 15-16.  A packet is coming home with all families TODAY or TOMORROW… Including a poster, event details, sponsor sheets and schedule of activities.  PLEASE COMPLETE and RETURN the family response sheet (PINK).  Life Days is our biggest fundraiser, and we will need EVERYONE to get involved.  If you want to know more about Life Days, and help… talk with Mr. Horning!

Join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

From the Principal's Desk

Why should we be faithful? Because HE is faithful!  In Monday’s chapel, it was a blessing to be able to share the gospel message with our students.  Of course, we talk about salvation, forgiveness of sins, fixing our eyes on Jesus… throughout the year and each week.  But I was nearly brought to tears as I realized the great opportunity I had to tell our students that our faithfulness to Jesus comes because HE IS FAITHFUL TO FORGIVE OUR SINS AND CLEANSE US FROM OUR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS!  Wow.  What a blessing we have to proclaim publicly, every day, the gospel.  I pray we will always be faithful to share HIM with others!


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/9/21

Upcoming Dates

Friday, Sept. 10 Baseball AWAY game at Bloomington Trinity 4:30 pm

Monday, Sept. 13 Volleyball HOME games 5 pm JH 6 pm Varsity

Tuesday, Sept. 14 HS Volleyball practice

Thursday, Sept 16 HS Volleyball practice

Saturday, Sept. 18 Board of Directors meeting, 7:30 am

HS Volleyball AWAY Tournament at Rosamond, IL (all day)

Monday, Sept 20 SCHOOL PICTURE DAY! Information going home this week!


As we start the year, sometimes we notice small adjustments that are necessary for the flow of the school day.  We are so glad to have full-school chapels the first day of each week, and to make this flow better in the transitions for students, CHAPEL WILL NOW BEGIN AT 8:30 am on Mondays (or Tuesdays if we have no school on Monday).  Chapel will end at 8:50.  If possible, having all students arrive at school by 8:25 would help this timing.  We will ask any students arriving after 8:25 to go directly to the gym rather than their classrooms.  Thanks for helping us make the day go more smoothly! 

CLA’s School Picture Day is Monday, September 20

Information is going home this week, with order forms for PICTURE DAY!  If your student (part time or pre-K) does not normally come on Monday mornings, please plan to come for pictures!  Talk with Mrs. Westley for details or times if this is necessary.  SMILE!

PTF’S Change Wars Fundraiser

The “Change Wars” fundraiser is ongoing…. 

  • This week’s featured coin - PENNIES should be brought in through tomorrow (Friday, September 10). 

  • NEXT WEEK…. September 13-17… Bring the NICKELS!  Those 5-cent coins should be arriving all week to fill up the jars!

  • A team winner will be announced each week… great prizes for the classrooms/team that bring in the most of each featured coin!

Big Events Coming Up! Please get involved!

We are planning the CLA FALL GOLF OUTING - that’s new - in the fall! FRIDAY OCTOBER 8th at North Greens Golf Course in Atlanta, IL.  (Yes, the date has moved from the 1st to the 8th) You’ll soon see more information coming, but if you play golf, or have friends or family that play, please tell them to take that day off of work, and plan to play a round of golf in support of the school.  Also, we would like to have some helpers/volunteers in preparation, planning, etc.  Talk to Mr. Horning if you can help!

Life Days 2021 will be Friday and Saturday, October 15-16.  Many details will be forthcoming, and there will also likely be some “pre-event” activities as well in the weeks leading up to that weekend.  Life Days is our biggest fundraiser, and we will need EVERYONE to get involved.  If you want to know more about Life Days, and help… talk with Mr. Horning!

Join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

From the Principal's Desk

This week we wrapped up the “Focused” portion of our 3-part fall series in chapel.  Next week we will begin to look at the word “Faithful.”  I’d encourage families to talk at home about what the word “Faithful” means in your context.  How does your faithfulness to God impact your home? Your neighborhood?  Your activities?  As we embark on this idea of “faithful” we will look at Hebrews 10:23, “Holding Unswervingly….” and also the account of Esther from the Old Testament. Would you pray for our regular chapel times, that our faith would be strengthened each week?


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/2/21

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Sept. 2 Baseball HOME game vs Corpus Christi 4:30 pm

Monday, Sept. 6 NO SCHOOL - Labor Day - daycare closed

Tuesday, Sept. 7 Baseball HOME game vs Delavan 4:30 pm

Volleyball HOME games 5 pm JH 6 pm Varsity

Thursday, Sept. 9 HS Volleyball practice / MS Baseball practice

CLA Apparel/Gear- order online now - store closes tomorrow 12 pm!

