Lion Tales 9/22/22

Upcoming Dates 

Monday, Sept 26 NO SCHOOL - Teacher in-service day

TIP NIGHT at Pizza Ranch in Morton 5-8 pm (see below - volunteers needed)

Tuesday, Sept 27 Volleyball HOME games vs 5 pm / 6 pm

Thursday, Sept 29 Volleyball HOME games vs ICCS 5 pm / 6 pm

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Save the Dates for Life Days 2022!

Life Days 2022 Family Info - links for parent response, volunteer sign-up, movie tickets

Last Friday (or early this week for some families), the FAMILY RESPONSE SHEET was distributed.  This is what we ask every family to complete, getting involved in Life Days 2022.  Also, today more papers will be coming home – some color posters to distribute and a donor sheet for you or a friend. We also are ready to start taking orders for items we sell.  Keep your eyes open!

Here is an ONLINE LINK if you prefer to “turn in” your family responses through this form: Family Response Form

The LINK for signing up to VOLUNTEER (please consider multiple spaces):

The LINK for pre-purchasing tickets to Friday Night Movie “Family Camp” at Living Hope Community Church is:

In the meantime, please continue to do the following (the items on the response sheet!):

  • Consider what friends, family and business acquaintances you will approach asking for a donation (monetary or auction item).

  • Become familiar with what Life Days will include… among other things:

    • online auction Oct 7-14 prior to the big events - closes at 7 pm Friday, Oct 14

    • kids activities, including kids ticket auction (Fri), inflatables (Fri/Sat), and “That Kid Place” coming on Sat 12:30-3:30

    • Friday night movie special showing of  “Family Camp” which will be held at Living Hope Community Church 6:30 pm

    • Saturday Breakfast and Saturday night Pork Chop meal

    • Silent (starting in the afternoon) and Live Auction Saturday evening

    • fundraiser items for sale (coffee, pies, popcorn)

    • 15th anniversary t-shirts - cash and carry for $15!

  • Set aside your weekend October 14-15 and plan to attend, invite friends and family, and spread the word about all the events going on.  And be ready to volunteer your time and energy!

  • As information comes out over the next few weeks (social media, email, radio, paper, etc), commit to passing this information on to your churches, friends and families.

It takes the whole community of Christian Life Academy to make Life Days 2022 a success.

Change Wars Update

Congratulations to everyone for bringing in a great pile of nickels last week!  The total was $98.80 in nickels, for a total of just over $200 so far.  The winner of the contest for last week (most nickels) was grades PK-K. This week, students  have one more day to bring in DIMES.  Next week (Sept 27-30) it’s time to bring those QUARTERS!

Pizza Ranch Tip Night - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 from 5-8 pm

We hope to see MANY CLA families and friends in Morton at the Pizza Ranch (903 W Jackson St) On Monday night!  We could still use some volunteers, in particular to help in the kitchen / dishroom.  ALL TIPS (cash only) and 10% of the proceeds for that evening go to CLA - and this is directed to benefit tuition assistance for CLA families.  Come, volunteer, enjoy some pizza, and support the school! This would be a great community service opportunity for our students!

Contact Mrs. Gibson ([email protected] or 309-826-1848) if you have any questions or can help!

Office Reminders - volunteers needed

For those parents that still need to turn in Registration forms, Birth certificates, and Medical forms, please have them in by Friday, Sept. 30th! 

Sign on to to pay online and see your child’s lunch acct.

There is a remaining need for 2 volunteers in the office. This role assists with daily flow of the office and supports the teachers by making copies and various other tasks as they arise. Days currently needed are Mondays and Thursdays but any time you can give is greatly appreciated!  Please consider giving to the ministry at CLA through volunteering!

From the Principal's Desk

Excitement about the new HS building is again growing… After some waiting (due to material and availability of various trades) it is time to pour concrete for the floor of the new building.  That means we can soon enclose the exterior walls and begin work on the interior.  Stop by any time and look at the progress.  I’m glad to share updates… and glad to have people let me know how you could volunteer some time!

Also - I wanted all our parents to know that I shared the gospel message with our students on Monday in chapel.  It seemed a very appropriate time, as we have been talking about “confidence” in our faith… When we know Jesus as our Savior, we want to share it with others.  I’m so excited to be able to share the message of how Jesus gave His life so that we can have forgiveness of our sins and an opportunity to know and live for Jesus.  My prayer is that our students would know Jesus!  Feel free at any time to talk with me or our staff about this most important decision in a child’s (or adult’s) life!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/15/22

Upcoming Dates 

Saturday, Sept 17 Varsity Volleyball tournament at Rosamond, IL

Monday, Sept 19 School Picture Day!

