Lion Tales 8/20/2020-First Day of School!

The first day of school!

This edition of Lion Tales celebrates the start of school…  If you have any questions or need to contact someone at the school, please try any of the following:

Office - Mrs. Westley -  [email protected] or [email protected] or call 309-449-3346

Principal - Mr. Horning - [email protected], 309-267-8781 

You are also welcome to talk directly with teachers… let’s communicate well this year!

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, August 20 Baseball practice 3:30-5:15

Saturday, August 22 Middle School Baseball games at 10 am (ball field #3 behind school)

Baseball players, please arrive for warmups at 9:00

Monday, August 24 First Day for PreK (8:45-11:15 am)

Baseball AWAY game at Morton - depart CLA 3:00

Tuesday, August 25 Baseball practice

Thursday, August 27 Baseball HOME game

A reminder about “after school” student presence at school

There are some changes that we have to make as a requirement for health and safety.  In the past, we had some options for “older students” grades 6-HS to have some flexibility in the time after school is released.  This is no longer available.  Students who are not picked up at regular dismissal time will have the following options:

  • K-6 students must be signed in (with a reserved spot ahead of time) to AFTER SCHOOL CARE if they remain at school.  If you have not already done so, please sign up (sheet in lobby/email Mrs. Westley) if this is something your family needs.

  • 5-HS who are on a SPORTS TEAM - fall sports at this time include 5th-8th boys baseball, and a 5th-HS running club may take shape.  Participants should change and report directly to the ball field/running area.

  • any additional MS and HS students, if not picked up immediately after school, must be signed in at one of the following placesA) in a MS classroom - this must always be pre-arranged with a teacher, not a drop-inB) at daycare - students remain in the hallway area at a desk if daycare is inside, and must remain under supervision of the daycare teacher at ALL TIMES.  Students may not be anywhere else in the building, and may not be on the playground or anywhere on school grounds unsupervised.

  • PLEASE NOTE…it is important that students are picked up in a timely manner.  If we begin to see too many students in our daycare program (exceeding 20 total students daily overall, including our regular Olympia daycare) we will have to add paid staff, and thus begin to charge daycare fees for all students not picked up at the end of the school day.  Please respect the families who NEED this after school program and the benefits to their family.  

We are encouraging ALL families to be prompt and courteous of our staff when it comes to picking up children.  We need to keep a “tighter ship” here at campus, and have responsibility for the health/safety of all the students, so any “loose reins” on student movement are difficult!  Thank you for your partnership.

Reflections and reminders after one day….  

There are many more, but here are some highlights: 

It was DIFFERENT… but in many ways THE SAME reflecting on the first day, it was surely different, but yet there were many “the sames” as first days in the past.  Students still had pictures taken - even Mr. Horning got involved with some of them!  We checked temperatures and used hand sanitizer as a different routine, but the smiles and excitement, the nervous energy, the “newness” was still the same.  We are so excited to have our students here!

NEW RHYTHMS   yes, there are many new things to get used to, but it’s exciting to see our community becoming familiar so quickly with drop off procedures, pickup, lunchtime, how the office works differently, and so much more.  It will take time, but we will find our rhythms as a school community!

OUTSIDE CLASSROOMS   a few of the supplies for additional outdoor spaces are arriving today or tomorrow.  We will have four structures in place by the beginning of next week, hopefully.  Today, we already had a good amount of outdoor “fresh air” time!  Of course, weather will become an issue some days, but God blessed us today with a beautiful first day.

MASKS  We are so pleased with the way students are handling this new and different situation! Just a reminder that different classrooms will have different ways of working with students and situations where they have a mask break.  Our goal is to keep everyone safe.  Thank you for your partnership with our staff!


  • We will need several volunteers on Monday/Wednesday in the time period after school - likely an hour or so (2:45-3:45, or a team could choose later in the evening) each of those days.  Our regular cleaning staff is scheduled Tues/Thur/weekends.

  • We always welcome help in many areas, but cleaning/disinfection is a key area this year.

