Lion Tales 12/8/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, Dec 8 Elem/JH Basketball games at Galesburg Christian, games start 5:00 

Friday, Dec 9 High School JV/V basketball HOME vs Danville Flames, 5:30 / 6:45

Tuesday, Dec 13 Elem/JH Basketball HOME games vs St. Mary’s 5:30 / 6:30

Thursday, Dec 15 Christmas Program at Living Hope Community Church, 6:50 pm start

Friday, Dec 16 Elem/JH/HS Basketball HOME vs FBCA Rosamond 5:00 / 6:00 / 7:00

CLA Christmas Program and Dinner - Thursday, December 15

 THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM on December 15 is open to all, and tickets are not required.  The program is at Living Hope Community Church (329 Madison St, Hopedale). It’s likely we will run a shuttle from the school parking lot for extra parking space as well.

     All students participate in the program or help with the meal, so it’s an all-school event and we are excited to have it again this year! The program will start at 6:50 pm with our PreK students kicking off the event.  Hope to see you there!

Arrival times and dress details for students have been recently sent via email by Mrs. Gibson (K-4) and Mrs. Stribling (MS/HS)- please check your email for additional information.

Table Hosts: tables will be set up Thursday afternoon and will be ready for decorating immediately after school. 

Ticket holders:  Seating for the dinner will start at 5:30 with dinner service starting at 5:45pm.  Upon your arrival, please check in at the check in station by the church gym doors!  

Please note-there will not be paper tickets sent home this year.  

Reminder about communication regarding illness/absences

So that our teachers can do their best to help with schoolwork and catching up with students:

  • Please be sure to call in (309-449-3346 to the school office) and/or send an email when your child is ill and will miss school.  This helps us to keep track and follow up.  If it appears to be an extended illness, let us know how things are going!

  • Reminder - we ask that students are 24 hours fever free without meds to return to school.

Need some baking supplies?? Butter and Brown Sugar available

The PTF Baking day resulted in some leftover supplies.  If anyone is interested in them, they can be purchased at the school office:

4 lb packages (4 boxes/4 sticks each) of butter for $14/package

7.5 lb bags of brown sugar for $8/bag

End of year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

The end of the calendar year is a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

High School Building Construction Update

Although the exterior of the new building hasn’t seen much change over the past month, work has been going on inside!  Interior dividing walls, insulation, and the beginnings of ceilings… and soon there will be some mechanical/electrical work to begin.  If you want a tour, contact Mr. Horning!

From the Principal's Desk

I’ve recently been reading in Isaiah 40, and was greatly affected by these words: “every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together…”  As we go through our lives, there surely are mountains, valleys, hills, rough places!  But we can rest in the knowledge that the Lord’s GLORY will be revealed to all people.  And we get to participate in sharing the glory of the Lord!  As we prepare for remembering the Lord’s coming as a baby, may we always focus on how God is revealing HIS glory! Praise the Lord!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 12/2/22

Upcoming Dates 

Saturday, Dec 3 High School JV basketball at Trinity (Bloomington) Tournament. 9:45 am

Tuesday, Dec 6 Elem/JH Basketball games at Bethel (Morton), games start at 5:30

Wednesday, Dec 7 11:30 am - Early Dismissal - Teacher in-service

Thursday, Dec 8 Elem/JH Basketball games at Galesburg Christian, games start 5:00 pm

Thursday, Dec 15 Christmas Program at Living Hope Community Church, 6:50 pm start

Grandparents’ Day was such fun!

What great times we had with so many “family gatherings” last week for Grandparents’ Day.  From PreK all the way up to high school students, grandparents got to visit with their grandchildren, do a few activities, have a “photo shoot” opportunity, and a snack.  This was the first such gathering in three years!  We are so glad we could spend time together.

Thanksgiving Rolls PTF Fundraiser was a great success!

Over $1500 for classrooms and special activities was raised with the Thanksgiving rolls fundraiser.  Thanks to all the volunteers (including most all of the high school students!) and especially to Emily Baker for organizing and leading the baking.

CLA Christmas Program and Dinner - Thursday, December 15

If you wish to reserve places for the Christmas Dinner held prior to the program, please get your reservations in by Wednesday, December 7th.  There are a few open tables remaining, as we are nearly sold out.  For information, please contact Mrs. Stribling ([email protected]).  

THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM on December 15 is open to all, and tickets are not required.  The program is at Living Hope Community Church (329 Madison St, Hopedale). It’s likely we will run a shuttle from the school parking lot for extra parking space as well.

     All students participate in the program or help with the meal, so it’s an all-school event and we are excited to have it again this year! The program will start at 6:50 pm with our PreK students kicking off the event.  Hope to see you there!

Reminder about communication regarding illness/absences

So that our teachers can do their best to help with schoolwork and catching up with students:

  • Please be sure to call in (309-449-3346 to the school office) and/or send an email when your child is ill and will miss school.  This helps us to keep track and follow up.  If it appears to be an extended illness, let us know how things are going!

  • Reminder - we ask that students are 24 hours fever free without meds to return to school.

Need some baking supplies?? Butter and Brown Sugar available

The PTF Baking day resulted in some leftover supplies.  If anyone is interested in them, they can be purchased at the school office:

4 lb packages (4 boxes/4 sticks each) of butter for $14/package

7.5 lb bags of brown sugar for $8/bag

From the Principal's Desk

This week I was preparing to send out our “end of year” mailer that we use each year to share with our friends what is going on at CLA.  I was blown away by all that God has allowed to happen over the past 12 months!  We continue to have amazing teachers working with great students and families to grow academically, socially, and spiritually… But last year at this time we were talking about “getting started” on raising funds for a new building.  Now we see right in front of us every day the evidence of God’s plan for this growth.  Stop by some time and ask me for a tour of the new building.  I’d be glad to show you… as there are now interior walls and visible classrooms!  God is so good, and it is such a blessing to serve Him alongside each one of you.  When the mailer comes to you next week, take a few minutes to thank God for what He’s doing at CLA.  And as we are in the advent season, let’s remember the reason we celebrate.  Christ in us, the hope of glory!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/17/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, Nov 17 Green vs White middle school basketball scrimmage 5:30 pm

Friday, Nov 18 First CLA home basketball games - JH 5:30 / HS 6:30

Monday, Nov 21 Home Basketball Games 5th/6th vs Oly Legends 5:30 pm start

Tuesday, Nov 22 Home Basketball Games JH vs Delavan 5:30 pm start

Tuesday, Nov 22 Grandparents’ Day at CLA - 10-11 am (PreK) and 2:00-3:30 pm (K-12)

Wed-Fri, Nov 23-25 No School - Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, Dec 7 11:30 am - Early Dismissal - Teacher in-service

Thursday, Dec 15 Christmas Program and Dinner - Details coming today and Monday!

Grandparents’ Day!  Tuesday, November 22nd

We are so excited to invite our CLA grandparents to visit our school this fall.  Our theme is “Thankful for Grandparents” and we will celebrate on Tuesday, November 22, our last day of school before Thanksgiving break.  PreK will have their grandparents celebration from 10-11 am in the preK room.  We will invite grandparents of K-12 students to arrive in the 2:00-2:30 time frame for a welcome in the school gymnasium, and then have activities with students in the 2:30-3:30 time frame.  We ask that grandparents wait to arrive until 2:00 pm if possible.  See the invitational flyer for more information!

Thanksgiving Rolls PTF Fundraiser 

PTF will be having their annual Thanksgiving Rolls baking days on November 21 and 22.  Reminder that if you ordered rolls, they will be ready to pick up after school on Tuesday, November 22.  PLEASE NOTE - WE COULD STILL USE VOLUNTEERS TO HELP BAKE!!!  Link:

FRIDAY, November 18- SPIRIT WEEK - Green and White School ColorsDay!!!

Pep Rally - Friday 3:10 pm - everyone welcome to join!

To kick off the winter sports seasons, there will be a pep rally tomorrow in the gym.  We will introduce our Bible quiz team, basketball teams and cheerleaders.  The cheerleaders will lead a few cheers and we’ll pray a blessing on the winter seasons. Parents are welcome to park in the pick-up line and come inside to join the pep rally at 3:10 pm!

CLA Christmas Program and Dinner - Thursday, December 15

After a two-year break, we will be holding a special Christmas Dinner on the evening of our CLA Christmas Program.  This will be held at Living Hope Community Church on December 15.  A detailed sheet regarding the dinner (tickets are $10, there’s a “table host” option for decorating… and much more…) were sent home recently.  Join in!  

THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM on December 15 is open to all, and tickets are not required.  All students participate in the program or help with the meal, so it’s an all-school event and we are excited to have it again this year! More information to come.