CLA gear is available for purchase this year, and we’ve added some new items such as duffel bags and BLEACHER SEATS!!!!  These seats are THE BEST seats available, AND you get the CLA logo on it!  To order, please visit the link below.  Orders will be accepted through 12pm on Friday, September 3rd with estimated delivery around September 20th.

New families- join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

Big Events Coming Up! Please get involved!

We are planning the CLA FALL GOLF OUTING - that’s new - in the fall! FRIDAY OCTOBER 1st at North Greens Golf Course in Atlanta, IL.  You’ll soon see more information coming, but if you play golf, or have friends or family that play, please tell them to take that day off of work, and plan to play a round of golf in support of the school.  Also, we would like to have some helpers/volunteers in preparation, planning, etc.  Talk to Mr. Horning if you can help!

Life Days 2021 will be Friday and Saturday, October 15-16.  Many details will be forthcoming, and there will also likely be some “pre-event” activities as well in the weeks leading up to that weekend.  Life Days is our biggest fundraiser, and we will need EVERYONE to get involved.  If you want to know more about Life Days, and help… talk with Mr. Horning!


Some exciting things are happening with our oldest students - Mrs. Travis, HS math and science teacher, is working with a small group of students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) with hands-on projects… and maybe you can help!  Below is a list of items (supplies, tools, etc) that would be helpful for Mrs. Travis in her classes.  If you are able to help, please contact [email protected] or by cell 309-397-4237 for details on where to bring the items!

Tool box or bag

screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, any basic tools

pair of saw horses

chop saw and stand

clamps of various sizes

pry bar, tin snips

hot glue gun, glue sticks

small air compressor

drill bit set

sandpaper variety

metal file


plywood squares/rectangles, any size

spare lumber (4"x4" would be great so we can put together a workbench to get going)

wood screws (variety)

drywall screws

pvc pipe scraps (1/2" to 2" diameter)

Other miscellaneous items for STEM Activities:

bowling ball

barbie doll, with clothes on please

embroidery hoop

glass bottle with approx. 1"opening

popsicle sticks (larger size)

denatured alcohol

other ideas? 

check with Mrs. Travis!

From the Principal's Desk

Fix your eyes on Jesus…. and help someone else fix their eyes on Jesus.  This was our chapel thought on Monday.  What can each one of us do that helps others to follow Jesus?  It is my firm belief that our walk of faith cannot be ours alone.  It is a personal walk, but there are others we must walk alongside.  I pray that each of us find others to challenge and encourage one another to follow Jesus! Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us to “spur one another on” and to “not give up meeting together” and that “encouraging one another” is so important.  


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 8/26/21

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, August 26 Baseball AWAY game at South Pekin Grade School, 4:15 pm

Volleyball (HS) practice 3:30-5:30

Monday, August 30 Baseball AWAY game at Carroll Catholic (Lincoln Rec field), 4:30 pm

Volleyball (JV) practice 3:30-5:30

Tuesday, August 31 Volleyball AWAY at IL Central Christian (Washington) 5 pm JV / 6 pm V

  PTF meeting after school at LHCC- Childcare Provided!  See more info below.

Thursday, Sept. 2 Baseball HOME game vs Corpus Christi 4:30 pm

Volleyball (HS) practice 3:30-5:30

Reminder from the CLA office as we start off the year:

Please continue to return any paperwork or payments to the school office. You also can drop off in our outdoor drop box to the right of the main entrance.

First PTF meeting of the year!

PTF will have their first meeting of the school year on Tuesday, August 31 at Living Hope Community Church in the high school rooms (basement). Childcare will be provided in the gym- please RSVP for childcare so we can have adequate supervision. A zoom link will also be available for those who cannot attend in person!  We will be discussing fall fundraisers for a water bottle filling station and other activities.  Please consider joining us- many volunteers means a smaller time commitment!

CLA Apparel/Gear- order online now!

CLA gear is available for purchase this year, and we’ve added some new items such as duffel bags and BLEACHER SEATS!!!!  These seats are THE BEST seats available, AND you get the CLA logo on it!  To order, please visit the link below.  Orders will be accepted through 12pm on Friday, September 3rd with estimated delivery around September 20th.

New families- join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!


