Lion Tales 10/31/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Monday, Nov. 4 No School - Teacher in-service

Tuesday, Nov. 5 No School - Election Day

Monday, Nov. 11 No School - Veterans Day

Mon-Fri, Nov. 25-29 No School - Thanksgiving Week

Thursday, Dec 19 CLA Christmas Program at Living Hope Community Church 7 pm

Look soon for information about the meal prior to the service!

Friday, Dec 20 11:30 Dismissal - Last day of school before Christmas Break

End of Quarter 2

Dec 21-Jan 6 No School - Christmas Break

Thanksgiving means PTF’s Yummy Rolls fundraiser!

Parent Teacher Fellowship will again have their annual Thanksgiving Rolls Fundraiser…Here’s what they have to say: Our homemade rolls have been a favorite for Holiday meals. Order some for your Thanksgiving Dinner or plan ahead for Christmas breakfast! *Please Note* Due to School being off the whole week of Thanksgiving we are recommending your rolls be put into the freezer and reheated for your gathering to optimize freshness. 

Order forms are going home today/tomorrow with students. Form must be turned in to the CLA office by end of day November 15. Rolls will be ready for pickup on Friday November 22 from 3-5:30 at Living Hope Church 326 NW Jefferson St, Hopedale. 

Prices: Dinner Rolls $9/doz and Cinnamon Rolls $18/doz.

The online order form is also available at this link:

Reminder - illnesses

As the seasons change, we know that sickness and recovery are a part of the school year. We’ve noticed some illnesses in various pockets of our school, as usual. This is just a reminder to be cautious, watch the health of your children, and keep them home if necessary. Attendance is important, but their health and the health of their classmates and teachers are also important! Remember, the rule of thumb is that students should be fever-free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. They also should not be currently experiencing symptoms of illness and coming to school. Recently the Tazewell County Health Department sent a letter recognizing walking pneumonia on the rise as something to watch for. Please keep our school office and your students’ teachers informed about your children’s health!

eSports Opportunity - enrolling now for spring!

This fall, CLA is piloting an eSports program at the high school level. Enrollment is open for the Spring semester for high school!  Game options range from  Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, or Splatoon 3 (all on the Nintendo Switch.)  Final game choice and number of teams will depend on the number of students interested and number of Switches available.  

Middle school students- are you interested in eSports? Please email Mrs. Stribling ([email protected]) to indicate your interest!  If we have enough interest and commitment, we can form a middle school team.  eSport commitment is typically 1-2 nights per week after school until around 5pm (based on the match schedule.)

**Enrollment and team formation for both high school and middle school levels must be determined PRIOR to Christmas break.**

Please note that eSports will follow athletic eligibility rules like our other extracurricular activities- so keeping up your grades matter!

Did you know… 

CLA CHESS and eSPORTS teams are already very successful!!

Currently, the pilot program team for eSports (four high school students) is ranked #17 in the state of Illinois out of over 80 teams that are competing weekly in Smash Bros. WOW!  Great Job!

The CLA Chess Club (high school team) recently competed in a match at Olympia High school and came away with two wins 50-8 and 44-14. GREAT! Keep up the great strategies, players!


  Sports Corner - Games Coming Soon!

Registration for winter sports has closed. Looking forward to basketball games beginning in mid November as basketball and cheer practices have begun!

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Want to know about CLA’s history! Did you catch the podcast yet? Read on…

WBNH (88.5 FM) has started a podcast called “Kingdom Happenings,” and asked me to be their first guest. What an honor! This interview happened prior to Life Days, but I lost the link in all the shuffle.  Oops. If you’d like to listen in, here’s the link. WBNH has been a great ministry partner of CLA for a long time and we are blessed to work with them!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/24/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Wednesday, Oct. 30 PTF (Parent-Teacher Fellowship) 2:00 pm in meeting room

Monday, Nov. 4 No School - Teacher in-service

Tuesday, Nov. 5 No School - Election Day

Monday, Nov. 11 No School - Veterans Day

Mon-Fri, Nov. 25-29 No School - Thanksgiving Week

LIFE DAYS 2024 was a great time of fellowship!

Thank you to all who participated in the great weekend - from the online auction, kids activities and meals, and all the way to the last bid of the live auction… what a great time! Results are still being tallied and a few items still to be picked up, but it looks like Life Days 2024 may have been our biggest one in history. What great fun, and fundraising. We appreciate all the support and are thankful for God’s blessings!


Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Game!  

Registration for winter sports has closed. Looking forward to basketball games beginning in mid Nov.