From the Principal's Desk

We have been experiencing some illness among some classes of our school.  I pray that health returns to those who are ill and that we don’t see it passed along too much here at school.  While we are not following contact tracing guidelines as we have in past years due to covid, we do continue to clean and sanitize, and we also know that germs get spread around.  Please be mindful of illness and keep students home if they are sick! It helps out greatly when we communicate well.  I’m thankful for God’s protection.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/11/22

Upcoming Dates 

November 11-18 SPIRIT WEEK… Details below

Thurs, Nov 17 Green vs White middle school basketball scrimmage 5:30 pm

Friday, Nov 18 First CLA home basketball games - JH 5:30 / HS 6:30

Tuesday, Nov 22 Grandparents’ Day at CLA - 10-11 am (PreK) and 2:00-3:30 pm (K-12)

Wednesday, Dec 7 11:30 am - Early Dismissal - Teacher in-service

Thursday, Dec 15 Christmas Program and Dinner - Details coming today and Monday!

Grandparents’ Day!  Tuesday, November 22nd

We are so excited to invite our CLA grandparents to visit our school this fall.  Our theme is “Thankful for Grandparents” and we will celebrate on Tuesday, November 22, our last day of school before Thanksgiving break.  PreK will have their grandparents celebration from 10-11 am in the preK room.  We will invite grandparents of K-12 students to arrive in the 2:00-2:30 time frame for a welcome, and then have activities with students in the 2:30-3:30 time frame.  See the invitational flyer for more information!

Thanksgiving Rolls PTF Fundraiser - enjoy baking together!

PTF will be having their annual Thanksgiving Rolls baking days on November 21 and 22.  THE LINK TO PURCHASE ROLLS is and a paper order form was sent home last week. Orders are due MONDAY NOV 14.

This is a great chance to spend time together with other parents and volunteers! Emily Baker is the organizer of this activity, and she’d be glad for your help!  Click the link to volunteer!

MONDAY, November 14 - SPIRIT WEEK - CRAZY HAIR and/or HAT DAY!!!

SPIRIT WEEK AT CLA! - Show school spirit each day of the week!

Next week leading up to our first basketball games, it will be SCHOOL SPIRIT WEEK at CLA! Thanks to PTF for organizing this special week for students and staff. Here is the schedule… start planning and get involved!

Monday, November 14th - Crazy Hair and/or Hat Day

Tuesday 15th - Farmers and Flannels Day

Wednesday 16th - Decade Day (choose your favorite decade to dress up)

Thursday 17th - Twin/Triplet Day

Friday 18th - Green/White CLA School Spirit Day

CLA Christmas Program and Dinner - Thursday, December 15

After a two-year break, we will be holding a special Christmas Dinner on the evening of our CLA Christmas Program.  This will be held at Living Hope Community Church on December 15.  A detailed sheet regarding the dinner (tickets are $10, there’s a “table host” option for decorating… and much more…) will be coming home today or Monday.  

THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM on December 15 is open to all, and tickets are not required.  All students participate in the program or help with the meal, so it’s an all-school event and we are excited to have it again this year! More information to come.

From the Principal's Desk

As the weather turns cold, I continue to pray for health and the safety of our families and students.  It turned sharply colder today!  From temperatures in the 70’s earlier this week to 20’s and 30’s… wow!  Just a reminder, that we watch out for the safety of our students at school, and we will keep students inside during outdoor recess if they are not properly equipped for the weather.  Send gloves, warm coats, hats, cold weather gear, as we love outdoor recess!  

We do know who holds control of the weather… (and it’s not the weatherman!).  I enjoy the changing of the seasons, and am grateful that God designed our world that way.  Have an enjoyable (cold) weekend!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 11/3/22

Upcoming Dates 

Mon-Tues, Nov 7-8 NO SCHOOL - Veterans’ Day Observance and Election Day

Friday, Nov 11 Veterans’ Day Assembly 8:45 am - parents, friends, Veterans invited!