  • If you would be willing and available to be a part of a regular cleaning/disinfection team, please contact Mrs. Westley at [email protected] or Mr. Horning at [email protected]

From the Principal's Desk

The first day of school happened today!  That’s thirteen “first days” for Christian Life Academy.  Praise the Lord for HIS provision.  And thank you, families, for partnering with us in this new year.  The theme to start off our year comes from Joshua 1:9...  “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  The opportunities to be fearful, to lack courage and strength, and to be discouraged were ever-present as we got ready for this year.  And the opportunity to fall into those fears and feelings will keep coming, we know.  BUT GOD IS WITH US.  We have the great opportunity to TRUST HIM. Let’s together rest in HIS PROMISE to be with us as we embark on this school year together.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 7/30/2020-Almost Back to School edition!

Lion Tales is back…

For those of you who have been CLA families in the past, you are hopefully familiar with “Lion Tales” as our regular weekly newsletter during the school year.  We are beginning the 2020-2021 school year soon, and have decided to use the weekly Lion Tales as we prepare for a very different year!  In this weekly newsletter (Thursday or Friday each week) we will try to give updates, information, schedules and more as we prepare for a return to school in just three short weeks! If you have any questions or need to contact someone at the school in the next few weeks, please try any of the following:

Office - Mrs. Westley -  [email protected] or [email protected] or call 309-449-3346

Principal - Mr. Horning - [email protected], 309-267-8781 

Upcoming Dates

Monday, August 10 Registration Completion at the school office

Thurs-Fri Aug 13-14 Boot camp for new Middle School/High School students from 2-3:30pm

Tues-Wed, Aug 18-19 Orientation sessions Tuesday Aug 18 from 5:30-6:30pm, Wednesday Aug 19

                                        from 10-11am AND 5:30-6:30pm. Please look for an email regarding orientation 

sign-ups in the 2nd week of August.                              

Thursday, August 20 First Day of School (full day for K-HS)

Monday, August 24 First Day for PreK

More detailed information will be coming from the different grade levels soon! Please look for emails from Mrs. Bowman (K-1), Mrs. Adams (2nd), Miss Hopkins/Mrs. Gibson (3rd-4th), Mrs. Young/Mrs. Gillis (5th-8th), and Mrs. Stribling (High School).

Welcome teachers and staff to new and changing roles!

We are excited to introduce several new staff members and teachers to the CLA family for the upcoming year. Many of these individuals have been with us in the past, but are changing roles.  

  • Mrs. Wendy Westley is our new office manager and administrative assistant.  Many of you have already worked with Mrs. Westley this summer through enrollment and paperwork.  

  • Mrs. Lisa Adams will be our new 2nd grade lead teacher, as the 2nd grade homeroom in the mornings each day and teaching the core 2nd grade subjects.  Mrs. Adams has been familiar with CLA, as she did some student teaching several years ago in our classrooms.  

  • Mrs. Kristi Espenschied, who began last spring in a learning support role, will now be working in an increased role in middle school and high school learning support.  

  • Mr. Darrell Stribling will be adding to his Bible teaching role from last year, and will now be teaching middle and high school Bible along with additional high school responsibilities.  

  • Mrs. Lauren Gibson and Miss Marie Hopkins will now be sharing the role of 3rd/4th grade lead teacher.  Miss Hopkins will be reducing her overall time but will continue to work closely with our reading support program. Mrs. Gibson will now have the 3rd/4th grade homeroom.

What a great staff we have at Christian Life Academy! We are so glad to have amazing teachers work with our students.  God has blessed us greatly with them.

Enrollment / Potential New Families

If you have been in conversation with any families that are interested in joining CLA, we ask that you get them in contact with us ASAP! Our enrollment numbers are changing weekly, even daily, and we need to watch this carefully with our number restrictions.  Early is best, now is better!