Some exciting things are happening with our oldest students - Mrs. Travis, HS math and science teacher, is working with a small group of students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) with hands-on projects… and maybe you can help!  Below is a list of items (supplies, tools, etc) that would be helpful for Mrs. Travis in her classes.  If you are able to help, please contact [email protected] or by cell 309-397-4237 for details on where to bring the items!

Supplies needed:

Tool box or bag

screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, any basic tools

pair of saw horses

chop saw and stand

clamps of various sizes

pry bar, tin snips

hot glue gun, glue sticks

small air compressor

drill bit set

sandpaper variety

metal file


plywood squares/rectangles, any size

spare lumber (4"x4" would be great so we can put together a workbench to get going)

wood screws (variety)

drywall screws

pvc pipe scraps (1/2" to 2" diameter)

Other miscellaneous items for STEM Activities:

bowling ball

barbie doll, with clothes on please

embroidery hoop

glass bottle with approx. 1"opening

popsicle sticks (larger size)

denatured alcohol

other ideas? check with Mrs. Travis!

A reminder about “after school” student presence at school

Students who are not picked up at regular dismissal time will have the following options:

  • K-6 students must be signed in (with a reserved spot ahead of time) to AFTER SCHOOL CARE if they remain at school.  If you have not already done so, please sign up (sheet in lobby/email Mrs. Westley) if this is something your family needs.

  • 5-HS who are on a SPORTS TEAM - fall sports at this time include 5th-8th boys baseball, and 7-12 girls volleyball.  Participants should change and report directly to the ball field/gym.

  • any additional MS and HS students, if not picked up immediately after school, must be signed in at one of the following places
    A) in a MS classroom - this must always be pre-arranged with a teacher, not a drop-in
    B) at daycare - students remain in the hallway area at a desk if daycare is inside, and must remain under supervision of the daycare teacher at ALL TIMES.  Students may not be anywhere else in the building, and may not be on the playground or anywhere on school grounds unsupervised.

From the Principal's Desk

We have successfully completed one week of school!  Each day, each week, is not without a challenge… but we keep our EYES FIXED on JESUS each day, seeking His guidance through these challenges.  We are glad to walk side-by-side with our CLA families, and thank the Lord daily for the relationships we build for the Kingdom.  Would you choose a part of your day to set aside to PRAY daily for what’s happening at school?  We know the power of prayer, and thank the Lord that we have praying families!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales- First day of school edition!

The first day of school! Glad to have your family at CLA!

This edition of Lion Tales celebrates the start of school…  If you have any questions or need to contact someone at the school, please try any of the following:

Office - Mrs. Westley -  [email protected] or [email protected] or call 309-449-3346

Principal - Mr. Horning - [email protected], 309-267-8781 

You are also welcome to talk directly with teachers… let’s communicate well this year!

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, August 19 Baseball practice 3:30-5:15

Volleyball (HS) practice 3:30-5:30

Saturday, August 21 Board of Directors’ meeting 7:30 am (open to public)

Monday, August 23 Baseball HOME game vs Morton United, 4:30 pm

Volleyball (JV) practice 3:30-5:30

Tuesday, August 24 First Day for PreK student attendance (8:45-11:15 am)

Baseball practice 3:30-5:15

Thursday, August 26 Baseball game @ South Pekin 4:15 (Bus 3:00)

Volleyball (HS) practice 3:30-5:30

Tuesday, August 31        PTF meeting after school at LHCC- Childcare Provided!  See more info below.

Reminder from the CLA office as we start off the year:

Please continue to return any paperwork or payments to the school office. You also can drop off in our outdoor drop box to the right of the main entrance.

First PTF meeting of the year!

PTF will have their first meeting of the school year on Tuesday, August 31 at Living Hope Community Church in the high school rooms (basement). Childcare will be provided in the gym- please RSVP for childcare so we can have adequate supervision. A zoom link will also be available for those who cannot attend in person!  We will be discussing fall fundraisers for a water bottle filling station and other activities.  Please consider joining us- many volunteers means a smaller time commitment!

CLA Apparel/Gear- order online now!

CLA gear is available for purchase this year, and we’ve added some new items such as duffel bags and BLEACHER SEATS!!!!  These seats are THE BEST seats available, AND you get the CLA logo on it!  To order, please visit the link below.  Orders will be accepted through 12pm on Friday, September 3rd with estimated delivery around September 20th.

