Lion Tales 11/30/23

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Nov 30 HOME basketball games with ICCS - JH 5:30 / HS 6:30

Monday, Dec 4 HOME basketball games with FBCA Rosamond - EL 5:00 / JH 6:00 / HS 7:00

Tuesday, Dec 5 AWAY basketball games at Bethel (Morton) - EL 5:30 / 7th 6:30 / 8th 7:30

Thursday, Dec 7 HOME basketball games with Excel Academy JH 5:30 

Elem scrimmage green v white 4:00 / HS scrimmage green v white 7:00

Thursday, Dec 14 All School Christmas Worship Service 7:00 pm at Living Hope Comm. Church

(Note - Dinner begins at 5:30 - details below - advance ticket purchase required)

Help out with the needs of our community!

Reminder - Tomorrow, December 1, is the last day for collection of items for the Rescue Mission. We have a box in the main lobby collecting NEW packages of men’s socks and underwear for the Peoria Rescue Mission.  This will be in coordination with Living Hope’s Advent Concert on December 3rd (Please come to the concert Sunday night at 6 pm) where a love offering will support the Mission.  We encourage you to help!

Also, don’t forget that Mrs. Angela Golden, our preschool teacher, is organizing a food drive to help our local food pantries in Hopedale, operated by the Living Hope and United Methodist Churches.  A box for donated food items is located inside the main door of the school.  Feel free to help! 

Christmas Program / Worship Service December 14th

Mark your calendars!  CLA will hold its annual Christmas program/worship service at Living Hope Community Church on Thursday, December 14th at 7:00pm. This event is free of charge and open to friends and family! 

A “Shuttle Bus” will be available the evening of the program.  Due to limited parking spaces at the church, we encourage drivers to drop off passengers at the church, then drive over and park in the school parking lot.  The plan is for a shuttle bus to leave the CLA parking lot at 6:30, 6:40 and 6:50 going back to the church.  The shuttle will also deliver people back from the church to the school parking lot after the service concludes.

Additionally, we will also be hosting our annual Christmas dinner prior to the program- a wonderful home cooked meal prepared and served by our own CLA students.  Tickets will be $10 each- check your student’s backpack for an order form!  Tickets will be on sale until Thursday, December 7th or “sold out”.  If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Stribling at [email protected].

What a fun afternoon!

We were  blessed to have over 50 guests attend and participate in Grandparents’ Day at CLA last week on Tuesday, November 21.  Guests visited with students, shared some cookies, and did activities in classrooms.  Some grandparents of high school students received a tour of the new building.  Crafts were made by elementary students and their grandparents.  But the best part of the afternoon was the hugs and smiles shared by generations.  What fun!

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

As we approach the celebration of Christmas, I’m (again) reminded of how much God loves us!  He sent His Son into the world, as an amazing example of selfless action for us.  Jesus lived a perfect life (which we cannot live), died in our place (taking the punishment for our sin), and rose again to new life (allowing us the opportunity to live a new life and have eternal life).  Wow.  Thank you, Lord!  Have you shared this amazing news with anyone recently?  I hope you have.  And if you want to know more about it, I’d love to talk with you! 


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/16/23

Upcoming Dates

Monday, Nov 20 HOME Green vs White Basketball scrimmages (all teams) starting at 5:30

Tuesday, Nov 21 Grandparents’ Day Activities (2 pm - end of day)

Tuesday, Nov 21 Thanksgiving Rolls pick-up 3-6 pm at Living Hope Community Church 

Tuesday, Nov 21 JH AWAY basketball games at Delavan 6 pm / 7 pm

Wed-Fri, Nov 22-24 No School - Thanksgiving Break

Saturday, Nov 25 Basketball HOME game High School team vs Delavan 10 am

Monday, Nov 27 PTF meeting 3:45 pm

Thursday, Dec 14 All School Christmas Worship Service 7:00 pm at Living Hope Comm. Church

(Note - Dinner begins at 5:30 - details coming - advance ticket purchase required)

Tuesday Nov. 21!

