Lion Tales 12/16/21

Upcoming Dates  - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Note: All in-person student/staff activities have been postponed.  

Saturday, Dec 18 Board of Directors meeting 7:30 am

Wednesday, Dec 22 Early Dismissal 11:30 - Christmas Vacation begins

Wednesday, Jan 5 Teacher in-service day (no school)

Thursday, Jan 6 School resumes - in person!

Thursday, Jan 13 Christmas Programs at Living Hope Comm. Church - PK-4 at 6:00 / MS at 7:00 

Christmas Program - Rescheduled for THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2022

Due to our remote schooling situation, the Christmas Program has been rescheduled for January 13.  Both PK-4 and MS will have their program that same night at Living Hope Community Church.  More details to come as we return to school in January.

Building Project at Christian Life Academy!

This is an exciting time at Christian Life Academy.  This past Monday we announced our building project, including some plans and drawings, ways to partner through giving, pledges, prayer and volunteer opportunities.  While the building is focused on the high school age group, the benefits for all ages and families are evident, and the excitement should be something we all share.  If you drive by the school parking lot, you will now see a billboard announcing the building is “coming soon.”  Please pass the word along to friends and family.  We are in the public phase of fundraising, with about $165,000 to raise before we begin building.  Hopefully that building will begin as soon as the weather permits in the spring! We also ask our families to be a conduit of information.  Please ask families, friends, church communities and more to consider learning more about Christian Life Academy and our upcoming building project.

From the Principal's Desk

In our chapel this past Monday, which was held virtually via  a zoom meeting, I shared with the students about the unexpected and out of the ordinary situations surrounding the birth of Jesus.  We are in an unexpected and out of the ordinary situation right now at CLA - we didn’t expect to spend the days leading up to Christmas break remotely.  But God can work through unexpected situations.  I pray that your Christmas this year will be both joyful and also contemplative.  Remember to rejoice because of Jesus' birth, and contemplate all that it means for our salvation.  

Merry Christmas!

Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 12/9/21

Upcoming Dates

Friday, Dec 10 HOME basketball games vs Calvary Urbana  JH 6:00 / HS 7:00

Monday, Dec 13 HOME basketball game vs Olympia Legends (elementary) at 5:30


Invite your friends! Exciting time and partnerships/donations needed!


6 pm - PreK - 4th Grade Program       7 pm - Middle School Program

Friday, Dec 17 AWAY basketball games at Danville Flames  6:00 JH/JV 7:00 Varsity

Tuesday, Dec 21 HOME basketball game vs Olympia Legends (elementary) at 6:00

Wednesday, Dec 22 Early Dismissal 11:30 - Christmas Vacation begins

Wednesday, Jan 5 Teacher in-service day (no school)

Thursday, Jan 6 School resumes

Christmas Program arrival times

K-4 students should plan on arriving at Living Hope Community Church at 5:45pm.

Middle school students should arrive at the following times: 

  • Sparkly Things and Love 6pm

  • Angels   6:15pm

  • All other parts & stage hands  6:30pm

Costumes should be at the school by Tues Dec. 14th.

  • “Shiny Things” shirts (completely decorated)

  • Main parts outfits & props- (prisoners, angels and stage hands should wear clothes that were “assigned” the night of the program)

Note: Prisoners and stage hands should wear all black (long sleeve shirts),Angels should wear light colored clothes for under robes

Monday’s Special Meeting - Please attend!

This is an exciting time at Christian Life Academy.  Monday, December 13, at 7:00 pm Christian Life Academy will be hosting a special meeting, and we encourage all families to come, and to bring friends and relatives.  We are announcing our building project, including some plans and drawings, ways to partner through giving, pledges, prayer and volunteer opportunities.  While the building is focused on the high school age group, the benefits for all ages and families are evident, and the excitement should be something we all share.  Hope to see you there on Monday!