Annual, Semester or Monthly tuition payments

Tuition payments are coming due! Annual or Semester payment should be made as soon as possible. For families who are on the annual, semester or monthly payment plan, tuition payments may be mailed to the school: PO Box 235, Hopedale, IL 61747.  The first payment should be made as soon as possible (first of each month for monthly plan).  Or, they can be dropped off at the school anytime in the mail drop at the main entrance. In general, there will be someone in the office 10 am - 4 pm many days as well.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Westley or Mr. Horning.  Thank You!

Chromebook Purchase or Rental payments (5th grade and up)

**There are a few K-4 parents who purchased chromebooks as well.**

Parents, please be prepared to pay for your student’s chromebook this year. 

  • If you are renting, please bring $65 to cover your rental.

  • If you are purchasing, please bring your deposit ($100 for one device or $175 for two devices)

  • If you are bringing your own device, please bring $30 to cover the cost of your Google license.  Mrs. Stribling will contact you to schedule a time to have it installed.

 We will plan on distributing chromebooks at orientation on August 13th-14th, but we will not be able to distribute chromebooks if we have not received your deposit!

If you have a student in 5th-12th grades and you need a device, please contact Mrs. Stribling at [email protected] as soon as possible.  We have a limited number of devices available for rent on a first come, first serve basis.

Ways we are preparing for the new school year….  

There are many more, but here are some highlights: 

OUTSIDE CLASSROOMS   We have been working with and testing ideas for outdoor classroom times (where students will not need to wear masks). In preparation for this, you will want to consider that outside seating will be needed, and the plan for this varies by grade level/age.

  • K-2nd: Should bring a beach towel or small mat to sit on (with name on towel/mat as well as a bag to keep it in, with student name)

  • 3rd-4th: May bring a beach towel (with name and bag with name on it to keep it in) OR may bring a simple camp/lawn chair (with name on chair and bag to hold chair with name on it).  Chairs should not have extras like foot stools or rockers.

  • Middle School:  May bring a beach towel (with name and bag with name on it to keep it in) OR may bring a simple camp/lawn chair (with name on chair and bag to hold chair with name on it).  Chairs should not have extras like foot stools or rockers.  The “simple” chairs will be stored in lockers or on hooks in the hall.


MASKS  A mask holder around necks will be provided (these will work well for masks with loops)

  • We also suggest parents take their students with them on errands so that they can practice wearing their masks.  Please also speak with them about wearing masks correctly (being over both the nose and mouth).

  • Masks should follow similar guidelines for school apparel (school appropriate) and we will ask that masks will not distract others.  Plain masks with a solid color, or a non-distracting pattern are recommended.  If you have any questions, please ask!


CLEANING/DISINFECTING  We are working on a regular daily plan, and we will encourage families who are able to help

  • We will need several volunteers on Monday/Wednesday in the time period after school - likely an hour or so each of those days.  Our regular cleaning staff is scheduled Tues/Thur/weekends.

  • We always welcome help in many areas, but cleaning/disinfection is a key area this year.

  • If you would like to be a part of a regular cleaning/disinfection team, please contact Mrs. Westley at [email protected] or Mr. Horning at [email protected]

From the Principal's Desk

My prayer for quite some time now has been that the Lord will guide us through a summer (and upcoming school year) that is so different from any one that we know.  We need to be reminded that these plans need to be GOD’s plans, not ours!  Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”  I do not want, in any way, for our plans at CLA to go in a direction that the LORD will not establish.  Would you pray with me these next weeks that our steps would be established in HIS way!  


         Mr. Horning

Lion Tales- End of the School Year!

CLA Community,

 We are nearing the end of what has seemed to be a long and winding road for the 2019-2020 school year.  This email has a few updates, links, etc that I'll ask you to read through and give your attention.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions, thoughts or concerns as the school year comes to an end.  If you didn't get a chance to see/participate with chapel this morning, I'd encourage you to watch -  I shared from Revelation 1:8 - a reminder that our Lord is eternal.  Thankfully I don't believe our current situation is eternal! We can trust the Lord to continue to carry us. My hope and prayer for our school family is that through this struggle, we have all been able to grow - in our trust in the Lord! 