Grandparents’ Day will be held on Tuesday, November 21…Invite them!

It’s exciting to invite our grandparents to share some time with us at school.  This will be on Tuesday, November 21.  Please pass the word on and invite those special people! Grandparents should arrive that afternoon between 2-2:15, and we’ll gather in the gym, have some all-school time together, and then individual class activities will follow, until dismissal at the end of the school day (normal dismissal times of 3:20/3:30)



Need some CLA spirit gear?  The apparel store through JC Screenprinting is open again for the next several weeks.  Orders must be made by November 20 8 am … and items should be ready the first week of December (Christmas presents, anyone?)  All orders will be delivered to the school for pick-up, or you can pay to have them shipped directly to you (be sure to do this at time of order.)

Here’s the link to the store:

Help out with the needs of our community!

In case you didn’t see the flyer sent home recently, Mrs Angela Golden, our preschool teacher, is organizing a food drive to help our local food pantries in Hopedale, operated by the Living Hope and United Methodist Churches.  A box for donated food items is located inside the main door of the school.  Feel free to help! 

Also, now through December 1, we will have a box in the lobby collecting NEW packages of men’s socks and underwear for the Peoria Rescue Mission.  This will be in coordination with Living Hope’s Advent Concert on December 3rd (flyer attached in Lion Tales email) where a love offering will support the Mission.  We encourage you to help!

Christmas Program / Worship Service 

Mark your calendars!  CLA will hold its annual Christmas program/worship service at Living Hope Community Church on Thursday, December 14th at 7:00pm. This event is free of charge and open to friends and family! 

Additionally, we will also be hosting our annual Christmas dinner prior to the program- a wonderful home cooked meal prepared and served by our own CLA students.  Tickets will be $10 each- check your student’s backpack for an order form!  Tickets will be on sale until Thursday, December 7th.  If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Stribling at [email protected].

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

How exciting to host our first basketball games this week!  Our CLA athletics programs are a great combination of the CLA full-enrolled students and our connected home-school families.  It’s such a great time of fellowship, school spirit, and fun!  We started off with some great baseball and volleyball games this fall, and now we have cheerleaders and basketball players kicking off their seasons.  I’m so grateful for this collaboration.  Just be forewarned, if you haven’t been to a game, the bleachers fill up fast!  Hope to see you sometime in the gym!  Check out the Lion tales each week for upcoming games.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/10/23

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Nov 9 Veterans’ Day Assembly 8:45 am

Friday, Nov 10 No School - Veterans’ Day Observation

Tuesday, Nov 14 Basketball HOME Games with Faith Baptist 5:30 JH / 6:30 HS

Wednesday, Nov 15 Orders due for the PTF Thanksgiving Rolls orders

Monday, Nov 20 HOME Green vs White Basketball scrimmages (all teams) starting at 5:30

Tuesday, Nov 21 Grandparents’ Day Activities (2 pm - end of day)

Wed-Fri, Nov 22-24 No School - Thanksgiving Break

Saturday, Nov 25 Basketball HOME game High School team vs Delavan 10 am

Tuesday Nov. 21!

Grandparents’ Day will be held on Tuesday, November 21…Invite them!

It’s exciting to invite our grandparents to share some time with us at school.  This will be on Tuesday, November 21.  Please pass the word on and invite those special people! Grandparents should arrive that afternoon between 2-2:15, and we’ll gather in the gym, have some all-school time together, and then individual class activities will follow, until dismissal at the end of the school day (normal dismissal times of 3:20/3:30)



Need some CLA spirit gear?  The apparel store through JC Screenprinting is open again for the next several weeks.  Orders must be made by November 20 8 am … and items should be ready the first week of December (Christmas presents, anyone?)  All orders will be delivered to the school for pick-up, or you can pay to have them shipped directly to you (be sure to do this at time of order.)