From the Principal's Desk

As we prepare for our big CLA Building Project announcement, for me it feels like a bit of deja vu… I’m remembering back to April of 2008 when we prepared for a big announcement about the birth of Christian Life Academy!  As we look toward the future, we do not want to forget the reason we are in this ministry at Christian Life Academy - to place God’s Word daily in front of our students.  To prepare students to be witnesses for Jesus.  And to walk side-by-side with our families and churches to serve the Lord together.  How wonderful this opportunity is!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 12/2/21

Upcoming Dates

Friday, Dec 3 HOME basketball games vs Faith Baptist  JH 5:00 / HS 6:00 

Monday, Dec 6 HOME basketball games vs ICCS   JH 5:00 / HS 6:00

Tuesday, Dec 7 JH Basketball practice and Elementary Basketball practice

Wednesday, Dec 8 HS Basketball practice

Thursday, Dec 9 All-school field trip: The Nutcracker at Peoria Ballet

HOME basketball games vs Good Shepherd  Elem 5:00 / JH 6:00

Friday, Dec 10 HOME basketball games vs Calvary Urbana  JH 6:00 / HS 7:00

Looking  ahead….



6 pm - PreK - 4th Grade Program 

7 pm - Middle School Program

**Look for more details to come about the programs from your children’s teachers!

All-School Field Trip to see “The Nutcracker!”

All K-12 students will have the opportunity to attend our first All-School Field trip in several years!  We will be attending a performance of “The Nutcracker” by the Peoria Ballet on Thursday, December 9.  Details were sent several weeks ago.  Masks will be required on this trip.  This is an exciting opportunity for our school, and is somewhat of a tradition… although we haven’t been able to have an all-school trip for several years!

From the Principal's Desk

As we returned from our Thanksgiving break, I was again reminded how great it is to be a part of this ministry at CLA.  I am blessed on a daily basis with interactions with students and families.  Are you thanking God daily for CLA… and lifting the school in your prayers daily? We need to see God continue to move in our midst!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/18/21

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Nov 18 JH and Elementary Basketball practice

Monday, Nov 22 HOME JV/V Basketball games vs Calvary Chillicothe 5:00/6:00

Tuesday, Nov 23 Elementary Basketball Practice

AWAY JH Basketball at Delavan 6:00

Wed-Fri, Nov 24-26 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

Monday, Nov 29 HS Basketball practice and Cheer Practice

Tues, Nov 30 JH Basketball practice and Elementary Basketball practice

Looking  ahead….

Thursday, Dec 9 All-school field trip: The Nutcracker at Peoria Ballet


Thursday, Dec 16 SAVE THE DATE! CLA CHRISTMAS PROGRAM… details coming soon

All-School Field Trip to see “The Nutcracker!”

All K-12 students will have the opportunity to attend our first All-School Field trip in several years!  We will be attending a performance of “The Nutcracker” by the Peoria Ballet on Thursday, December 9.  Details were sent several weeks ago.  Masks will be required on this trip.  This is an exciting opportunity for our school, and is somewhat of a tradition… although we haven’t been able to have an all-school trip for several years!

Thanksgiving Roll Baking and Pie pickup...

If you ordered pies or Thanksgiving rolls… pickup will be on Tuesday, November 23rd at the end of the school day.



We have a huge number of dozens of rolls that will be baked on Monday and Tuesday, November 21 and 22.  Emily Baker, who is leading this huge task, needs your help!  If you can give several hours, or even a whole day or two, your help is needed!  Please sign up at or contact Emily directly at 309-830-2988.

From the Principal's Desk

As we are looking forward to our Thanksgiving break, I am thankful for the families of CLA.  I am blessed on a daily basis with interactions with students and families.  Will you commit to thanking God daily for CLA… and lifting the school in your prayers daily as well!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/4/21

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Nov 4 JH Basketball practice

Monday, Nov 8 HS Basketball Practice 3:30-5:30

Cheer practice 3:30 - 4:45 at Living Hope 

Tuesday, Nov 9 JH Basketball practice 3:30-5:30

Wednesday, Nov 10 HS Basketball practice 3:30-5:30

Cheer practice 3:30-4:45 at Living Hope

Thurs, Nov 11 NO SCHOOL - Veterans’ Day

JH Basketball practice, 3:30-5:30 (optional-encouraged)

Saturday, Nov 13 Extra Basketball practice - details TBA

Monday, Nov 15 First Basketball games! - JH and HS at Galesburg Christian 

Tues, Nov 16 PTF Meeting, 3:45 pm, main campus - HS Room

All-School Field Trip to see “The Nutcracker!”

All K-12 students should be bringing home a bright PINK paper today regarding our first All-School Field trip in several years!  We will be attending a performance of “The Nutcracker” by the Peoria Ballet on Thursday, December 9.  Details are on the pink form, and we are asking that the form be completed and returned by next Wednesday, November 10th.  Masks will be required on this trip, and if families prefer to not attend for this reason, please indicate on the form.  This is an exciting opportunity for our school, and is somewhat of a tradition… although we haven’t been able to have an all-school trip for several years!