8th Grade graduation - Thursday, May 14 7:00 pm

Graduates, staff, and parents will be meeting on zoom for a graduation ceremony, and you are all invited to watch live on YouTube.  Look for a link to join the YouTube live event on our CLA Lions Facebook page or the CLA website at 6:55pm.  Or you can find the live stream link if you go to our CLA YouTube channel, using the link:   If you haven't already done so, see the school facebook page for daily 8th grade graduate videos!


Last day of school - Friday, May 15

All academic work and meetings will be completed by the end of the day on Thursday, so Friday will consist of drop off of technology and pick up of personal materials.  You should have (or already had) communication with instructions from teachers about this as it applies to your family.  We will have this done in a safe / social distancing manner, so we ask that it doesn't become a gathering/visiting time (as much as we wish we could!)

 Family Survey

After 8 weeks of remote learning, we'd like each family to respond to a survey to help us see how things have gone from your perspective.  Please, click on this link and take a few minutes to help us! Survey link  We don't know what the fall holds, as we will do everything that we possibly can to have learning return to the school building.  But if there are some bumps in that road, we want to be informed about remote learning.

 Summer Gathering....?!

We are continuing to hope and pray for an opportunity to get together this summer and celebrate the 2019-2020 school year.  Due to guidance from the state, we are not able to announce this yet.  But keep checking your emails and facebook..... as soon as we can, we'll let everyone know!


May 19th - look for a surprise! 

We can't give much information about this.... but our staff is working on something to celebrate the end of the year... look for a special delivery to your home next Tuesday! Kind of like our usual Last Friday of the year awards/celebration mixed together with....well.... you'll see it on Tuesday! 


CLA Golf Outing

Usually, at the end of May/early June we have a CLA golf outing.  This will not happen as it has in the past, but keep your eyes and emails open for an announcement soon regarding a NEW and DIFFERENT type of EVENT that golfers and sponsors can participate in.  


Next year....

The first day of school for the fall is scheduled for Thursday, August 20, 2020!  We have very solid registration numbers for next year, and are looking forward to a great year!  Look for upcoming school year information throughout the summer.  If you need to discuss registration with me, or know a family that would like to join the CLA family, please let us know!


As always, I'm here if you have questions, needs, or just want to talk about the ministry of CLA.  Of the 12 years that CLA has been in existence, this has ranked as the most unexpected.... (and the rankings are not even close!).  I appreciate each family, staff member, board member, volunteer, and student that has made this year a GOOD year, despite the fact that the last 8 weeks were so different.  May the Lord sustain each one of you this day, this week, this upcoming summer.... 


In Christ,

Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 4/2/2020


Now through April 30 Continued remote learning days

Friday, April 10 NO SCHOOL - Good Friday

Monday, April 13 NO SCHOOL - Easter Holiday

Thursday, May 14 8th Grade Graduation (details TBA)

Friday, May 15 Last Day of School (details TBA)

CLA Response to Coronavirus

It is amazing how things have changed since the last issue of Lion Tales just three weeks ago.  As always, we continue to trust the Lord for direction, as we also follow guidelines put in place by public health officials, the governor, state board of education, and local leaders.  The school building will continue to be closed except for a few careful, monitored drop-off/pick-up arrangements. We will continue remote instruction through April 30 and update with any changes as they happen. More details are below. If you have questions, feel free to contact Mr. Horning

Thinking of 2020-2021!

  ***NOTICE… we encourage you to REGISTER for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR… Early registration deadline (with enrollment fee discount) APRIL 3rd! Enroll Now! Simply send an email by April 3 to [email protected] with your plans/intentions and we’ll honor the discounted fee!

Monthly tuition payments

For families who are on the monthly payment plan, tuition payments may be mailed to the school: PO Box 235, Hopedale, IL 61747.  Or, they can be dropped off at the school during the Friday 2-4 pm drop-off time. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Horning.  Thank You!

Middle School Updates

  • Chapel on Fridays will include 5th through High School, this was a typo on the original schedule.  The Zoom link for this is found on the Google Classroom “Zoom”.