Here’s the link to the store:

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

As the calendar turns to November, we often consider (as a certain holiday approaches) what we are thankful for.  I, too, have been thinking about what we are thankful for as a school.  Christian Life Academy is thankful for the combined efforts of our families and staff working towards the best for each student.  CLA is thankful for the buildings and spaces available for education to happen, and especially now with our expanded spaces!  But most of all, we are thankful that we can rest on God and His promise of faithfulness! May we continue to lift our thanks to Him!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/2/23

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Nov 9 Veterans’ Day Assembly 8:45 am (see invitation below)

Friday, Nov 10 No School - Veterans’ Day Observation

Tuesday, Nov 14 Basketball Home Games with Faith Baptist 5:30 JH / 6:30 HS

Wednesday, Nov 15 Orders due for the PTF Thanksgiving Rolls orders

Tuesday, Nov 21 Grandparents’ Day Activities (2 pm - end of day)

Wed-Fri, Nov 22-24 No School - Thanksgiving Break

Welcome! Veterans invited for recognition at CLA Thursday, November 9

Please pass the word along to friends and family who are Veterans of all branches of the US Armed Forces.  On Thursday, November 9, CLA will honor these friends in a brief ceremony in the school gymnasium.  We ask that Veterans ARRIVE between 8:15-8:30 am and we will have a recognition ceremony at 8:45 am.  We wish to say “thank you” in person to those who can attend.  Light refreshments will als be served to our visitors after the recognition ceremony.

Grandparents’ Day will be held on Tuesday, November 21…Invite them!

It’s exciting to invite our grandparents to share some time with us at school.  This will be on Tuesday, November 21.  Please pass the word on and invite those special people! Grandparents should arrive that afternoon between 2-2:15, and we’ll gather in the gym, have some all-school time together, and then individual class activities will follow, until dismissal at the end of the school day (normal dismissal times of 3:20/3:30)



Need some CLA spirit gear?  The apparel store through JC Screenprinting is open again for the next several weeks.  Orders must be made by November 20 8 am … and items should be ready the first week of December (Christmas presents, anyone?)  All orders will be delivered to the school for pick-up, or you can pay to have them shipped directly to you (be sure to do this at time of order.)

Here’s the link to the store:

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

Our staff had some discussion this week about details and plans for our Christmas Program held on December 14. I hope you have set aside this date on your calendar.  It got me excited for the upcoming season, for sure! As always, we’ll have a program, with dinner as an option (you’ll see information coming soon about tickets and table hosting).  But the greatest thing for me is remembering what we celebrate, through our gathering, our worship, the singing of carols, a message and some drama…. God sent His Son, Jesus, to the earth so that we might have new life in HIM!  What a great gift.  As we prepare for the upcoming holiday season, remember that we celebrate the Gift of God.  Praise the Lord that we can do this together!  


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales- 10/26/23

Upcoming Dates

Monday, Oct 30 PTF meeting 3:45 pm

Wednesday, Nov 1 Early Dismissal - 11:30 am 

Thursday, Nov 2 School Picture Day (morning)

Thursday, Nov 9 Veterans’ Day Assembly 8:45 am (see invitation below)

Friday, Nov 10 No School - Veterans’ Day Observation

Tuesday, Nov 21 Grandparents’ Day Activities (2 pm - end of day)

Wed-Fri, Nov 22-24 No School - Thanksgiving Break

What a GREAT Weekend!

Thank you all - Friends, Families, Students and Staff!  Life Days 2023 was a great success.  Details on the success of Life Days will come next week.

School Picture Day will be Thursday, November 2nd.  We are excited to have Amy Williams - LifePrint Photography (Minier) taking our school pictures this year.  We will have class pictures taken also, so we hope and expect for all students to be in attendance for picture day! Picture envelopes will be available next week.  Envelopes will be sent home with students.  Pictures for homeschool students will also be available - pick up an envelope at the school office, and come in the 9 am - 11 time frame on November 2nd!.