Tuesday, Sept 20 Volleyball AWAY games at Galesburg 5:00/6:00

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Save the Dates for Life Days 2022!


A new design - the block “CLA” logo - is available for purchase through a JC Screen Printing online store.  Shirts, sweatshirts, and a duffel bag are available to order. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE SEPTEMBER 16 at midnight.  So you have one day left to decide on a purchase! At checkout, you can choose “free bulk event pickup” and your items will be delivered to the school for pickup.  For those needing an item for the MS/HS field trip at the end of September, or want to get your item ASAP, you may wish to select “ship to home” to have your items in time.   Click on the link below to order!

Life Days 2022 Family Info coming in backpacks TOMORROW

Please keep your eyes open for a BRIGHT YELLOW packet coming home tomorrow in backpacks.  This is the FAMILY RESPONSE SHEET that we ask every family to complete, getting involved in Life Days 2022.  In the meantime, please do the following:

  • Consider what friends, family and business acquaintances you will approach asking for a donation (monetary or auction item).

  • Become familiar with what Life Days will include… among other things:

    • online auction Oct 7-14 prior to the big events

    • kids activities, including kids ticket auction, inflatables, and “That Kid Place”

    • Friday night movie special showing of  “Family Camp” which will be held at Living Hope Community Church

    • Saturday Breakfast and Saturday night Pork Chop meal

    • Silent (starting in the afternoon) and Live Auction Saturday evening

    • fundraiser items for sale (coffee, pies, popcorn)

    • 15th anniversary t-shirts!

    • and more

  • Set aside your weekend October 14-15 and plan to attend, invite friends and family, and spread the word about all the events going on.  And be ready to volunteer your time and energy!

  • As information comes out over the next few weeks (social media, email, radio, paper, etc), commit to passing this information on to your churches, friends and families.

It takes the whole community of Christian Life Academy to make Life Days 2022 a success.

Change Wars Update

Congratulations to everyone for bringing in thousands of pennies last week!  The total was $102.97 in pennies.  The winner of the contest for last week (most pennies) was grades 1-4.

This week, students  have one more day to bring in NICKELS.  Next week (Sept 19-23) it’s time to bring those DIMES!

Office Reminders - volunteers needed

For those parents that still need to turn in Registration forms, Birth certificates, and Medical forms, please have them in by Friday, Sept. 30th! 

Sign on to to pay online and see your child’s lunch acct.

There is a remaining need for 2 volunteers in the office. This role assists with daily flow of the office and supports the teachers by making copies and various other tasks as they arise. Days currently needed are Mondays and Thursdays but any time you can give is greatly appreciated!  Please consider giving to the ministry at CLA through volunteering!

From the Principal's Desk

Are you feeling overwhelmed? I know I do sometimes.  This fall has seemed very busy (and fall doesn’t officially start until next week! wow!),. But it has helped me greatly to spend time each day with my Bible, reading God’s Word.  It has also helped to have other Christ-followers to share my burdens and to pray together.  My hope and prayer is that each of us would find that space to read, pray, share with friends… and remember that God is with us.  Nothing overwhelms our Heavenly Father!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/8/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, Sept 6 VB Away at ICCS (Washington) 5:00/6:00

Friday, Sept 9 JH BB Home vs Trinity 4:30 pm (8th Grade night)

VB Home vs MWA Highlighters (Galesburg) 5:00/6:00

Saturday, Sept 10 HS Football Flag Scrimmage 1 pm on baseball D3 (behind school)

Monday, Sept 12 PTF (Parent/Teacher Fellowship) meeting 3:45

Tuesday, Sept 13 Volleyball games at Chillicothe Calvary Baptist, 5:00 JH / 6:00 Varsity

Saturday, Sept 17 Varsity Volleyball tournament at Rosamond, IL

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Save the Dates for Life Days 2022!

CLA Gear Store open NOW! 