November 11-18 SPIRIT WEEK… Details below

Thurs, Nov 17 Green vs White middle school basketball scrimmage 5:30 pm

Friday, Nov 18 First CLA home basketball games - JH 5:30 / HS 6:30

Tuesday, Nov 22 Grandparents’ Day at CLA - 10-11 am (PreK) and 2:00-3:30 pm (K-12)

Wednesday, Dec 7 11:30 am - Early Dismissal - Teacher in-service

Veterans’ Day November 11, 2022 - assembly will be at 8:45 am

Veterans’ Day is observed on Friday, November 11.  We will be having a brief Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 11, starting at 8:45 am.  This will also include our PreK students. We encourage you to join us.  We also would like to invite parents, and any family members and friends who are Veterans to JOIN US! No RSVP necessary, but if you do plan to come, please let Mr. Horning know - [email protected].  We will recognize our guests who are Veterans.  And this will also be “red, white, and blue” day which kicks off spirit week! See the invitational flyer for details!

Grandparents’ Day!  Tuesday, November 22nd

We are so excited to invite our CLA grandparents to visit our school this fall.  Our theme is “Thankful for Grandparents” and we will celebrate on Tuesday, November 22, our last day of school before Thanksgiving break.  PreK will have their grandparents celebration from 10-11 am in the preK room.  We will invite grandparents of K-12 students to arrive in the 2:00-2:30 time frame for a welcome, and then have activities with students in the 2:30-3:30 time frame.  See the invitational flyer for more information!

Thanksgiving Rolls PTF Fundraiser - enjoy baking together!

PTF will be having their annual Thanksgiving Rolls baking days on November 21 and 22.  THE LINK TO PURCHASE ROLLS is

This is a great chance to spend time together with other parents and volunteers! Emily Baker is the organizer of this activity (you’ll see order forms for the rolls coming soon) and she’d be glad for your help!  Click the link to volunteer!


Starting on Friday, Nov 11 and extending through the following week leading up to our first basketball games, it will be SCHOOL SPIRIT WEEK at CLA! Thanks to PTF for organizing this special week for students and staff. Here is the schedule… start planning and get involved!

Friday, November 11th - Red, White and Blue Day (for Veterans Day)

Monday, November 14th - Crazy Hair and/or Hat Day

Tuesday 15th - Farmers and Flannels Day

Wednesday 16th - Decade Day (choose your favorite decade to dress up)

Thursday 17th - Twin/Triplet Day

Friday 18th - Green/White CLA School Spirit Day

From the Principal's Desk

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. They are the fruits of the Holy Spirit living in us and guiding us. (Galatians 5:22)  Many times we try so hard to “be good.”  And we should try.  But also remember that we rely on the guidance of the Spirit to help us demonstrate the fruit.  As we’ve begun a section in chapels about the fruit of the spirit, this is my aim for the students to understand.  That we need to be fully reliant on God to help us.  Keep trying, but keep relying on Him!  It’s a great reminder for all of us.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/27/22

Upcoming Dates 

Wednesday, Nov 2 Early Dismissal - Teacher in-service

Mon-Tues, Nov 7-8 NO SCHOOL - Veterans’ Day Observance and Election Day

Friday, Nov 11 Veterans’ Day Assembly 8:45 am - parents, friends, Veterans invited!

November 11-18 This will be SPIRIT WEEK… Look for more information to come!

Veterans’ Day November 11, 2022 - assembly will be at 8:45 am

Our school calendar has changed a little bit this year compared to previous years.  In the past, we would generally have no school on Veterans’ Day in honor of those who have served.  Due to election day and the state observing a day off of school, we now have Monday and Tuesday (Nov 7, 8) with no school, and classes will be in session on Veterans’ Day, November 11.  We will be having a brief Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 11, starting at 8:45 am.  This will also include our PreK students. We encourage you to join us.  We also would like to invite parents, and any family members and friends who are Veterans to JOIN US! No RSVP necessary, but if you do plan to come, please let Mr. Horning know - [email protected].  We will recognize our guests who are Veterans.  And this will also be “red, white, and blue” day which kicks off spirit week!

From the Principal's Desk

In this space, I often share something that has happened at our school, maybe a reflection on an event, or my thoughts on something we’ve experienced at school in the past week.  But this thought is a bit different.  It’s a “big picture” thought about how God works in our lives.

Yesterday we hosted a small group gathering in our home.  Sitting around the table, eating together, sharing what has happened in our lives the past week, were a group of adults that, in some cases, did not know each other in a personal way several months ago.  The comment was made by one in the group, that when we gather in this way, we don’t necessarily solve problems, or get answers to questions.  But we do care for one another, and we get a glimpse of who God is by the way we care for one another.  We are grateful for people, who reflect God’s character and love for us.  Isn’t that a great thought?  God is in the details of our lives.  He’s there because we can see Him in those who care for us.  