  • The 7th and 8th Science Fair is still on!  This was scheduled for May 1st, though we hope to be back on May 1st we are preparing our Science Fair to be DIGITAL!  Check out our schools website for this Digital Science Fair on May 1st and give us feedback on which Project you think is best!

From the Principal's Desk

A quite different approach to education has stretched all of us.  But I am encouraged by many things that have happened over the past several weeks.  One of the most enjoyable is a new-found excitement to “see” people. I’m one who gets energy from people and interaction.  I’m energized by high fives, fist bumps, and smiles with a “good morning” attached. I’ve found myself thriving recently on a hug from one of my children, more family meals than we’ve experienced in a long time, and the anticipation of an online video meeting with a few students, a group of family members, other teachers, or our Bible study group.  I believe that, through these difficult times, God reminds us to seek Him and to value interaction with others. I pray that each of us learns the lesson well!


         Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 3/12/2020


Today, March 12 Volleyball HOME games vs Tremont, 6:00

8th grade recognition night

OPEN HOUSE through 5 pm

Saturday, March 14 Band Solo and Ensemble Contest

Mon-Fri, Mar. 23-27 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, April 7th Easter Program

  ***NOTICE… EXTENDED TIME… Early registration deadline is now APRIL 3rd! Enroll Now!

CLA Response to Coronavirus

Please read the email that will be sent out from the CLA office today.  We are reminded that we serve and trust a Heavenly Father that cares deeply about us.  We do not need to live in fear, but we do need to take steps to respond as necessary. We are grateful that we are situated in a rural area and that our program is small enough that issues of mass gatherings are not a part of our decision-making.  Confirmed cases have not reached our school nor our county. We do not have plans to close school, but do continue to monitor the situation and will follow guidelines as suggested or mandated through the state of Illinois and local health departments.  If you have questions, feel free to contact Mr. Horning

Easter program- Journey to the Cross

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 7th for CLA’s annual Easter program!  We will be doing Journey to the Cross,  a multi-sensory experience with stations (similar to the Road to Resurrection we did a couple of years ago!)  Please invite friends, family and neighbors to this outreach event to help spread the Good News of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. 

To help us plan, we are asking that everyone planning on attending to fill out the Google Form below.  We will have groups of 10-15 people go through at a time, and this will help us ensure short wait times!  Please go to to sign up and request a time!

From the Principal's Desk

This week we have been hosting meetings and open house - introducing our school to people who may not have experienced it.  We had meetings regarding high school on Monday and Wednesday, and today is an open house. It has been a great time so far - as I write this we still have a few more hours - sharing what God has been doing in His work here at CLA.  Every time I host families and share what is happening at CLA, I am reminded of the work that HE is doing to mold us as a school and as children of God. What a blessing to be able to share this with others. Will you take the time today, this week, this month… to share with a friend the work God is doing in your family through CLA? I hope so!  


         Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 3/5/2020


Today, March 5 Volleyball games @ Tremont, 6:00.  Departure 5:10.

Friday, March 6 No School- End of Quarter 3 and Teacher In-Service

Sunday, March 8 Spring Forward!  Daylight Savings Time Begins.

March 9-11 Spring Conferences - contact teachers to make an appointment

Monday, March 9 High School Info Meeting, 6:30 pm

Tuesday, March 10 PTF (Parent-Teacher Fellowship) meeting 3:45, school library.

Tuesday, March 10 Volleyball games @ Manito, 5:30. Departure 4:25.

Wednesday, March 11 High School Info Meeting, 3:00 pm

Thursday, March 12 Volleyball HOME games vs Tremont, 6:00

8th grade recognition night

OPEN HOUSE ALL DAY  8 am - 5 pm

Saturday, March 14 Band Solo and Ensemble Contest

Tuesday, April 7th Easter Program

  ***NOTICE… EXTENDED TIME… Early registration deadline is now APRIL 3rd! Enroll Now!

Welcome to the CLA staff, Mrs. Westley and Mrs. Espenschied!