New families- join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

A reminder about “after school” student presence at school

Students who are not picked up at regular dismissal time will have the following options:

  • K-6 students must be signed in (with a reserved spot ahead of time) to AFTER SCHOOL CARE if they remain at school.  If you have not already done so, please sign up (sheet in lobby/email Mrs. Westley) if this is something your family needs.

  • 5-HS who are on a SPORTS TEAM - fall sports at this time include 5th-8th boys baseball, and 7-12 girls volleyball.  Participants should change and report directly to the ball field/gym.

  • any additional MS and HS students, if not picked up immediately after school, must be signed in at one of the following places
    A) in a MS classroom - this must always be pre-arranged with a teacher, not a drop-in
    B) at daycare - students remain in the hallway area at a desk if daycare is inside, and must remain under supervision of the daycare teacher at ALL TIMES.  Students may not be anywhere else in the building, and may not be on the playground or anywhere on school grounds unsupervised.

  • PLEASE NOTE…it is important that students are picked up in a timely manner.  If we begin to see too many students in our daycare program (exceeding 20 total students daily overall, including our regular Olympia daycare) we will have to add paid staff, and thus begin to charge daycare fees for all students not picked up immediately at the end of the school day.  Please respect the families who NEED this after school program and the benefits to their family.  

We are encouraging ALL families to be prompt and courteous of our staff when it comes to picking up children.  We need to keep a “tighter ship” here at campus, and have responsibility for the health/safety of all the students, so any “loose reins” on student movement are difficult!  Thank you for your partnership.

From the Principal's Desk

The first day of school is always full of excitement, apprehension, joy, and many other emotions.  What a great day! What a great group of families and students we have in our school!  If you haven’t already heard, ask your children about the three words we will be using to define this school year.  We are the CLA Lions - “focused...faithful... fierce!”  Our first verse as we discuss these defining words comes from Hebrews 12.  “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, FIXING OUR EYES ON JESUS, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”  In chapel today we had some interesting object lessons about keeping our eyes open and on Jesus… to help us stay focused on our task and not be confused.  


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales June 2021


June 15-July 31 Summer Match Campaign… every donated gift will be matched up to $10,000!!

July 7-9 (approx) Summer mailer to kick off 2021-22 school will arrive for enrolled families 

Tuesday, July 13 HS (girls) Volleyball open gym/practices begin

Monday, August 9 MS (boys) Baseball practices begin

August 11-13, 16-18 IN-PERSON Registration Days (call ahead to visit school office)


Thursday, August 19 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL for K-12

Monday, August 23 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL for Pre-K

Enrollment for 2021-2022 is still open!

Enrollment is open and families can still enroll and tell friends!  We will also be continuing to offer individualized visits to new prospective families.  The best advertisement for the school is word of mouth, so pass this information on to others that may be interested in a Christian Life Academy education!  

A message from Mrs. Barb Lawson, who is retiring July 31!

CLA Students, Staff and Families:

Thank you for adding to the joy of my retirement with your well wishes. I will always remember your kindness!  Lastly, I leave you with this thought: There is only ever one of each of us.  We are neither better nor less than anybody else, but rather the best or least of ourselves. I am still working to find the best of me. It is an ongoing journey.  Thank you for being my traveling companions along a large and important part of my way.  I am forever grateful for your company and the collection of shared experiences printed on my mind. God bless you!

-Barb Lawson

Welcome to the CLA Family, Mrs. Jenny Travis, high school teacher!

We are excited to welcome a new teacher to the CLA community.  Mrs. Jenny Travis and her husband Dexter live in Tremont.  She has two boys (10 and 12) and has experience teaching math, working as an engineer, being a mom, and working at Eli’s in Tremont.  Mrs. Travis is excited to share her faith and experiences with high school students as CLA’s new math and science teacher.  

BIG NEWS…Building Campaign for CLA Expansion

The big news for the summer is a building campaign!  We need additional space, including a science lab for MS/HS and classroom spaces for HS.  Details are in the attached letter, but the key information is:  Once $50,000 is raised, we will break ground and build as soon as possible.  How Exciting!  Share the news with others and consider how you, your family and friends might support this project.  Please start by praying for God’s leading in the project as we seek the best from Him for our school community.

CLA Staff Positions for next year - pass the word along!