Veterans invited to CLA on Thursday, November 9

Please pass the word along to friends and family who are Veterans of all branches of the US Armed Forces.  On Thursday, November 9, CLA will honor these friends in a brief ceremony in the school gymnasium.  We ask that Veterans ARRIVE between 8:15-8:30 am and we will have a recognition ceremony at 8:45 am.  We wish to say “thank you” in person to those who can attend.  Light refreshments will als be served to our visitors after the recognition ceremony.

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

If you were not in attendance at the beginning of the Life Days live auction (last Saturday), you may have missed our recognition of the Slager family.  I wanted to take a few minutes in this space to share.  Our great friend, Jess Slager, passed away in December of 2022, and his passing left a space in our hearts that will be impossible to fill.  As we kicked off the auction, we shared a bit about Jess.  Here are a few of those words:

The second part of 1 Peter 4:11 says “If anyone serves, he should do so with the strength that God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.”  Jess Slager was a great example of this.  As described by former CLA teacher Maria Imig, Jess was “CLA’s Grandpa.”  He was a grandpa not only to his own children who attended here in the past, but also to the entire school.  It was Jess and his family that started the Life Days pork chop dinner. Jess bought and donated back the first of the famous raspberry pies at the auction.  Jess had a dream, now fulfilled, of a new building for high school students.  Jess was a part of all that God has allowed to happen at CLA.

We gifted the Slager family with some pictures - the one above is my favorite.  This is Jess Slager planting flowers in the bed at the front of the school - with a group of early CLA students who are now all in their twenties, some with families of their own.  The seeds that Jess planted at CLA will never be forgotten.  You can see the other pictures and our memories of Jess beside the message board in the hallway across from the main office.  A sculpture (tree) in Jess’s memory will be installed next summer in the high school.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/19/23- Life Days Edition!

Upcoming Dates

Fri-Sat, Oct 20-21 Life Days 2023!

Monday, Oct 23 No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences - look for a sign-up email!!

Monday, Oct 30 PTF meeting 3:45 pm

Thursday, Nov 2 School Picture Day (see note below)

IT’S LIFE DAYS WEEK! Excited to see you all this weekend!

Life Days 2023 Schedule of Events

Friday, October 20 

During school Kids’ ticket auction will be open for students at designated times

*PLEASE NOTE: Students that “stay” after school for Life Days must be accompanied

        by a parent or guardian on campus!

4-7 pm Kids Activities - Free - in the front lawn

Concessions Food available in the gym

Kids’ ticket auction open - winners drawn at 7 pm


Saturday, October 21 

8 am - 10 am Breakfast - $7 all you can eat - while supplies last

10 am - 12:30 pm Kids Activities - Free - in the front lawn

1 pm Lions Football Club game at Minier Westside Park. 

Admission $3 adult / $2 senior / kids free  Bring lawn chairs!

4 pm - 6 pm Pork Chop Dinner - $10 - while supplies last

4 pm Silent Auction - CLA Gym - will close after start of the live auction.

6:30 pm Live Auction - CLA Gym

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Will be held on Monday, October 23, so please look for an email from teachers to get signed up.  We ask that ALL parents meet with teachers so we can best partner with one another in the education of your children!  It’s a great time to meet and catch up, plan and encourage!  Depending on how the scheduling goes, there may need to be some time slots after school on the 24th-26th as well.  Thank you for your partnership!

School Picture Day will be Thursday, November 2nd.  We are excited to have Amy Williams - LifePrint Photography (Minier) taking our school pictures this year.  We will have class pictures taken also, so we hope and expect all students to be in attendance for picture day! Picture envelopes will be available next week.  Envelopes will be sent home with students.  Pictures for homeschool students will also be available - pick up an envelope at the school office, and come in the 9 am - 11 time frame on November 2nd!.