Second Round of LIFE DAYS 2021 Pie Sales

Apple, Pumpkin, and Derby pies are still available for sale!  You can order your pies until Monday, November 15th for pickup on Tuesday, November 23rd at the end of school. You can order online at or through the school office. 

COMING SOON… PTF THANKSGIVING BAKING - Dinner Rolls and Cinnamon Rolls!

Our homemade rolls have been a favorite for Holiday meals.  Order some freshly made for your holiday dinner, and some to freeze for your next celebration!  Proceeds benefit CLA's Parent/Teacher Fellowship which funds field trips, athletics, teacher appreciation week and field day for students.  Rolls can be picked up on Tuesday, November 23rd after school.  Payments can be made to the school office with checks made payable to CLA.  

Order online here:


CLA PTF meeting- Tuesday, November 16

CLA PTF will have their next meeting after school on Tuesday, November 16th at 3:45pm in the high school room at the main campus. Please note the change in location!

From the Principal's Desk

On Monday, we began a new chapel series, and we will focus on “Prayer” for the next month  Isn’t it amazing that when we pray, we can have a direct relationship with the Creator of the universe!? What a blessing that is!  I’d ask that you pray for our students to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to communicate with God through prayer.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/28/21

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Oct 28 JH Basketball practice

Monday, Nov 1 HS Basketball Practice 3:30-5:30

Cheer practice 3:30 - 4:45 at Living Hope 

Tuesday, Nov 2 JH Basketball practice 3:30-5:30

Wednesday, Nov 3 Half Day - 11:30 Dismissal - HS Basketball practice 3:30-5:30

Cheer practice 3:30-4:45 at Living Hope

Thurs, Nov 4 JH Basketball practice, 3:30-5:30

Second Round of LIFE DAYS 2021 Pie Sales

Apple, Pumpkin, and Derby pies are still available for sale!  You can order your pies until Monday, November 15th for pickup on Tuesday, November 23rd at the end of school. You can order online at or through the school office. 

COMING SOON… PTF THANKSGIVING BAKING - Dinner Rolls and Cinnamon Rolls!

Our homemade rolls have been a favorite for Holiday meals.  Order some freshly made for your holiday dinner, and some to freeze for your next celebration!  Proceeds benefit CLA's Parent/Teacher Fellowship which funds field trips, athletics, teacher appreciation week and field day for students.  Rolls can be picked up on Tuesday, November 23rd after school.  Payments can be made to the school office with checks made payable to CLA.  

Order online here:


From the Principal's Desk

On Monday, we wrapped up our fall chapel focus - that we are the CLA Lions - “Focused, Faithful, and Fierce.” The word ‘fierce” comes from the idea that we are ready to fiercely defend our faith.  To be ready at all times to share the reason for the hope that we have (1 Peter 3:15).  And to not back down from situations where we can be a light in a dark world (Matt. 5:16).  I’d encourage you to talk with your students about the three words we have been learning about in chapel - see what they have discovered!  It is a blessing to be able to share, sing and learn together the first day of each week in corporate worship.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/21/21


While it generally takes a few weeks to “wrap up” Life Days each year, we can already say that Life Days 2021 was a success. The purpose of this event is to celebrate, build community, and raise funds for the school… and all three of these purposes were met!  What an encouraging weekend we had. We played together, ate together, and worshipped together. As of now, we are nearing the $40,000 mark of funds raised, and anticipate we will pass that mark. Thank you for participating!

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Oct 21 JH Basketball practice

Monday, Oct 25 NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences (have you signed up??)

HS Basketball Practice 3:30-5:30

Cheer practice 3:30 - 4:45 at Living Hope 

Tuesday, Oct 26 JH Basketball practice 3:30-5:30

Wednesday, Oct 27 HS Basketball practice 3:30-5:30

Cheer practice 3:30-5:00 at Living Hope

Thurs, Oct 28 PICTURE RETAKE DAY - (must bring original back for retake)

Anyone who missed picture day, please get it taken on retake day!

JH Basketball practice, 3:30-5:30

Second Round of Pie Sales

Apple, Pumpkin, and Derby pies are still available for sale!  You can order your pies until Monday, November 15th for pickup on Tuesday, November 23rd at the end of school. You can order online at or through the school office. 