As our school grows, there are several additional part-time staff positions open for next year, as roles change and we seek staff that will guide and support our students into Christ-like learning opportunities.  The following positions will be available:

  • Lunchroom/Kitchen Manager/Cook  (part time - 10-15 hours/week)

  • Daycare Staff:  Summer, Before School, School Breaks position (part time - 5-10 hours/week)

If you know of a candidate for any of these positions, please pass the word on to the candidate, or talk with Mr. Horning.  We have been blessed with amazing staff over our history, and we know that God has the perfect plan on how our staff will grow and change next year!

From The Principal’s Desk…

What an exciting time we are involved with here at Christian Life Academy.  I have had the privilege of visiting with multiple families recently, who are exploring the option of joining the Christian Life Academy family.  Conversations about what happens at our school, explaining the relationships that are built for the Kingdom among our families, students and teachers, gives me increased energy and vision for the future.  I challenge you to talk with others about the CLA difference.  What makes CLA the right place for your family?  Tell others about it! Gain encouragement and energy by sharing your story.

And now… we are kicking off a building project!  That’s an immense challenge, an incredible opportunity, and an even more incredible way to see how GOD WILL WORK HIS PLAN through Christian Life Academy.  Please continue to pray with me that we never get ahead of, or out of line with God’s direction and plan for CLA.  The Lord’s arm is not too short (Numbers 11:23), and we want to walk through open doors, never denying the Lord’s name (Revelation 3:7-8).

In Christ,     

Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 5/13/21


Friday, May 14 7th/8th “Wax Museum” - sign-ups will be required to visit - info to come.

Thursday, May 20 8th grade / 12th grade graduations at Living Hope Community Church. 

Friday, May 21 Last day of school / Field Day

Enrollment for 2021-2022 is still open!

Enrollment is open and families can still enroll and tell friends!  We will also be continuing to offer individualized visits to new prospective families.  The best advertisement for the school is word of mouth, so pass this information on to others that may be interested in a Christian Life Academy education!  

CLA 8th grade and High School Graduation

Graduation will be held on Thursday, May 20th in two separate ceremonies.  

  • 8th grade graduation will begin at 5:30pm at Living Hope Community Church.  Due to COVID limitations, this is a ticketed event.  8TH GRADE GRADUATION IS FULL - THERE ARE NO REMAINING SPACES FOR GRADUATION SEATS. 

  • CLA’s first high school graduation will take place at 7:00pm at Living Hope Community Church.  If you wish to attend the high school graduation we do have some remaining space, please RSVP with the number of seats to Mrs. Stribling at [email protected].  Please note that we may not be able to accommodate all requests.

CLA Teacher/Staff Positions for next year - pass the word along!

As our school grows, we will be seeking a high school teacher for next year.  There are also several additional part-time staff positions open for next year, as roles change and we seek teachers and staff that will guide our students into Christ-like learning opportunities.  The following positions will be available:

  • High School Mathematics/Science teacher (full time - may combine with other position(s))

  • Lunchroom/Kitchen Manager/Cook  (part time - 10-15 hours/week)

  • Daycare Staff:  Summer, Before School, After School  (part time - 5-10 hours/week)

  • Physical Education Teacher (part time - 6-8 hours/week) 

If you know of a candidate for any of these positions, please pass the word on to the candidate, or talk with Mr. Horning.  We have been blessed with amazing staff over our history, and we know that God has the perfect plan on how our staff will grow and change next year!

From The Principal’s Desk…

As we near the end of the year, the term “finish well” comes to mind.  Jesus showed us a great example of “finishing well” as he went to the cross…. and declared “it is finished!” Our sins - forgiven.  New life - available!  Let’s all complete this school year well!

In Christ,     

    -  Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 5/6/21


Friday, May 14 7th/8th “Wax Museum” - sign-ups will be required to visit - info to come.

Thursday, May 20 8th grade / 12th grade graduations at Living Hope Community Church. 

Friday, May 21 Last day of school / Field Day

Enrollment for 2021-2022 is still open!

Enrollment is open and families can still enroll and tell friends!  We will also be continuing to offer individualized visits to new prospective families.  The best advertisement for the school is word of mouth, so pass this information on to others that may be interested in a Christian Life Academy education!  

CLA 8th grade and High School Graduation

Graduation will be held on Thursday, May 20th in two separate ceremonies.  

  • 8th grade graduation will begin at 5:30pm at Living Hope Community Church.  Due to COVID limitations, each 8th grade graduate will be given 7 tickets for family/friends.  If you have extra tickets that you don’t need (or if you need more), please contact Mrs. Westley in the office. 