A new design - the block “CLA” logo - is available for purchase through a JC Screen Printing online store.  Shirts, sweatshirts, and a duffel bag are available to order. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE SEPTEMBER 16 at midnight.  So you have two weeks to decide on a purchase! At checkout, you can choose “free bulk event pickup” and your items will be delivered to the school for pickup.  For those needing an item for the MS/HS field trip at the end of September, or want to get your item ASAP, you may wish to select “ship to home” to have your items in time.   Click on the link below to order!

Life Days Planning Committee needs YOU to help organize and lead!

Life Days 2022 is just five weeks away…

If you want to participate in leadership aspects of Life Days 2022, we are looking for some leaders/organizers in certain areas (see below). The Life Days Planning Committee (Dar Beachy, Josh Horning, Breeana Knoll, Hillary McDannald, Amanda Stribling, Adele Wheeler) would be glad for you to jump into a leadership role!  Contact a committee member (before we call you!)

Who is needed for Life Days 2022?

First of all…. EVERYONE is needed!  Life Days 2022 is a HUGE part of the year!

But in particular, we will be looking for people to lead in the certain areas:

Meal planning - Friday night (Oct 14) food stand, Saturday (Oct 15) Breakfast; 

Procuring Auction Items for our online, silent and LIVE auctions!

Most areas are “traditional” in that we aren’t starting from scratch.  But we need 

NEW people to jump in and help volunteer, work together, lead! 

Office Reminder - turn in paperwork and make payments!

If you haven’t yet completed registration paperwork, signed and turned in documents, paid fees or tuition, please do so in a timely manner.  Mrs. Westley will be contacting you about them, but we are always happy to have you contact the office first!  We do ask that tuition payments are made in a timely manner - October 1 is coming up in just a few weeks, and that means the 3rd payment (monthly payment K-12) or second payment (PreK) is due soon!  

Construction Update… Concrete Floor coming soon! - Volunteers for Saturday?

Preparation is happening this week and if materials come in as we hope, we’ll be ready to start pouring concrete for the floor of our new high school building late next week.  Preparation will include laying insulation and rods, then subfloor hot water tubing.  If you are available this Saturday (Sept 10), we’ll be working in the 8:30-11:30 am time frame.  We could probably use 3-5 people for this.  Another task could be tearing apart some wooden boxes to use the lumber later (hammers/nail pullers/pry bars needed). Feel free to contact Mr. Horning, or just stop by!

From the Principal's Desk

Life Days is a tradition unlike any other in our school.  Established in 2008, our first school year, this fall will be the 15th Life Days event.  It’s a time of fun, fellowship, food, activities… so much!  If you are new to our school, you may not know what to expect.  In fact, with the very different ways that Life Days operated over the past two years, Life Days 2022 activities may be new to a LOT of our families.  If you want to know more, be sure to keep your eyes and ears open over the next few weeks as Life Days preparation rolls out.  Get involved!  Life Days is a great way to support the school and to help keep our tuition costs manageable.  Please pray for the planning, invite your family and friends, and absolutely….. get involved!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 9/1/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, Sept. 1 Baseball AWAY game at Corpus Christi 4:30 pm

Friday, Sept. 2 Volleyball HOME games vs Danville 5:00 / 6:00 pm

Monday, Sept. 5 No School - Labor Day

Tuesday, Sept 6 VB Away at Faith Baptist (gym is Cornerstone Baptist, Groveland) 5:00/6:00

JH BB Away at Delavan 6:30 pm

Friday, Sept 9 JH BB Home vs Trinity 4:30 pm

VB Home vs MWA Highlighters (Galesburg) 5:00/6:00

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Save the Dates for Life Days 2022!

CLA Gear Store open NOW! 

A new design - the block “CLA” logo - is available for purchase through a JC Screen Printing online store.  T-shirts, sweatshirts, and a duffel bag are available to order. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE SEPTEMBER 16 at midnight.  So you have two weeks to decide on a purchase! At checkout, you can choose “free bulk event pickup” and your items will be delivered to the school for pickup.  For those needing an item for the MS/HS field trip at the end of September, or want to get your item ASAP, you may wish to select “ship to home” to have your items in time.   Click on the link below to order!

Office Reminder - turn in paperwork and make payments!

If you haven’t yet completed registration paperwork, signed and turned in documents, paid fees or tuition, please do so in a timely manner.  Mrs. Westley will be contacting you about them, but we are always happy to have you contact the office first!  We do ask that tuition payments are made in a timely manner - September 1 is today, and that means the 2nd payment (monthly payment K-12) or first payment (PreK) is due!  