Parent Teacher Conferences- Monday, October 25th

Parent teacher conferences are Monday, October 25th!  Parents should have received emails from Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. Young, or Mrs. Stribling.  If you have not yet signed up for conferences, please do so at the links below:

K-4 from 10am-6pm: 

Middle School (5th-8th) from 8am-7pm: 

High School from 10am-7pm: 

Picture Retake Day-Thursday, October 28th

Picture retake day is Thursday, October 28th!  Anyone who did NOT get their picture taken on the original picture day should plan to get it retaken on Thursday, October 28th. If you would like to do a retake and already had a picture taken previously, please bring the pictures back to school for retake.

From the Principal's Desk

In our regular chapel this past Monday, we retold the story of Queen Esther.  We had some fun props, a few good laughs, and remembered how God worked through Esther to save her people.  God works through the fierce loyalty that we have to stand up for Him, for what is right, and for the gospel.  We are the Christian Life Academy Lions… Focused, Faithful and Fierce.  The story of Esther reminds us what it means to be “fierce” for the Lord.  I encourage you to chat with your child about what that means in our lives today!


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales- Life Days Edition

Upcoming Dates

Fri-Sat, Oct 15-16 Life Days Activities! (see below)

Monday, Oct 18 HS Boys Basketball practice

Wednesday, Oct 20 HS Boys Basketball practice

Thursday, Oct 21 JH Basketball practice

Thurs, Oct 28 PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY - (must bring original back for re-take)

Any who missed picture day, get it taken on re-take day!

Life Days 2021 - Friday and Saturday, October 15-16… Reminders

Online AUCTION ITEMS will be available for BIDS until 5 PM SATURDAY

**To bid, join the facebook group “CLA Life Days 2021”

Life Days “Shop” items you have purchased (pies, coffee, popcorn) will be available for pickup any time after 4 pm Friday. (candles will be next week)


  • Friday, Oct 15

    • kids bidding (ticket auction) with winners drawn at 6:15

    • inflatables on the lawn 4 pm - 6:15 pm

    • outdoor movie (“Overcomer”) at 6:30 (concessions available)

  • Saturday, Oct 16 

    • breakfast 8-10 am, 

    • inflatables, family picture sessions during the day,

    • worship celebration 2 pm, 

    • pork chop dinner 4-6 pm.  

    • So much to do!!!

From the Principal's Desk

LIFE DAYS 2021 is upon us.  It’s an exhausting, fun, crazy, enjoyable time.  I’m looking forward to seeing many of you this weekend!  I’d like to give a SPECIAL INVITATION to your family to join us for the 2 PM WORSHIP CELEBRATION at the School on SATURDAY.  We intend to raise our voices in praise to the ONE who sustains us - our LORD and SAVIOR!  It is only because of HIM that we can do what we do at Christian Life Academy!!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/7/21

Upcoming Dates

Friday, Oct 8 14th Annual CLA Golf Outing

Fri-Mon, Oct 8-11 NO SCHOOL - Columbus Day Weekend

Tuesday, Oct 12 Volleyball HOME games 5:00 JH / 6:00 Varsity

Saturday, Oct 9 Movie on the lawn - 6:30 pm “Facing the Giants”

Friday, Oct 15 Movie on the lawn - 6:30 pm “Overcomer”

Fri-Sat, Oct 15-16 Life Days Activities! (see below)

Thurs, Oct 28 PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY - (must bring original back for re-take)

Any who missed picture day, get it taken on re-take day!

Life Days 2021 - Sat, October 9...Friday and Saturday, October 15-16.  

We will kick off with a MOVIE ON THE LAWN (“Facing the Giants” is planned) on Sat, Oct. 9 at 6 pm… Concessions available for sale, Donations encouraged!

Online AUCTION ITEMS WILL BE POSTED starting October 9.

Here’s what you can do….

  • Return your FAMILY RESPONSE PAPER  as soon as possible

  • Sell items (paper orders were due today… the online store will close at 4 PM on FRIDAY, Oct 8.)

  • Sign up to volunteer at this link: 

  • Donate items, Ask a business or individual to make a financial donation… if you need more forms, we have them available in the office.