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

There is a definite “buzz” around the school today, as Life Days is “taking over” the gym… It will be a very busy weekend.  For those of you who have not experienced this HUGE event… be ready for a great time.  And get ready to see things you may have never seen before, like a pie worth thousands of dollars.  Yes, that’s correct.  You’ll see…  For those who have experienced Life Days, well, here it comes again!  

In all seriousness, Life Days is a fun and memorable time.  But the purpose of Life Days is to fellowship together, in support of the ministry of Christian Life Academy.  It’s for the students, the families.  It’s for our Lord and Savior.  I’m excited to share this time with you all!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/12/23

Upcoming Dates

Fri-Sat, Oct 13-14 Volleyball AWAY (High School) at ICCS Tournament

Monday, Oct 16 PTF meeting 3:45 pm

Fri-Sat, Oct 20-21 Life Days 2023!

Monday, Oct 23 No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences - look for a sign-up email!!

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Will be held on Monday, October 23, so please look for an email from teachers to get signed up.  We ask that ALL parents meet with teachers so we can best partner with one another in the education of your children!  It’s a great time to meet and catch up, plan and encourage!  Depending on how the scheduling goes, there may need to be some time slots after school on the 24th-26th as well.  Thank you for your partnership!

Life Days 2023 is coming up… get involved…Volunteers NEEDED!

 Life Days is something we ask ALL CLA families - preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, athletes, EVERYONE to get involved with.  BE SURE TO VISIT CLACADEMY.ORG for more information and to get involved!


Life Days requires an “all hands on deck” approach!  Well over 200 volunteer hours are needed (yes, that’s a lot!)  Please take a moment to click on this link to see all the different opportunities we have for you to volunteer, and sign up!

Previous action point: Get the word out!

Have you told your friends, church family, neighbors, and extended family about Life Days? There’s still time to tell others!

Chess Club!  Join the fun in October and November!

A flyer went home previously, but here’s the short version:  Mrs. Travis, our HS science and math teacher, will be having a chess club on Tues/Thurs afternoons immediately after school in Oct/Nov.  This is for 5th-12th graders, no chess experience required!  Mrs. Travis is asking for a $10 fee from participants to get the club going.   YOU are invited! Check out the flyer and contact [email protected] for more information!

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

Have you prayed for your childrens’ teachers today? For their classmates? I challenge you to make it a priority to pray daily for them!  What a joy it is to walk side-by-side with your families.  What a joy to work together toward the mission that God has (His mission) for each of us.  But don’t forget that we have the opportunity to intercede on behalf of our students, teachers, and classroom activities.  We are excited to know that God hears your prayers for CLA!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/5/23

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Oct 5 Volleyball HOME scrimmages Green v. White  5 pm / 6 pm

Fri-Mon, Oct 6-9 No School - Columbus/Indigenous People Day

Thursday, Oct 12 Volleyball Away (Junior High) at Concordia 5:30/6:30

Fri-Sat, Oct 13-14 Volleyball AWAY (High School) at ICCS Tournament

Fri-Sat, Oct 20-21 Life Days 2023!

Monday, Oct 23 No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences - look for a sign-up email!!

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES will be held on Monday, October 23, so please look for an email from teachers to get signed up.  We ask that ALL parents meet with teachers so we can best partner with one another in the education of your children!  It’s a great time to meet and catch up, plan and encourage!  Depending on how the scheduling goes, there may need to be some time slots after school on the 24th-26th as well.  Thank you for your partnership!

CLA is looking for a new staff member - can you help us find this person?

Sadly, our amazing 1st/2nd grades teacher, Mrs. Bachman, will need to depart our school due to a medical need.  Her last day will be Friday, October 13. We love Mrs. Bachman, and are saddened… but we are also now on the lookout for a new amazing teacher to fill this staff position at CLA.  If you know of anyone, please let us know or connect us.  The official posting of the position was last week and we currently are accepting applications.  Questions, please talk with Mr. Horning or Mrs. Bowman.  As in any transition, we want what is best for all of our students! So please pray!