I believe that the exact same kind of thing is happening daily in our classrooms at CLA.  Our students, teachers, and our friends give evidence of God caring for us.  How wonderful!


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/20/22

Upcoming Dates 

Monday, Oct 24 NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday, Oct 27 Picture Re-Take Day

Wednesday, Nov 2 Early Dismissal - Teacher in-service

Mon-Tues, Nov 7-8 NO SCHOOL - Veterans’ Day Observance and Election Day

Life Days 2022 - THANK YOU!

What a great weekend as we celebrated the LIFE of Christian Life Academy together last Friday and Saturday.  The final reports aren’t in, but here are a few snapshots:

  • Over 300 meals were served between breakfast and dinner on Saturday

  • The combined auctions (online, silent, live) together raised well over $21,000 for the school. Complete results will come in a few weeks which include all of the online and in person activities and fundraisers. We also had many generous friends who donated directly as a part of the fundraiser.

  • The famous raspberry pie once again set a record, bringing in $11,775 in the live auction!

  • Thank you to all the volunteers and guests who made the weekend successful.

  • It was so great to be together in person once again!

Parent-Teacher Conferences Coming up Soon!

It’s important for us to communicate well, and conferences between parents and teachers is a great way to connect.  We hope that ALL parents will participate in conferences.  We set aside Monday, October 24 as a conference day.  You should have received email from staff asking you to sign up for a conference slot.  Please sign up! 

From the Principal's Desk

If you have not been on campus in the last few days… big changes going on with the HS building! By the beginning of next week, the building will be fully enclosed and we will begin working on the inside.  How exciting!  There will be many opportunities to volunteer as the inside work gets going.

With that said… if you want to help on Saturday (Oct 22), there will be two volunteer opportunities… from approximately 9-11 am (approximately) we will be putting some plywood on a portion of the exterior of the HS building - to prepare for brick. Then, from noon-2 pm (approximately) we will have a crew working on removing decals from our new (to us) small mini-bus to prepare for CLA lettering! Contact me if you are interested… or just show up!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales- Life Days Edition!

Upcoming Dates 

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Volleyball Tournament at ICCS Washington

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Life Days 2022!

Monday, Oct 17 HS Basketball and Cheerleading - first practices!

Tuesday, Oct 18 5th-8th Basketball - first practices!

PTF meeting after school

Monday, Oct 24 NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday, Oct 27 Picture Re-Take Day

Life Days 2022 Updates - Ready or Not… it’s THIS WEEKEND!

LIFE DAYS is THIS WEEKEND!  Hope to see you all there!  Please be sure to come for your volunteer sign-up times, bring ALL YOUR FRIENDS to CLA for food and fun.  And We are SO EXCITED that we will have our IN-PERSON meals and LIVE AUCTION SATURDAY!!!

Currently, we have our 15th Anniversary CLA T-shirts available! They will be at the school office, at a price of $15/shirt, cash and carry… So stop by!  We have sizes YM through XXXL, in green and white.  There is NO pre-order for T-shirts, just the available stock… so come and get them! You may also call the office to check sizes available, and we will set shirts aside for the next day payment. This is a part of the Life Days fundraiser, but we’ll likely re-stock shirts through the year if we sell out on certain sizes.

The LINK for signing up to volunteer (please consider multiple spaces):

Get registered to BID ONLINE through tomorrow night (Friday, Oct 14, 6 pm) silent online auction: 

Find all the Life Days 2022 information online at

Parent-Teacher Conferences Coming up Soon!

It’s important for us to communicate well, and conferences between parents and teachers is a great way to connect.  We hope that ALL parents will participate in conferences.  We set aside Monday, October 24 as a conference day.  You will see communications via email from staff asking you to sign up for a conference slot.  Please sign up! 

Pizza Ranch Tip Night - What a great time of fellowship and a Successful Fundraiser!

If you didn’t yet put it on your calendar…

The next Pizza Ranch Fundraiser for CLA is set for 

Monday, February 20, so mark your calendars!

Office Reminders - volunteers still needed

  • For those parents that still need to turn in Registration forms, Birth certificates, and Medical forms, please have them in ASAP!

  • Sign on to to pay online and see your child’s lunch acct.