Next week - Winter sports practices begin.

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Wow. What Fun! I was so blessed to spend time with so many this past weekend at Life Days.  Whether it was watching the kids play, or the adults bid on the auction items, the joy of being together in support of this ministry at Christian Life Academy was evident. 

I also wanted to share with you that WBNH (88.5 FM) has started a podcast called “Kingdom Happenings,” and asked me to be their first guest. What an honor! This interview happened prior to Life Days, but I lost the link in all the shuffle.  Oops. If you’d like to listen in, here’s the link. WBNH has been a great ministry partner of CLA for a long time and we are blessed to work with them!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/17/24- Life Days Edition

LIFE DAYS IS HERE!  We are looking forward to EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!   Looks like great weather in preparation for great fun!


  • The ONLINE Auction (on FaceBook) will end at 6 pm Friday (tomorrow) night. Keep bidding… or if you haven’t started, there’s still time! A few new items were added just yesterday, and the bidding will get fierce I’m sure! (Read and play by the rules, of course!)

  • If you haven’t signed up to volunteer, what are you waiting for? There are still a few slots left 

SCHOOL PICTURES were taken today… if you missed it, you can get a picture taken at the LifePrint Studio in Minier… and be added to the class picture! Just contact Amy Williams ([email protected]), or check with the office.

Winter Sports for grades 5-12 will kick off at the end of October.  The deadline for signing up is next Wednesday, October 23rd.  Check your emails and the sports section of Lion Tales for information!

Reminders… There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Volunteer Opportunities - Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

  • We are looking for a basketball coach for our 5th/6th grade team this year.  If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Mr. Horning.  Basketball season begins in late October and we would love to have our coaches in place and trained in doing sports God’s way!!

  • If you have a special talent that you would like our staff to know about, maybe it is an opportunity to get involved and volunteer!  Contact the office or your child’s teacher!


Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Game!  

Thurs, Oct 17 HS Volleyball at Calvary Christian Academy (Normal) 6 pm JV / 7 pm V

October 23 Deadline to register for Winter Sports

October 28 Winter sports practices begin 

Winter Sports - Cheer and Basketball - Sign up link: 

BE SURE to READ and UNDERSTAND all information about sports BEFORE signing up!

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!! Yes, Life Days is a fundraiser. We count on it for about 10% of our operational budget each year - that’s a big deal! But from the very (humble) beginnings in 2008, Life Days has also always been about fellowship - about spending time with the “family” that Christian Life Academy becomes each year.  If this is your first Life Days, welcome… and get ready. It’s a pretty big thing.  But don’t miss the opportunities to visit and fellowship with one another. Life Days gives an opportunity to spend time with one another.  That’s important in every family! See you this weekend!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/10/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Fri-Mon, Oct 11-14 No School - Indigenous Peoples / Columbus Day Weekend

Friday, October 18 End of First Quarter

Fri-Sat, Oct 18-19 Life Days 2024!

Monday, October 21 No School - Parent Teacher Conferences

LIFE DAYS IS JUST OVER A WEEK AWAY!  We are looking forward to EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!   Link to volunteer (we still have some needs) Find your spot to help! Any items for the auctions should be turned in ASAP!!!


  • The ONLINE Auction (on FaceBook) will kick off this weekend.  I’m looking forward to everyone getting involved and some friendly banter online as the bids are placed and comments are made! Have fun!

  • If you haven’t turned in items or ticket requests for the meals, do that as soon as possible.  The final preparations will be happening soon…

  • If you haven’t signed up to volunteer, what are you waiting for?

Just a week remaining in fall sports… and Winter Sports will kick off at the end of October.  The deadline for signing up is Wednesday, October 23rd.  Check your emails and the sports section of Lion Tales for information!

Reminders… There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Volunteer Opportunities - Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

  • We are looking for a basketball coach for our 5th/6th grade team this year.  If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Mr. Horning.  Basketball season begins in late October and we would love to have our coaches in place and trained in doing sports God’s way!!

  • If you have a special talent that you would like our staff to know about, maybe it is an opportunity to get involved and volunteer!  Contact the office or your child’s teacher!


Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Game!  