Life Days Planning Committee Members needed!

Life Days 2022 is just a few months away…

If you want to participate in the planning of Life Days 2022, we are looking for some committee members for this fall.  Several meetings, as well as being a part of an email planning group, is what you would sign up for.  Contact Mr. Horning ASAP if you would like to get involved! 


Who is needed for Life Days 2022?

First of all…. EVERYONE is needed!  Life Days 2022 is a HUGE part of the year!

But in particular, we will be looking for people to lead in the following areas:

Kids Activities - planning mostly for Friday Oct 14

Meal planning - Saturday (Oct 15) Breakfast, Saturday Pork Chop meal

Procuring Auction Items for our online, silent and LIVE auctions!

Most areas are “traditional” in that we aren’t starting from scratch.  But we need NEW people to jump in and help volunteer, work together, lead! Contact Mr. Horning!!

From the Principal's Desk

We are off and running with the 2022-23 school year.  Some routines are starting to be cemented.  Families who seemed “new” just a few weeks ago are much more familiar now.  I’d ask that you would regularly pray for the school.  Pray for our students, staff, school board, volunteers, all the many people that are a part of the CLA community.  We want to bathe this school year in prayer as it continues to move forward!  


         Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 8/25/22

Upcoming Dates 

Saturday, August 27 Board of Directors’ meeting 7:30 am

Monday, August 29 Baseball HOME game vs Carroll Catholic 4:30 pm

Thursday, Sept. 1 Baseball AWAY game at Corpus Christi 4:30 pm

Friday, Sept. 2 Volleyball HOME games vs Danville 5:00 / 6:00 pm

Monday, Sept. 5 No School - Labor Day

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Save the Dates for Life Days 2022!

Office Reminder - turn in paperwork and make payments!

If you haven’t yet completed registration paperwork, signed and turned in documents, paid fees or tuition, please do so in a timely manner.  Mrs. Westley will be contacting you about them, but we are always happy to have you contact the office first!  We do ask that tuition payments are made in a timely manner - September 1 is next Thursday, and that means the 2nd payment (monthly payment K-12) or first payment (PreK) is due!  

Life Days Planning Committee Members needed!

Life Days 2022 is just a few months away…

If you would like to participate in the planning of Life Days 2022, we are looking for some committee members for this fall.  Several meetings, as well as being a part of an email planning group, is what you would sign up for.  Contact Mr. Horning ASAP if you would like to get involved!

From the Principal's Desk

I unexpectedly spent several days away from school this week due to illness in my family. I kept checking in with the staff regularly, and the gaps and my responsibilities were covered so well.  We have an amazing staff at Christian Life Academy, and I am grateful for them!  But I’m also excited to be back next week.  I missed everyone!  Thank you for your care and concern.  This is just another one of those things that I’ll look back on later and be THANKFUL, even though I would not have chosen this plan for the week.  


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 8/18/22

Building on the Foundation.  Thankful - Confident - Forward!

If you have any questions or need to contact someone at the school, please try any of the following:

Office - Mrs. Westley -  [email protected] or [email protected] or call 309-449-3346

Principal - Mr. Horning - [email protected], 309-267-8781 

You are also welcome to talk directly with teachers… let’s communicate well this year!

Upcoming Dates 

Today, August 18 First day of school for K-12! Doors open 8:15…Chapel at 8:30!

VB and BB practices

Monday, August 22 First day of school for Preschool students

First PTF (Parent-Teacher Fellowship) Meeting after school (see below)

Baseball Away game Morton United 4:15 pm.  Bus 3:10

Running Club practice (see below for information)

Tuesday, August 23 Baseball practice / VB practice 

Thursday, August 25 VB Practice

Baseball HOME game vs South Pekin 4:30 pm

Fri-Sat, Oct 14-15 Save the Dates for Life Days 2022!

It’s Time for a NEW school year!! And new opportunities

LION RUN CLUB information (grades 4-8, joint venture with local public schools)

While we won’t have an “official cross country team,” we are excited that several parents are hosting a run club that will give an opportunity for students to run in some local races.  If there is enough interest with older (6th-8th) runners, we could enter in a JH cross country meet or two as well.  FIRST PRACTICE IS MONDAY, AUGUST 22 from 3:30-4:45.  There will be a parent meeting at the end of this practice.  Thanks to Rachel Birkey and Randi Krehbiel for organizing this opportunity!  See the flyer for more information and sign-up code.