  • There is a remaining need for 2 volunteers in the office. This role assists with daily flow of the office and supports the teachers by making copies and various other tasks as they arise. Days currently needed are Mondays and Thursdays but any time you can give is greatly appreciated!  Please consider giving to the ministry at CLA through volunteering!

From the Principal's Desk

This will be short and sweet… I look forward to fellowship with ALL of you over this weekend of Life Days 2022.  I know that at the end of Saturday Night, I’ll be exhausted.  But I know from experience that the exhaustion will eventually be overcome, but the joy of spending time with the CLA community will be long-lasting!  See you this weekend at LIFE DAYS!!!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 10/6/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, Oct 7 Volleyball AWAY games vs Danville 5 pm / 6 pm

Fri-Mon, Oct 7-10 NO SCHOOL - Extended Columbus Day weekend.

Tuesday, Oct 11 Volleyball HOME games vs FBCA Rosamond - Games begin at 5 pm

8th grade and Senior Night will be celebrated!

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Life Days 2022!

Monday, Oct 24 NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday, Oct 27 Picture Re-Take Day

Life Days 2022 Updates - Just over one week away!

REMINDER - We need everyone to participate… in particular, we could use additional VOLUNTEERS - see the link below - for Setup on Wednesday, 10/12, for monitoring kids activities on Friday and Saturday, for concessions on Friday, for helping at the live auction on Saturday night… please sign up to help!

Currently, we have our 15th Anniversary CLA T-shirts available! They will be at the school office, at a price of $15/shirt, cash and carry… So stop by!  We have sizes YM through XXXL, in green and white.  There is NO pre-order for T-shirts, just the available stock… so come and get them! You may also call the office to check sizes available, and we will set shirts aside for the next day payment. This is a part of the Life Days fundraiser, but we’ll likely re-stock shirts through the year if we sell out on certain sizes.

The LINK for signing up to volunteer (please consider multiple spaces):

Get registered to BID ONLINE during the Oct 7-14 silent online auction or purchase items from the online store - and share this link with your friends and family: 

Note - the presale of pies, popcorn, coffee ENDS today!  Online orders (use link above) can be made through 11:45 tonight.  Paper orders were to be turned in by the end of the school day TODAY! 

The LINK for pre-purchasing tickets to Friday Night Movie “Family Camp” at Living Hope Community Church is:

Find all the Life Days 2022 information online at

Change Wars Update

The collecting of coins ended last week, with an amazing total collected:

$1206.35 in pennies/nickels/dimes/quarters.  WOW!

PTF would like to thank all the families for participating in this fun challenge, raising money for classrooms and student activities.  Great Job!

Parent-Teacher Conferences Coming up Soon!

It’s important for us to communicate well, and conferences between parents and teachers is a great way to connect.  We hope that ALL parents will participate in conferences.  We set aside Monday, October 24 as a conference day.  You will see communications via email from staff asking you to sign up for a conference slot.  Please sign up! 

Pizza Ranch Tip Night - What a great time of fellowship and a Successful Fundraiser!

What a great time of eating, serving, and raising funds for CLA on Monday, September 26th!  The Pizza Ranch in Morton was bursting with CLA families and friends.  Can you believe that $1155 was raised in support of Tuition Assistance?  That’s right!  Thank you everyone for participating, and a special thank you to Mrs. Gibson for organizing and the many students and parents who volunteered.  Fun times!

The next Pizza Ranch Fundraiser for CLA is set for Monday, February 20, so mark your calendars!

Office Reminders - volunteers needed

  • For those parents that still need to turn in Registration forms, Birth certificates, and Medical forms, please have them in ASAP!

  • Sign on to to pay online and see your child’s lunch acct.

  • There is a remaining need for 2 volunteers in the office. This role assists with daily flow of the office and supports the teachers by making copies and various other tasks as they arise. Days currently needed are Mondays and Thursdays but any time you can give is greatly appreciated!  Please consider giving to the ministry at CLA through volunteering!

From the Principal's Desk

Have you ever been involved with something that was hard work… but the feeling and results made the hard work completely worth it?  I have been having these types of mornings this week!  We’ve been pouring sections of the floor for the new high school building.  Great work by the contractors - Prairieland Builders - Lorn, Everett and RJ - and I’ve also enjoyed working with different volunteers each day… On Tuesday it was Josh Schmidgall and Landon Horning… Wednesday I was joined by Jubilee Plattner, and the Riggenbachs (Jonathan, Kiera, Jordan and Jackson).  This morning, Roran Stribling and Jesse Rupp were helping.  My muscles are a bit sore, but my heart is bursting with joy and satisfaction of working together on a project.  Each step moves us closer to our goal! Who’s helping tomorrow at 8 am??