Thurs-Sat, Oct 10-12 HS teams (JV and V) playing in Washington ICCS Tournament

Mon, Oct 14 MS Volleyball at Bethel Lutheran (Morton) 5:30 pm / 6:30 pm

Tues, Oct 15 HS Volleyball HOME vs Calvary (Chillicothee) 5 pm JV / 6 pm V

Thurs, Oct 17 HS Volleyball at Calvary Christian Academy (Normal) 6 pm JV / 7 pm V

October 23 Deadline to register for Winter Sports

October 28 Winter sports practices begin 

Winter Sports - Cheer and Basketball - Sign up link: 

BE SURE to READ and UNDERSTAND all information about sports BEFORE signing up!

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Special Chapel on Tuesday, October 15! The middle school worship elective group, led by Mrs. Waggoner, will be sharing a skit and a song during Tuesday’s chapel.  I’m excited to hear what they have to share, and to continue to listen to the Lord together as He calls us to ABIDE in HIM.  As always, parents are welcome to join in for chapels.  8:30 is the start time.  You’ll be blessed by their contribution!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/3/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Fri-Mon, Oct 11-14 No School - Indigenous Peoples / Columbus Day Weekend

Friday, October 18 End of First Quarter

Fri-Sat, Oct 18-19 Life Days 2024!

Monday, October 21 No School - Parent Teacher Conferences

LIFE DAYS IS JUST 2 WEEKS AWAY!  We are looking forward to EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!  Mark October 18-19 on your calendar.  Link to volunteer Find your spot to help! Also, the Parent Response Form was due a few days ago…but we’ll still take it! 


Congratulations to TEAM #4 (7th/8th grades), who brought in the most

quarters ($311.25 = 1245 quarters!).  Together, over the past four weeks,

$1,152.81 was brought in - pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters! WOW


have a special celebration, involving a “Human Sundae….” I wonder what 

that might be all about!  EVERYONE is invited to come… it will be a “TREAT” and will be less than 20 minutes of some interesting fun.  Well done, students!

Just a few weeks remaining in fall sports… and Winter Sports will kick off at the end of October.  The deadline for signing up is Wednesday, October 23rd.  Check your emails and the sports section of Lion Tales for information!

Reminders… There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Volunteer Opportunities - Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

  • We are looking for a basketball coach for our 5th/6th grade team this year.  If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Mr. Horning.  Basketball season begins in late October and we would love to have our coaches in place and trained in doing sports God’s way!!

  • If you have a special talent that you would like our staff to know about, maybe it is an opportunity to get involved and volunteer!  Contact the office or your child’s teacher!

Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Home or Away Game!

Thursday, October 3 HS volleyball games at Delavan 5:30 JV / 6:30 V

MS volleyball games at South Side Christian (Peoria) 5:00 / 6:00

Monday, October 7 HOME MS volleyball games with Concordia Lutheran 5:00 / 6:00

Tuesday, October 8 HOME HS volleyball games with FBCA Rosamond 5:30/6:30

Thurs-Sat, Oct 10-12 HS teams (JV and V) playing in Washington ICCS Tournament

Winter Sports - Cheer and Basketball - Sign up link: 

BE SURE to READ and UNDERSTAND all information about sports BEFORE signing up!

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Walk in His Ways! The focus of our chapels the past few weeks has been how “being connected to Jesus gives us direction for our lives today.” Are you regularly staying connected to Jesus? Are you meeting with him and with other Christians on a regular basis?  How can you find even more opportunities to weave this time into your schedule? It’s a great series of questions to consider! I so enjoy walking side-by-side with so many of you in this endeavor!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/26/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Monday, September 30 Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) meeting, 2:00 - meeting room / main building

Fri-Mon, Oct 11-14 No School - Indigenous Peoples / Columbus Day Weekend

Friday, October 18 End of First Quarter

Fri-Sat, Oct 18-19 Life Days 2024!

Monday, October 21 No School - Parent Teacher Conferences

LIFE DAYS IS JUST 3 WEEKS AWAY!  We are looking forward to EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!  Mark October 18-19 on your calendar. 

Link to volunteer

Find your spot to help! Also, please remember the Parent Response Form is due on October 1st. 


Congratulations to TEAM #1 (PreK/K/HS Travis ) who brought the most

dimes… So far nearly $500 has been raised, and the QUARTERS are 

generally the biggest week.  It’s looking good for the new water fountain!

Reminders… There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

GoGuardian Parent App- links

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Volunteer Opportunities - Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

  • We are looking for a basketball coach for our 5th/6th grade team this year.  If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Mr. Horning.  Basketball season begins in late October and we would love to have our coaches in place and trained in doing sports God’s way!!

  • If you have a special talent that you would like our staff to know about, maybe it is an opportunity to get involved and volunteer!  Contact the office or your child’s teacher!

Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Home or Away Game!

Thursday, Sept 26 MS Cross Country at Illini Central 4:00

Friday, Sept 27 HOME Volleyball games with Midwest Highlighters 6:00 JV 7:00 V

JH will have a scrimmage prior to these games

Tuesday, October 1 HOME volleyball games with ICCS 5:00 JH / 6:00 V

Thursday, October 3 HS volleyball games at Delavan 5:30 JV / 6:30 V

Winter Sports include MS/HS Cheer and Basketball - Sign up for these coming NEXT WEEK.

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Attaway! If you’ve attended many CLA sporting events, you are probably aware of the “attaway” postgame activity.  The goal is to identify actions that are God-honoring, recognizing great attitude and effort during the games.  The intention is to remove our focus from the scoreboard and firmly plant that focus on playing (and doing everything in life) for the Lord.  We have had several volleyball games this week, with more to come tomorrow night, so we’ve had lots of attaways.  My favorite part of the games on Tuesday were how two teams who had just competed well on the court gathered together and encouraged one another after the games.  So here’s how it goes:  “I loved the way you encouraged me in the game!”  “Hey friend” “Go friend” “Attaway!”  (with lots of clapping and cheering, of course).  Let’s make sure we do that in all areas of life - glory to God, and “Attaway!” for great attitude and effort in life!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/19/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Saturday, September 21 Board of Directors’ Meeting 7:30 am

Monday, September 23 No School - staff in-service day

LIFE DAYS IS JUST 4 WEEKS AWAY!  We are looking forward to EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!  Be sure to mark October 18-19 (and weeks leading up to this) on your calendar.  It’s a BIG DEAL for CLA and the community!  The link to volunteer is - find your spot!

The Parent Response Form you received last week is due on October 1st.  Please complete!


Congratulations to TEAM #3 (3rd/4th/5th/6th) who brought the most

pennies and nickels… So far nearly $200 has been raised, and the

higher value coins are yet to be counted! NEXT WEEK… QUARTERS!

Reminders… There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

GoGuardian Parent App- links

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Volunteer Opportunities - Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

We are looking for a basketball coach for our 5th/6th grade team this year.  If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Mr. Horning.  Basketball season begins in late October and we would love to have our coaches in place and trained in doing sports God’s way!!

  • If you have a special talent that you would like our staff to know about, maybe it is an opportunity to get involved and volunteer!  Contact the office or your child’s teacher!

Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Home or Away Game!

Thursday, Sept 19 HS Volleyball at ICCS Washington  JV 5:00 / V 6:00

Baseball at Morton United - Westwood Park  4:15

MS Cross Country at Tremont  4:15

Monday, Sept 23 HOME Volleyball games with Excel Christian JH 5:00 / JV 6:00

Tuesday, Sept 24 HOME Volleyball games with Bethel Lutheran JH 5:00/6:00

Thursday, Sept 26 MS Cross Country at Illini Central 4:00

Winter Sports include MS/HS Cheer and Basketball - Sign up for these coming early October.

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

In everything, recognize the Lord! Recently, if you walked on the sidewalk entering the grade school building, you may have seen some chalk decorations.  While the colorful drawings were great, I took notice that the words were recognizing God’s sovereignty.  What a blessing to see “GOD” highlighted in sidewalk chalk.  Thank you to the artists for recognizing the source of all love, joy and peace!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/12/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Saturday, September 21 Board of Directors’ Meeting 7:30 am

Monday, September 23 No School - staff in-service day

LIFE DAYS IS JUST 5 WEEKS AWAY!  With this Lion Tales, we are including a digital file of a poster as well as the donation sheet.  Tomorrow in backpacks you’ll see more information as well as an email with a link to volunteer.  We are looking forward to EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!  Be sure to mark October 18-19 (and weeks leading up to this) on your calendar.  It’s a BIG DEAL for CLA and the community!  


Congratulations to Pennies winner TEAM #3 (3rd/4th/5th/6th)

So far over $85 has been raised, and that was just with the pennies.  

With nickels, dimes and quarters yet to come, that will go way up!

Reminders… There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

GoGuardian Parent App- links

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Chess Club Starts Monday, September 16!

Practices will be held from 3:30 to 5 pm on Mondays and Thursdays whenever school is in session.  We will meet at the CLA high school. Mrs. Travis, along with help from Mr. Travis and Mrs. Stribling, will lead the club.  We are starting to get some matches lined up.  On days of matches there will not be practice.  The fee will be $10 per player.  If you wish to join the club, please sign up with the app "TeamReach" and use the code clachess24.  