CHANGE WARS: Congratulations students, YOU MET THE CHALLENGE & Mr. Horning ATE a PIE

The total brought in for the change wars sponsored by PTF was $1,567! Wow!  Since that total shattered the goal of $900 challenged by Mr. Horning… students were treated to Mr. Horning having a yummy strawberry pie on Wednesday morning!  Congratulations to Mrs. Travis’ high school classroom, who brought in over $500 in quarters.  Jonas Plattner was the honorary “pie guy.” How fun (and tasty).

The funds raised by PTF’s change wars will help greatly for many student activities and classroom expenses, field trips, and athletics opportunities.  Wonderful Job!

Life Days 2023 is coming up… get involved…Sell coffee, popcorn, pies!

 Life Days is something we ask ALL CLA families - preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, athletes, EVERYONE to get involved with.  BE SURE TO VISIT CLACADEMY.ORG for more information and to get involved!

LIFE DAYS 2023 ACTION POINT THIS WEEK: Pies, popcorn, coffee, oh my!

The last day to buy/sell the Life Days Store items (coffee, pies, popcorn) is Wednesday, October 11.  NOW is the time to get some items sold, or purchase some for yourself.  And don’t forget about breakfast and dinner tickets… if you haven’t taken care of the YELLOW PACKET your family received… please do!

Last week’s action point: Get the word out!

Have you told your friends, church family, neighbors, and extended family about LIfe Days? Large and small posters are available in the school office (you received one small last week).  

Previous action point: Sign up - VOLUNTEER - we still need volunteers!

Life Days requires an “all hands on deck” approach!  Well over 200 volunteer hours are needed (yes, that’s a lot!)  Please take a moment to click on this link to see all the different opportunities we have for you to volunteer, and sign up!

Previous action point: Identify a DONATION is still something to consider

Find a business that might make a donation, or consider selling an item to you at a reduced rate to donate.  Make a basket of items. Donate a gift certificate… Check with Mr. Horning if you have questions…We would like all donations to arrive by Wednesday, October 11th if possible. Many people have already donated something! Forms available in the office.

Chess Club!  Join the fun in October and November!

A flyer went homepreviously, but here’s the short version:  Mrs. Travis, our HS science and math teacher, will be having a chess club on Tues/Thurs afternoons immediately after school in Oct/Nov.  This is for 5th-12th graders, no chess experience required!  Mrs. Travis is asking for a $10 fee from participants to get the club going.   YOU are invited! Check out the flyer and contact [email protected] for more information!

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

I’ll keep this short… It’s a joy to walk side-by-side with you on this journey of following Christ.  I’m glad we are in this together!


         Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/28/23

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Sept 28 Volleyball HOME scrimmages Green v. White  5 pm / 6 pm 

Monday, Oct 2 LIONS FOOTBALL - “home game” at Eureka College 5:30 pm

Tuesday, Oct 3 Volleyball HOME games with ICCS 5:00 / 6:00

Thursday, Oct 5 Volleyball HOME scrimmages Green v. White  5 pm / 6 pm

Fri-Mon, Oct 6-9 No School - Columbus/Indigenous People Day

Monday, Oct 23 No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences - look for a sign-up email!!

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Will be held on Monday, October 23, so please look for an email from teachers to get signed up.  We ask that ALL parents meet with teachers so we can best partner with one another in the education of your children!  It’s a great time to meet and catch up, plan and encourage!  Depending on how the scheduling goes, there may need to be some time slots after school on the 24th-26th as well.  Thank you for your partnership!

CLA is looking for a new staff member - can you help us find this person?