  • mark your calendars and participate next weekend, also… 

  • Friday, Oct 15

    • kids bidding (ticket auction) with winners drawn at 6:15

    • inflatables on the lawn,

    • outdoor movie (“Overcomer”) at 6:30 (concessions available)

  • Saturday, Oct 16 

    • breakfast 8-10 am, 

    • inflatables, family picture sessions during the day,

    • worship celebration 2 pm, 

    • pork chop dinner 4-6 pm.  So much to do!!!

Join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PTF’S Change Wars Fundraiser

Thanks to all students and families for the participation in the “Change Wars” Fundraiser!  The K-2nd grade team won the final week (quarters).  The 6th-7th team won the other three weeks (pennies, nickels, dimes). OVER $800 WAS RAISED!!! What a great fundraiser!!!

From the Principal's Desk

It is a blessing to serve and work alongside all of you in this ministry at Christian Life Academy!  October is a special month for me each year.  Some may think it’s because of my birthday (and sure, that’s part of it).  But ever since 2007, October has always brought amazing blessings to Christian Life Academy.  You see, October 2007 is kind of the “birth month” of Christian Life Academy for me.  It’s the month when I first met with individuals wanting to start a school here in Hopedale.  It’s also, most years, the month of LIFE DAYS, when we celebrate the life of the school and God’s provision.  Harvest time only helps to remind me of the blessings we have been afforded.  So when October rolls around, It’s just a special time for CLA.  I look forward to sharing this time with many of you during Life Days 2021!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/30/21

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, Sept 30 HOME volleyball games vs ICCS 5 pm JH / 6 pm Varsity

Monday, Oct 4 PTF (Parent-Teacher Fellowship) meeting 3:45 pm (join in - all welcome!)

Volleyball Away games at Danville

Tuesday, Oct 5 Volleyball HOME games 5:00 JH / 6:00 Varsity

Fri-Mon, Oct 8-11 NO SCHOOL - Columbus Day Weekend

Friday, Oct 8 14th Annual CLA Golf Outing

Saturday, Oct 9 Movie on the lawn - 6:30 pm “Facing the Giants”

Fri-Sat, Oct 15-16 Life Days Activities!

Big Events Coming Up! Please get involved- check out these ways:

Golf Outing - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 at North Greens Golf Course in Atlanta. Please help make this successful… proceeds benefit our BUILDING FUND!

  • Enter a team in the outing!  Brochures available in the office

  • Ask a business to sponsor the outing! Brochures available in the office

  • Sign up to come eat lunch (no school that day) and join in a bit of golf fun in the afternoon! Sign up for the meal and activities!

  • USE THIS LINK to register: 

  • TEAMS/SPONSORS should be entered by TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5

Life Days 2021 - Sat, October 9...Friday and Saturday, October 15-16.  

We will kick off with a MOVIE ON THE LAWN (“Facing the Giants” is planned) on Sat, Oct. 9 at 6 pm… Concessions available for sale, Donations encouraged!

Online AUCTION ITEMS WILL BE POSTED starting October 9.

Here’s what you can do….

  • Return your FAMILY RESPONSE PAPER by October 5th


  • Sign up to volunteer at this link: 

  • Donate items, Ask a business or individual to make a financial donation

  • mark your calendars and participate!!!

Join our Lions’ Den Facebook Parent Page!

Please join our parent page on Facebook:

This is a private group, which means that posts, information, and photos can not be “shared” outside of the group.  Staff will post information and photos about student activities on this page to help keep student information safe. Please make sure that you answer all of the membership questions identifying your connection to CLA- this will help us approve your membership faster!

PTF’S Change Wars Fundraiser

The “Change Wars” fundraiser is ongoing…. 

  • This week’s featured coin - QUARTERS should be brought in through tomorrow (Friday, September October 1st). 

  • TOMORROW IS THE FINAL DAY….. Prizes coming soon!!!

  • The team winner for week 3 - DIMES - was the 6th/7th grade team again!

    From the Principal's Desk

Tomorrow it’s October -  probably the BUSIEST month of the school year for Christian Life Academy… I ask that you all pray fervently for our events coming up.  Over the years, Life Days has become a significant, big deal in the life of our school.  It gives our friends and families a chance to show support of the work that is being done here.  Support comes with participation in activities, with commitment to help financially, and most of all coming alongside the school and indicating “we believe in what God is doing at CLA.”  Thank you in advance for your prayers and participation.  May this season of LIFE DAYS 2021 truly show how GOD is WORKING through this ministry.  I’m excited to continue this journey with all of you!

Take a look at the videos to learn more about what’s going on...


        Mr. Horning