Parent Teacher Fellowship needs YOU!

Join with parents and staff on MONDAY, AUGUST 22 after school… help the school by being an active member of the PTF, which helps make our classrooms and school year even better through fundraising, special projects, field trips, and events that make CLA an even more wonderful place!

Athletics UPDATE… Our MS baseball, HS volleyball, HS (flag) football and Lion running club (4th-8th) are either already competing, or beginning practices towards competition.  

We also were ANTICIPATING having JH Volleyball, but came up a little short on participants, and we are still looking for an adult coach.  If you know of someone that could help out, please let Mr. Horning know! In the interim, we will begin next week with 7th/8th graders girls who have signed up for VB practicing with our high school team at THURSDAY practices.  If we are able to make a separate team, we will likely allow 5th-6th graders to join as well.  But it’s likely we will stay with the interim plan for this season.

Office Reminder - turn in paperwork and make payments!

If you haven’t yet completed registration paperwork, turned in documents, paid fees or tuition, please do so in a timely manner.  Mrs. Westley will be contacting you about them, but we are always happy to have you contact the office first!

From the Principal's Desk

I can’t express how exciting it was to kick off this school year.  Our staff meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday were simply phenomenal as our amazing staff gathered together and prayed, shared, planned, ate, and simply lived life together.  Then Wednesday night, with classroom visits, families and students in the building, a picnic, and a powerful dedication prayer reminded me again of the wonderful community we share together.  I am looking forward to this year, as exhausting as I’m sure it will be (most years are!), but it’s because I KNOW the power of the Lord is at work among us.  Thank you for being a vital part of CLA!  Let’s be Thankful, Confident, and moving Forward together!


        Mr. Horning

Theme for 2022-2023

Building on the Foundation

Philippians 1:3-11

A Thankful Mindset (Philippians 1:3-5) 

Confident in our Faith (Philippians 1:6) 

Moving Forward (Philippians 1:9-11)   

 Thankful - Confident - Forward

Lion Tales 5/12/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, May 13 MS Science Fair 8:30-10:30 am - in the gym

Tuesday, May 17 5th/6th DARE Graduation 2:30 pm

K-2 Field trip to the Zoo

Thursday, May 19 8th Grade Graduation 5:30 pm / 12th Grade Graduation 7:00 pm at LHCC

Friday, May 20 Field Day / Last day of school

Friday, June 10  15th Annual CLA Golf Outing at North Greens, Atlanta

2022-23 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families! 

As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE!  We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school.  Questions, please ask!  Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!


Bike-a-Thon update - over $5,000 was raised!

The CLA Bike-a-thon, held May 1st in memory of beloved teacher Mr. Andy Johnson, had well over 100 people in attendance, with 37 registered riders.  Many cheering family members, as well as special guests - Mr. Johnson’s parents and some family members enjoyed the day.  What a wonderful event that will become an annual one, we anticipate.  An update - with more sponsorships rolling in over the past week, we now can share that over $5,000 was raised for the new HS Building Fund with this event! Wow!

CLA is HIRING… Pray for amazing new staff for our school

With growth happening in our physical building as well as in our classrooms, we have some staffing positions that will need to be filled for the upcoming school year.  CLA is looking for wonderful, Godly, faith-focused individuals to help lead our students in several areas: high school English, HS and middle school electives and support, and kitchen management.  We have always been blessed with great staff, and we know that God has the exact people in mind for these positions.  Please pass the word on to any individuals who may fit these roles.  Applications will be accepted through May 31. Contact Mr. Horning 309-449-3346 or [email protected] for more information, or for a copy of the official posting.

Building Project update… Foundations have been completed!

On our way to seeing the building rise over the next few months.

We have started building the new high school classroom building!!  The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year!  Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project.  You can help in the following ways:

  1. Mr. Horning will continue organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS. We had a great group of helpers for our two foundation concrete pours already, and there will be MANY chances to help. Look for this information coming out from Mr. Horning via facebook and email updates and requests… and sign up to help! 

  2. We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just over $230,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project - an additional $130,000-$150,000 is the anticipated need!  Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!