Sadly, our amazing 1st/2nd grades teacher, Mrs. Bachman, will need to depart our school this fall due to a medical need.  We love Mrs. Bachman, and are saddened… but we are also now on the lookout for a new amazing teacher to fill this staff position at CLA.  If you know of anyone, please let us know or connect us.  The official posting of the position is happening today.  Questions, please talk with Mr. Horning or Mrs. Bowman.  As in any transition, we want what is best for all of our students! So please pray!

CHANGE WARS… Congratulations 3rd/4th/7th/8th Team


PTF is sponsoring our annual “change wars” fundraiser this month.  Last week our 3rd/4th/7th/8th group brought in the most dimes ($94.50) and the total change brought in is up to $417.57. Wow! Tomorrow is the last day for QUARTERS!  Keep bringing in the change! Mr. Horning announced a CHALLENGE - It’s Pie in the Face if we go over $900 total!!!

Pizza Ranch Fundraiser - This past Monday, Sept 25 - Thank you for your support!

The pizza was yummy, and the fellowship was great!  Thank you to the volunteers (teachers, students, families) who helped at the Pizza Ranch fundraiser on Monday.  Just over $487 was raised for our Tuition Assistance program which helps families afford to be a part of our school.  PLEASE NOTE:  We are looking for a volunteer to help organize future Pizza Ranch fundraisers, so if that person is YOU, please talk with Mr. Horning or Mrs. Gibson to get some details!

Life Days 2023 is coming up… get involved…Get the word out!!

 Life Days is something we ask ALL CLA families - preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, athletes, EVERYONE to get involved with.  We have more action points for you today! Please get involved!


Have you told your friends, your church family, your neighbors, your extended family… about Life Days?  Have you told them about kids activities? food? the homecoming football game? the auction?  If not, I challenge you to GET THE WORD OUT!  We have large (11x17) and small (8.5x11) posters that you can hang up.  They are available in the school office (you received one small one earlier this week).  Pass it on.  Let’s get people here on October 20-21!

Last week’s action point: Sign up - VOLUNTEER - we still need volunteers!

Life Days requires an “all hands on deck” approach!  Well over 200 volunteer hours are needed (yes, that’s a lot!)  Please take a moment to click on this link to see all the different opportunities we have for you to volunteer, and sign up!

Previous action point: Identify a DONATION is still something to consider

Find a business that might make a donation, or consider selling an item to you at a reduced rate to donate.  Make a basket of items. Donate a gift certificate… Check with Mr. Horning if you have questions…Some people have already donated something! Forms available in the office.

Chess Club!  Join the fun in October and November!

A flyer went home last week, but here’s the short version:  Mrs. Travis, our HS science and math teacher, will be having a chess club on Tues/Thurs afternoons immediately after school in Oct/Nov.  This is for 5th-12th graders, no chess experience required!  Mrs. Travis is asking for a $10 fee from participants to get the club going.   YOU are invited! Check out the flyer and contact [email protected] for more information!

Reminder about our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PLEASE NOTE: we are strictly keeping the purpose and membership of the Lions’ Den Facebook group for parents and grandparents only as we want to be very careful for the safety of our families. Others who do not fit the parent or grandparent category will not be approved for membership in this private group.  The public CLA Facebook page does not require membership, and you are welcome to share that page with friends, extended family and the public! Posts on the public page are shareable.  The private group posts are not shareable.  

From the Principal's Desk

Have you noticed that life can be difficult?  I sure have!  I have a burden for many families and individuals in our CLA community that are struggling with difficult circumstances currently.  I am so grateful that the God who loves us knows these situations.  Would you take a moment to pray (without knowing details) for those in our community that have a burden right now?  Thank you!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/22/23

Upcoming Dates

Monday, Sept 25 No School - Teacher in-service

Monday, Sept 25 PIZZA RANCH fundraiser night… 5-8 pm in MORTON! Mark your calendars!