Volunteer Opportunities - Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

  • We are looking for a basketball coach for our 5th/6th grade team this year.  If you are interested, please contact Mr. Horning.  Basketball season begins in late October and we would love to have our coaches in place and trained in doing sports God’s way!!

  • If you have a special talent that you would like our staff to know about, maybe it is an opportunity to get involved and volunteer!  Contact the office or your child’s teacher!

Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Home or Away Game!

Friday, Sept 13 HOME Baseball game (8th grade night!) with TC United  4:30 

Saturday, Sept 14 HS Varsity volleyball tournament at Rosamond- Faith Bible Christian Academy

Monday, Sept 16 MS Volleyball at Concordia Lutheran in Peoria  5:00 / 6:00

Tuesday, Sept 17 HOME HS Volleyball with Faith Baptist JV 5:00 / V 6:00

Thursday, Sept 19 HS Volleyball at ICCS Washington  JV 5:00 / V 6:00

Baseball at Morton United - Westwood Park  4:15

MS Cross Country at Tremont  4:15

Winter Sports include MS/HS Cheer and Basketball - Sign up for these coming early October.

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Competing for the Lord!  Have you had the opportunity to watch any CLA sports teams this fall?  If not, you are missing out on a treat.  I have truly enjoyed what I’ve seen, and a highlight was last Friday when South Side Christian Academy came to CLA for what was their school’s FIRST EVER sports competition.  Our middle school girls, led by coach Kierra Riggenbach, gave them a great experience, and the “atta-way” sessions after the games were the best part.  Building relationships with players and families from other schools is a blessing!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 

3 John 4


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/5/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Monday, September 9 All-School Open House 3:30-6 / New Family Welcome Dinner 5:30

Saturday, September 21 Board of Directors’ Meeting 7:30 am

Monday, September 23 No School - staff in-service day

OPEN HOUSE! All families are invited to see what’s been going on in the classrooms!  Visit your child’s classroom between 3:30 - 6:00 pm on Monday, September 9. Just “drop in” and get a peek into the CLA day!

LIFE DAYS IS JUST 6 WEEKS AWAY!  You’ll soon see things rolling out about volunteering, getting donations, and just EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!  Be sure to mark October 18-19 (and weeks leading up to this) on your calendar.  It’s a big deal for CLA and the community!  Want to help lead?  Contact Mr. Horning to help shape Life Days!


Pennies winner announced MONDAY


Reminders… There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

  • Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

  • Safety in the Parking Lot is important!  Please be super observant and watchful.  If possible, we prefer to AVOID students walking across the parking lot, so do use the pick-up lane as much as possible!

  • Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

  • GoGuardian Parent App- links

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Chess Club Starts Monday, September 16!

Practices will be held from 3:30 to 5 pm on Mondays and Thursdays whenever school is in session.  We will meet at the CLA high school. Mrs. Travis, along with help from Mr. Travis and Mrs. Stribling, will lead the club.  We are starting to get some matches lined up.  On days of matches there will not be practice.  The fee will be $10 per player.  If you wish to join the club, please sign up with the app "TeamReach" and use the code clachess24.  

Volunteer Opportunities - Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

  • CLA @ Morton Pumpkin Festival - volunteer with other CLA families/students

    • Still a few spaces for the dishwashing crew at Pumpkin Festival!  The time frame for volunteering is Thursday, September 12 from 4-7 pm in Morton.  Contact Mr Horning ([email protected]) or Mr. Sisson ([email protected]) to get involved!

    Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Home or Away Game!

  • Thursday, September 5

    • HS volleyball games at Calvary Chillicothe 5:00 / 6:00

    • Baseball game at Corpus Christi 4:30

    • JH Cross Country at Olympia 4:00

  • Friday, September 6

    • HOME JH volleyball games with South Side Christian Academy 5:00 / 6:00

    • Baseball game at Greenview, 4:30

  • Tuesday, September 10

    • SPORTS PICTURES - 2:45-4:00 all individual athletes come for a picture!

    • Baseball game at Delavan 6:30 pm under the lights!

  • Saturday, September 14

    • HS Varsity volleyball tournament at Rosamond- Faith Bible Christian Academy

Winter Sports include MS/HS Cheer and Basketball - Sign up for these coming early October.