From the Principal's Desk

Just one week remains of school.  This statement is both exciting and challenging! As we near the summer at the end of each school year, we close one chapter, but the next chapter is already opened!  We are well on our way to planning for next year.  This is true both for our classrooms and students, but also for the physical spaces (including the construction of the new high school classroom building).  While it may seem like a challenge for us, we know that the LORD leads, and nothing is challenging or impossible for the LORD!  Pray that as we prepare for the future, we always prepare by following the lead of our Heavenly Father!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 5/5/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, May 6 3rd/4th Field Trip

Wednesday, May 11 5th/6th DARE Trip to Peoria Chiefs game

Friday, May 13 MS Science Fair 8:30-10:30 in the gym

Tuesday, May 17 5th/6th DARE Graduation 2:30 pm

K-2 Field trip to the Zoo

Thursday, May 19 8th Grade Graduation 5:30 pm / 12th Grade Graduation 7:00 pm at LHCC

Friday, May 20 Field Day / Last day of school

Friday, June 10  15th Annual CLA Golf Outing at North Greens, Atlanta

2022-23 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families! 

As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE!  We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school.  Questions, please ask!  Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!


May 2-6 is (was) Teacher Appreciation week! 

This week the CLA staff has been greatly blessed.  Thank you to PTF for providing encouragement, love, food, fun activities, and more food.  Our teachers have truly been “appreciated” throughout the entire week.  Thank you!

Bike-a-Thon is enjoyed by so many!

What a great event last weekend!  The CLA Bike-a-thon, in memory of beloved teacher Mr. Andy Johnson, had well over 100 people in attendance, with 37 registered riders, many cheering family members, as well as special guests - Mr. Johnson’s parents and some family members.  Mr. Horning DID end up riding a tiny bike for one lap, but many riders completed over 10 miles of biking… despite the cold and windy weather on Sunday, May 1.  What a wonderful event that will become an annual one, we anticipate.  Nearly $4,000 was raised for our new building project!  What a blessing, and thanks to Mrs. Espenschied and many volunteers for a fun time together.

CLA is HIRING… Pray for amazing new staff for our school

With growth happening in our physical building as well as in our classrooms, we have some staffing positions that will need to be filled for the upcoming school year.  CLA is looking for wonderful, Godly, faith-focused individuals to help lead our students in several areas: high school English, HS and middle school electives and support, and kitchen management.  We have always been blessed with great staff, and we know that God has the exact people in mind for these positions.  Please pass the word on to any individuals who may fit these roles.  Applications will be accepted through May 31. Contact Mr. Horning 309-449-3346 or [email protected] for more information, or for a copy of the official posting.

Building Project update… Foundations have been completed!

On our way to seeing the building rise over the next few months.

We have started building the new high school classroom building!!  The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year!  Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project.  You can help in the following ways:

  1. Mr. Horning will continue organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS. We had a great group of helpers for our two foundation concrete pours already, and there will be MANY chances to help. Look for this information coming out from Mr. Horning via facebook and email updates and requests… and sign up to help! 

  2. We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just nearly $230,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project!  Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!

From the Principal's Desk

We are nearing the end of this school year.  Wow.  That means moving on to a new grade … having a summer break … welcoming new families to the CLA community … and this summer, especially, building and making classroom transitions (again) for our high school students and staff.  Please pray for all the “behind the scenes” activities that many don’t realize a school staff does between school years.  Planning, moving, cleaning, building, cleaning more… there sure are a lot of things to do! When families/students leave for the summer, our staff has work to do.  If you get a chance, encourage a teacher by offering to help, volunteer, or simply pray for them!  We need the Lord’s guidance even in times when the students are on vacation!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 4/28/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, April 29 No School - Teacher in-service

Saturday, April 30 CLA Bike-a-Thon, 9-11 am NOTE: POSSIBLE RESCHEDULE…check email!

Wednesday, May 4 Early Dismissal 11:30 am / Teacher in-service

Thursday, May 19 8th Grade Graduation 5:30 pm / 12th Grade Graduation 7:00 pm at LHCC

Friday, May 20 Field Day / Last day of school

2022-23 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families! 

As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE!  We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school.  Questions, please ask!  Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!


The week of May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation week! 

This is a great time to bless the teachers and thank them yet again for all the wonderful hard work they do to help our students grow academically, mentally, and spiritually. Our theme is Bloom  based on 1 Corinthians 3:7-9. “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”


Below you will find a sign up genius of different ways we need your help. Feel free to sign up for multiple slots if you are able. If you would also like to spoil your teacher in other ways ( ask your students what they like, they probably know!) feel free to do that too! We are looking forward to making this a really great week for our teachers and we appreciate your help. 