Tuesday, Sept 26 Volleyball HOME games with Calvary Chillicothe 5 pm / 6 pm

Thursday, Sept 28 Volleyball HOME scrimmages Green v. White  5 pm / 6 pm 

Monday, Oct 2 LIONS FOOTBALL - “home game” at Eureka College 5:30 pm

CHANGE WARS… Congratulations 3rd/4th/7th/8th Team


PTF is sponsoring our annual “change wars” fundraiser this month.  Last week our 3rd/4th/7th/8th group brought in the most nickels ($32.35) and the total nickels amount was $112.55.  Our total is up to $172.68. Wow! Tomorrow is the last day for DIMES… next week it’s QUARTERS!  Keep bringing in the change! Mr. Horning announced a CHALLENGE - It’s Pie in the Face if we go over $900 total!!!

Life Days 2023 is coming up… get involved…POSTER attached!

 Life Days is something we ask ALL CLA families - preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, athletes, EVERYONE to get involved with.  A poster of activities is with today’s Lion Tales. We have more action points for you today! Please get involved!


Life Days requires an “all hands on deck” approach!  Well over 200 volunteer hours are needed (yes, that’s a lot!)  Please take a moment to click on this link to see all the different opportunities we have for you to volunteer, and sign up!

Last week’s action point: Identify a DONATION is still something to consider

Find a business that might make a donation, or consider selling an item to you at a reduced rate to donate.  Make a basket of items. Donate a gift certificate… Check with Mr. Horning if you have questions…Some people have already donated something! Forms available in the office.

Track it Forward - Every Family should register to get involved at CLA!

This year, CLA and the PTF will be using Track It Forward to host all of our volunteer signups- concessions, cinnamon/dinner rolls, Life Days, etc.   Please help us make this process a smooth transition by registering 1 person per family at the following link:  When you register, be sure to select “parent/family” for your registration.  Please only do one registration per family. Using Track It Forward will enable us to send text reminders as well as email reminders, help us track community service hours for middle school/high school students.  So select the person in your family that will most likely receive and respond to texts and emails!  Please note: Each family needs to create an account to participate/volunteer, which will be separate from your student's account that we use to track their hours. CLA relies on volunteers to help make events successful (which helps keep our costs down!), and our CLA families are an important part of that!

Pizza Ranch Fundraiser - September 25 - Diners and Volunteers needed

CLA will be having a fundraising night at the Morton Pizza Ranch on Monday, September 25th from 5:00-8:00.  Although we do not have school that day, we’d love to see you and your friends at Pizza Ranch that night.  Funds raised help with tuition assistance. Mrs Gibson organizes this night, and has created a sign up genius for students and parents to sign up to help bus tables.  Here is the link for that...

Chess Club!  Join the fun in October and November!

Please see the attached flyer of information… here’s the short version:  Mrs. Travis, our HS science and math teacher, will be having a chess club on Tues/Thurs afternoons immediately after school in her classroom.  This is for 5th-12th graders, no chess experience required!  Mrs. Travis is simply asking for a $10 fee from each participant to get the club going… and YOU are invited! Check out the flyer and contact [email protected] for more information!

Families - join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

GoGuardian Parent App

Parents- GoGuardian, our school's primary filtration program, has a parent app that will allow you to monitor your student's chromebook usage- convenient for after school hours. You can block sites, pause the internet, and more.  To sign up, please email Mrs. Stribling at [email protected] with your student's name and the email address(es) you wish to use.  You can find the GoGuardian Parent App in the app store for Android and Apple platforms.  *Please note- the GoGuardian PARENT app is different from the regular GoGuardian app that the school uses.  It is specifically labeled “GoGuardian Parent App.”  Make sure you download the correct one!  

From the Principal's Desk

Recently I have been reminded of the importance of JOY in our lives.  Remember, joy and happiness are not necessarily the same… we can have the JOY OF THE LORD even when there are times where our earthly happiness subsides.  My prayer for each of you is that amidst whatever is going on in your life, you are still able to sustain JOY in the Lord!  I love to share that joy with each of you!


        Mr. Horning