  • CLA’s first high school graduation will take place at 7:00pm at Living Hope Community Church.  If you wish to attend the high school graduation, please RSVP with the number of seats to Mrs. Stribling at [email protected].  

CLA Teacher/Staff Positions for next year - pass the word along!

As our school grows, we will be seeking a high school teacher for next year.  There are also several additional part-time staff positions open for next year, as roles change and we seek teachers and staff that will guide our students into Christ-like learning opportunities.  The following positions will be available:

  • High School Mathematics/Science teacher (full time - may combine with other position(s))

  • Lunchroom/Kitchen Manager/Cook  (part time - 10-15 hours/week)

  • Daycare Staff:  Summer, Before School, After School  (part time - 5-10 hours/week)

  • Physical Education Teacher (part time - 6-8 hours/week) 

If you know of a candidate for any of these positions, please pass the word on to the candidate, or talk with Mr. Horning.  We have been blessed with amazing staff over our history, and we know that God has the perfect plan on how our staff will grow and change next year!

From The Principal’s Desk…

Looking at the calender, I’m amazed that we are just two weeks away from GRADUATIONS! Yes, it’s the time of year where we “send” students into the world.  For some, it’s a brand new adventure like college.  For others, it’s a summer of fun and we’ll welcome them back in August.  But for ALL of our students, we see the end of the year as a sending forth - to represent Jesus wherever they are placed.  My prayer is that these last few weeks of school will be a final preparation for that task.  I’m glad to work with families to prepare our students for whatever their next steps will be.

In Christ,     

    -  Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 4/29/21


May 3-6 Standardized testing for all grades (schedules vary by grade level)

Friday, May 14 7th/8th “Wax Museum” - sign-ups will be required to visit - info to come.

Thursday, May 20 8th grade / 12th grade graduations at Living Hope Community Church. 

Friday, May 21 Last day of school / Field Day

Enrollment for 2021-2022 is still open!

Enrollment is open and families can still enroll and tell friends!  We will also be continuing to offer individualized visits to new prospective families.  The best advertisement for the school is word of mouth, so pass this information on to others that may be interested in a Christian Life Academy education!  

CLA 8th grade and High School Graduation

Graduation will be held on Thursday, May 20th in two separate ceremonies.  

  • 8th grade graduation will begin at 5:30pm at Living Hope Community Church.  Due to COVID limitations, each 8th grade graduate will be given 7 tickets for family/friends.  If you have extra tickets that you don’t need (or if you need more than 7 tickets!), please contact Mrs. Westley in the office. 

  • CLA’s first high school graduation will take place at 7:00pm at Living Hope Community Church.  If you wish to attend the high school graduation, please RSVP with the number of seats to Mrs. Stribling at [email protected].  

CLA Teacher/Staff Positions for next year - pass the word along!

As our school grows, we will be seeking a high school teacher for next year.  There are also several additional part-time staff positions open for next year, as as roles change and we seek teachers and staff that will guide our students into Christ-like learning opportunities.  The following positions will be available:

  • High School Mathematics/Science teacher (full time - may combine with other position(s))

  • Lunchroom/Kitchen Manager/Cook  (part time - 10-15 hours/week)

  • Summer/Before School/After School Daycare Staff (part time - 5-10 hours/week)

  • Physical Education Teacher (part time - 6-8 hours/week) 

If you know of a candidate for any of these positions, please pass the word on to the candidate, or talk with Mr. Horning.  We have been blessed with amazing staff over our history, and we know that God has the perfect plan on how our staff will grow and change next year!

Standardized testing

Coming up next week, students will be testing.  Please make sure they get good rest, and eat a good breakfast!  

From The Office:

Teacher Appreciation Week is NEXT WEEK!. Please sign up to help with our needs for this busy week!   It will be a great week for the teachers and the kids!

Scrip Program: there is an upcoming event on April 29th & 30th with additional bonuses. This will be the last time to order gift cards to be included in this year's “distribution”.  I will be doing the calculations the first week of  May and will send out an “Account Update” email showing your scrip rebate, tuition,  lunch, and any other balances or credits. Place your order at: (Enrollment code: 87FE965127555)

From The Principal’s Desk…

Continuing with our theme from Matthew 16 of “Following Jesus,” this week in chapels our focus was choosing - making a specific CHOICE to follow Jesus every day.  The word follow has the meaning of “pursuing a calling.”  Jesus is calling us… to pursue Him!

In Christ,     

    -  Mr. Horning