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

Get involved!  At Christian Life Academy, we value everyone getting involved in their children’s education.  That doesn’t just mean checking if they have their homework done… it also includes being a part of some of the events, activities, and extra stuff that we do here!  If you are looking for a way to get involved, what better way than to visit during the OPEN HOUSE on Monday, September 9th… and then sign up to be a part of the LIFE DAYS event in October.  Ask me about how to get involved!  We want to walk side-by-side with you on this journey!

“I have no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth.” 

3 John 4


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 8/29/24

Upcoming Dates on the School Calendar

Monday, September 2 No School - Labor Day Holiday

Monday, September 9 All-School Open House 3:30-6 / New Family Welcome Dinner 5:30

Saturday, September 21 Board of Directors’ Meeting 7:30 am

Reminders and things Coming Up Soon - Be Ready!

There are always a few items to remember, learn for the first time, or re-learn!  Here’s a brief list of some things that might be important to remember or are coming up soon:

Drop off and Pick Up - We ask our PRE-K FAMILIES to wait until 8:30 to park (pull-in) in front of the preschool door.  Our K-8 families use this lane for drop off right up until 8:30!  This will avoid congestion in the busiest 8:15-8:30 time frame.

Safety in the Parking Lot is important!  Please be super observant and watchful.  If possible, we prefer to AVOID students walking across the parking lot, so do use the pick-up lane as much as possible!

Absences - please inform the school regarding absences as soon as possible by calling the school office at 309-449-3346 main office, or call/text Mrs Stribling (HS).  You may also want to email teachers regarding absences and pickup of schoolwork.  In doubt, do both!

GoGuardian Parent App- links

LIFE DAYS IS JUST 7 WEEKS AWAY!  You’ll soon see things rolling out about volunteering, getting donations, and just EVERYONE being a BIG PART of a BIG EVENT!  Be sure to mark October 18-19 (and weeks leading up to this) on your calendar.  It’s a big deal for CLA and the community!  Want to help lead?  MEETING 3:30-4:15 pm Wednesday, Sept 4!

Volunteer Opportunities - Always something to help with!

Keep your eyes on these opportunities and get involved!

CLA @ Morton Pumpkin Festival - volunteer with other CLA families/students

Still a few spaces for the dishwashing crew at Pumpkin Festival!  The time frame for volunteering is Thursday, September 12 from 4-7 pm in Morton.  Contact Mr Horning ([email protected]) or Mr. Sisson ([email protected]) to get involved!

Music Lessons - Piano and Violin

Mrs. Waggoner is offering private lessons that happen during the school year.  If you’d like to get involved right away, contact her at 309-840-1068 or [email protected].  She’s offering 30 minute piano ($20) and violin ($25) on a weekly basis Wednesday afternoon (during school) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (after school).

Chess team is launching soon!

 Last year was so much fun.  We will be adding a few official matches this year for both junior high and high school.  In fact, matches will begin late September!  Many students are asking when we can start, which is awesome!  Practices will be starting mid-September.  Look for emails soon with official practice dates and times.  On that note, I am in need of an extra adult to shepherd this group now and again, especially during September.  If any parents would be available to assist, please let me know as soon as possible - Jenny Travis [email protected].  See you all soon!

Sports Calendar - Join the Lions at a Home or Away Game!

Thursday, August 29 Baseball game at South Pekin (Koch Street Complex) 4:15

JH/JV Volleyball games at Rosamond FBCA 5:30/6:30

Friday, August 30 JH/JV/V Volleyball games at Galesburg MW Highlighters 5:00/6:00/7:00

Monday, September 2 Baseball HOME game with Carroll Catholic 3:30 pm

Tuesday, September 3 HOME HS volleyball games with Illini Central 5:00 / 6:00

Thursday, September 5 HS volleyball games at Calvary Chillicothe 5:00 / 6:00

Baseball game at Corpus Christi 4:30

JH Cross Country at Olympia 4:00

Friday, September 6 HOME JH volleyball games with South Side Christian Academy 5:00 / 6:00

Winter Sports include MS/HS Cheer and Basketball - Sign up for these coming early October.

Spring Sports include HS baseball and MS/HS track - Sign up for these coming in February

From the Principal's Desk

The Gospel.  The Good News about Jesus and His life, death and resurrection which gives us opportunity for life and hope.  That’s what I’ve been sharing in the past few chapels.  If we are to abide with Christ, we first must know Him as our Savior.  This is something we do on a regular basis at Christian Life Academy - share the gospel with the students.  We are so glad to partner with your family in this way.  If you have any questions, or if you’d like to know more about knowing Jesus, I’d love to talk with you!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…

that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

John 3:16


        Mr. Horning