Students and parents may or may not already know them, but we are excited to have two new staff members working at the school, each who began their role in February.

Mrs. Wendy Westley is currently learning the ropes as office manager.  She will continue her transition into this role over the next several months as Mrs. Horning will conclude her role as office manager at the end of the school year.  Mrs. Westley’s daughter Abigail attended CLA, graduating 8th grade last year.

Mrs. Kristi Espenschied is now on staff in a part-time role working with middle school and high school students on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  She also continues to be a substitute teacher, the role where many students and parents might recognize her. Her sons Kasen and Micai are CLA students.

We are grateful for the amazing staff that God has blessed our school with.

Easter program- Journey to the Cross

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 7th for CLA’s annual Easter program!  We will be doing Journey to the Cross,  a multi-sensory experience with stations (similar to the Road to Resurrection we did a couple of years ago!)  Please invite friends, family and neighbors to this outreach event to help spread the Good News of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. 

To help us plan, we are asking that everyone planning on attending to fill out the Google Form below.  We will have groups of 10-15 people go through at a time, and this will help us ensure short wait times!  Please go to to sign up and request a time!

From the Principal's Desk

NOW is the TIME!  Tell your friends about CLA!  Early registration for next school year, with a discounted registration fee, remains for only a short time.  Some great things are happening at CLA, and we want many more families to experience it! SHARE your EXPERIENCES…. and invite others to join!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/27/2020


Today, Feb 27 Volleyball HOME games vs Delavan, 6:00

Friday, Feb 28 5th-HS field trip to Shedd Aquarium in Chicago

Monday, March 2 Volleyball practice

Tuesday, March 3 Volleyball HOME games vs Havana, 6:00

Wednesday, March 4 Volleyball practice

Thursday, March 5 Volleyball games @ Tremont, 6:00.  Departure 5:10.

Friday, March 6 No School- End of Quarter 3 and Teacher In-Service

Sunday, March 8 Spring Forward!  Daylight Savings Time Begins.

March 9-11 Spring Conferences

Tuesday, April 7th Easter Program

Solo and Ensemble Contest Rescheduled

Band students will have their Solo and Ensemble contest rescheduled.  Tentative reschedule date is Saturday, March 14. Band parents - look for information from Mrs. Stribling next week regarding this.

Easter program- Journey to the Cross

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 7th for CLA’s annual Easter program!  We will be doing Journey to the Cross,  a multi-sensory experience with stations (similar to the Road to Resurrection we did a couple of years ago!)  Please invite friends, family and neighbors to this outreach event to help spread the Good News of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. 

To help us plan, we are asking that everyone planning on attending to fill out the Google Form below.  We will have groups of 10-15 people go through at a time, and this will help us ensure short wait times!  Please go to to sign up and request a time!

MS/HS Shedd Aquarium Trip

Middle school/High School students will be traveling to Shedd Aquarium tomorrow -  Friday, February 28th. We are leaving no later than 6am and are tentatively scheduled to arrive back at the school around 5:30pm.  Students must bring a sack lunch with disposable items- please do not send reusable containers.  

**Students must wear CLA gear (shirts/hoodies) that must be visible at all times.  Students not wearing CLA gear at the time of departure will not attend the trip. There will not be a way for students to obtain a shirt that morning, so plan accordingly.**

From the Principal's Desk

I was gone for a couple of days last week, and enjoyed a short vacation in South Carolina, reconnecting with friends from my home in Pennsylvania.  In chapel this week, I shared with the students how enjoyable it was to spend time fellowshiping with friends who share my faith, and who challenge me as a person, father, and friend.  Looking forward to how some of our students, after spending years together at CLA, will be able to count lifelong friendships as one of the benefits of their CLA experience!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/20/2020


Monday, Feb 24 Volleyball AWAY games at Olympia Middle School, 6:00.  Depart 5:10

Wednesday, Feb 26 Volleyball practice

Thursday, Feb 27 Volleyball HOME games vs Delavan, 6:00

Friday, Feb 28 5th-HS field trip to Shedd Aquarium in Chicago

Saturday, Feb 29 Solo and Ensemble contest for Band students at Living Hope 9:00am