If you would like to get involved, there will be MANY more opportunities!  We’ll continue to pour concrete tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday.  I’ve heard there may be some projects on exterior steel, windows, doors getting started soon.  Keep your ears open!  I’ll send emails and post on facebook when opportunities arise!  And also, blessings to those who have volunteered in so many previous projects.  There are too many names to mention them all without missing some… you know who you are, and please accept a “Thank You!” from CLA!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/29/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, Sept 29 Volleyball HOME games vs ICCS 5 pm / 6 pm

Tuesday, Oct 4 Volleyball HOME games vs Pekin Faith 5 pm / 6 pm

Friday, Oct 7 Volleyball AWAY games vs Danville 5 pm / 6 pm

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Save the Dates for Life Days 2022!

Life Days 2022 Updates - Just a few weeks away!

REMINDER - please check student backpacks for papers coming home… recently we have sent out a family response sheet, posters, donor sheets, order forms, and more…


  • Starting on MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, we will have our 15th Anniversary CLA T-shirts available! They will be at the school office, at a price of $15/shirt, cash and carry… So stop by!  We have sizes YM through XXXL, in green and white.  There is NO pre-order for T-shirts, just the available stock… so come and get them! You may also call the office to check sizes available, and we will set shirts aside for the next day payment. This is a part of the Life Days fundraiser, but we’ll likely re-stock shirts through the year if we sell out on certain sizes.

  • Get registered to BID ONLINE during the Oct 7-14 silent online auction or purchase items from the online store (and share this link with your friends and family: 

  • Here is an ONLINE LINK if you prefer to “turn in” your family responses through this form: Family Response Form

  • The LINK for signing up to volunteer (please consider multiple spaces):

  • The LINK for pre-purchasing tickets to Friday Night Movie “Family Camp” at Living Hope Community Church is:

Find all the Life Days 2022 information online at

Change Wars Update

Congratulations to everyone for bringing in so many dimes last week!  The total was $357 in dimes, for a total of just over $557 brought in change so far over three weeks.  The winner of the contest for last week (most dimes) was the 5th/6th grade team, with 983 dimes. Great Job!  This week, students  have one more day to bring in QUARTERS!  The totals will be announced next week and the winning teams will begin receiving their prizes.  

Pizza Ranch Tip Night - What a great time of fellowship and a Successful Fundraiser!

What a great time of eating, serving, and raising funds for CLA this past Monday, September 26th!  The Pizza Ranch in Morton was bursting with CLA families and friends.  Can you believe that $1155 was raised in support of Tuition Assistance?  That’s right!  Thank you everyone for participating, and a special thank you to Mrs. Gibson for organizing and the many students and parents who volunteered.  Fun times!

The next Pizza Ranch Fundraiser for CLA is set for Monday, February 20, so mark your calendars!

Office Reminders - volunteers needed

For those parents that still need to turn in Registration forms, Birth certificates, and Medical forms, please have them in by Friday, Sept. 30th! 

Sign on to to pay online and see your child’s lunch acct.

There is a remaining need for 2 volunteers in the office. This role assists with daily flow of the office and supports the teachers by making copies and various other tasks as they arise. Days currently needed are Mondays and Thursdays but any time you can give is greatly appreciated!  Please consider giving to the ministry at CLA through volunteering!

From the Principal's Desk

Recently I had a conversation with another CLA staff person.  We were discussing what Life Days 2022 will look like in comparison to the last few years, when we didn’t do many “in-person” activities.  We both were considering (and a bit nervous) that it just won’t be the same as it was in the traditional Life Days many years ago.  But as we talked, we remembered that God is in control.  What HE desires to happen for Life Days 2022, in support of the school, will be exactly what should happen.  Just because it might not be “the same” as a past year, doesn’t mean it isn’t God’s plan.  This is a good reminder for all activities and events of our lives, of course!

So, am I still a bit unsure about Life Days 2022 - “back in the building?” Of course!  But what I am completely sure about… is that God is in charge.  That’s a great feeling.  I’m so excited and looking forward to the Life Days activities.  And I’m excited to see each of you there!


        Mr. Horning