Friday, March 6 No School- End of Quarter 3 and Teacher In-Service

March 9-11 Spring Conferences

Tuesday, April 7th Easter Program

Solo and Ensemble Contest on Saturday, February 29th

Band students will have their Solo and Ensemble contest Saturday, Feb 29th at 9:00am at Living Hope Community Church in Hopedale.  Plan on arriving 20 minutes prior to your scheduled solo time and dressed nicely- no jeans, flip flops, athletic wear, etc. Parents- be sure to check your email this evening for more details!

Easter program- Journey to the Cross

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 7th for CLA’s annual Easter program!  We will be doing Journey to the Cross,  a multi-sensory experience with stations (similar to the Road to Resurrection we did a couple of years ago!)  Please invite friends, family and neighbors to this outreach event to help spread the Good News of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. 

To help us plan, we are asking that everyone planning on attending to fill out the Google Form below.  We will have groups of 10-15 people go through at a time, and this will help us ensure short wait times!  Please go to to sign up and request a time!

MS/HS Shedd Aquarium Trip

Middle school/High School students will be traveling to Shedd Aquarium next Friday, February 28th.  We are leaving no later than 6am and are tentatively scheduled to arrive back at the school around 5:30pm.  Students must bring a sack lunch with disposable items- please do not send reusable containers.  

**Students must wear CLA gear (shirts/hoodies) that must be visible at all times.  Students not wearing CLA gear at the time of departure will not attend the trip. There will not be a way for students to obtain a shirt that morning, so plan accordingly.**

CLA Gear order from Signs of Success

If you ordered CLA gear from Signs of Success (especially for the Shedd Aquarium trip), those items will be in early next week. 

From the Principal's Desk

Our chapel series for the past 6 weeks has been about building a foundation under the light (or lighthouse) that we each try to shine for Jesus.  I’d encourage you to ask your kids about what that foundation contains. We talked about the Word of God, Forgiveness, Fellowship, Prayer, and Sharing with others.  If we all continue to build that foundation, our light will shine greater for Jesus every day!

Blessings,  Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/6/2020


Friday, Feb 7 FAMILY GAME NIGHT! - 6:00 pm - details below!

HS BOYS basketball @ ICCS Tournament (Friday/Saturday)

HS GIRLS basketball @ Bloomington Trinity 7:15

Monday, Feb 10 Volleyball practice at CLA

HS Boys Basketball practice at LHCC

Tuesday, Feb 11 Volleyball games at St. Mary’s Bloomington, 6:00

HS Girls Basketball practice at CLA

Wednesday, Feb 12 Volleyball practice at CLA

HS Boys Basketball practice at LHCC

Thursday, Feb 13 HS Girls Basketball practice at CLA

Friday, Feb 14 HS Girls/Boys Basketball AWAY games at Danville

Fri-Mon, Feb 14-17 No School - Presidents’ Day Weekend

*******FAMILY GAME NIGHT****** 

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 - at the school - begins at 6:00 PM

Bring GAMES to play 

and SNACKS to share 

(if you would like).

A great time to have fun 

with other CLA families!


What a GREAT event supporting the CLA Technology fund last Saturday.  Over $1,000 was raised!!! Thanks to everyone who volunteered and came to enjoy the pizza and fellowship.  


AR Store

We are planning to have an AR store at the beginning of May.  This is where students use the points they have earned from reading and taking AR tests to "buy" prizes.  We will need two volunteers to help set up and run the store which will be on a school day afternoon. We will also need donations of items for the students to buy.  This year, the store will be for the K-4th grade students and the 5th-8th grade students will be able to earn a gift card if they meet a pre-determined point goal. Please contact Mrs. Gibson at [email protected] if you have any questions or are able to help!   

From the Principal's Desk

What a wonderful God we serve.  My reminder for today is that we KNOW who holds the FUTURE in HIS hands… what a great thought and comfort as we walk through this life.

Blessings!        Mr. Horning