  • The parents of Parent Teacher Fellowship


Don’t forget, the Andy Johnson Memorial Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 9-11 am. The cost to register is $5, and there may be some T-shirts available the day of the event, although the guaranteed t-shirt option has passed. To register, come the day of the event, or contact Mrs. Espenschied at [email protected]. Please note - due to the possibility of severe weather Saturday, we may make a last-minute change to Sunday afternoon, with a different location… check emails!

CLA is HIRING… Pray for amazing new staff for our school

With growth happening in our physical building as well as in our classrooms, we have some staffing positions that will need to be filled for the upcoming school year.  CLA is looking for wonderful, Godly, faith-focused individuals to help lead our students in several areas: high school English, HS and middle school electives and support, and kitchen management.  We have always been blessed with great staff, and we know that God has the exact people in mind for these positions.  Please pass the word on to any individuals who may fit these roles.  Applications will be accepted through May 31. Contact Mr. Horning 309-449-3346 or [email protected] for more information, or for a copy of the official posting.

Building Project update… Foundations have been completed!

On our way to seeing the building rise over the next few months.

We have started building the new high school classroom building!!  The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year!  Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project.  You can help in the following ways:

  1. Mr. Horning will continue organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS. We had a great group of helpers for our two foundation concrete pours the last two weeks, and there will be MANY chances to help. Look for this information coming out from Mr. Horning via facebook and email updates and requests… and sign up to help! 

  2. We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just over $225,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project!  Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!

From the Principal's Desk

I love to see our community grow.  We are seeing physical growth with our new high school classroom building, student growth as students complete a year of school, and also community growth as new families join us.  This means we also are in need of new staff to accommodate additional growth in the future.  Would you pray with me for the current and future staff of our school.  The Lord has already planned for who these individuals will be, and given them the unique preparation they need to be an amazing part of our staff.  Pray for the Lord’s leading and guidance to be on the process of connecting them to CLA.  While you are at it, pray for our current staff and for the strength needed to complete the final weeks of the school year!  Celebrate, and pray for a strong finish!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 4/22/22

Upcoming Dates 

Saturday, April 23 MS Track meet at Morton Bethel Invitational

Tuesday, April 26 MS Track meet at Manito Midwest Central

Friday, April 29 No School - Teacher in-service

Saturday, April 30 CLA Bike-a-Thon, 9-11 am

Wednesday, May 4 Early Dismissal 11:30 am / Teacher in-service

Thursday, May 19 8th Grade Graduation 5:30 pm / 12th Grade Graduation 7:00 pm at LHCC

Friday, May 20 Field Day / Last day of school

2022-2023 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families! 

As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE!  We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school.  Questions, please ask!  Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!


The week of May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation week! 

This is a great time to bless the teachers and thank them yet again for all the wonderful hard work they do to help our students grow academically, mentally, and spiritually. Our theme is Bloom  based on 1 Corinthians 3:7-9. “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”


Below you will find a sign up genius of different ways we need your help. Feel free to sign up for multiple slots if you are able.  If you would also like to spoil your teacher in other ways ( ask your students what they like, they probably know!) feel free to do that too !  We are looking forward to making this a really great week for our teachers and we appreciate your help. 

  • The parents of Parent Teacher Fellowship


Don’t forget, the Andy Johnson Memorial Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 9-11 am. The cost to register is $5, and there may be some T-shirts available the day of the event, although the guaranteed t-shirt option has passed. To register, come the day of the event, or contact Mrs. Espenschied at [email protected]

Building Project update… Moving forward…

Foundations are being poured! Volunteer opportunities coming!

We have started building the new high school classroom building!!  The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year!  Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project.  You can help in the following ways:

  1. Mr. Horning will continue organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS. We had a couple helpers for the first foundation pour last Tuesday, and will be planning the second pour soon. Look for this information coming out via facebook and email… and sign up to help!  

  2. We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just over $225,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project!  Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!

From the Principal's Desk

How exciting to join with CLA community at our groundbreaking on Friday, April 8, and then follow up with working with some of the CLA family on the jobsite last week.  As we move forward to build our new building, please pray for safety, sound planning, good weather, and God’s provision.  There are uncertainties, but the certainty of God’s hand in this project has been evident since the beginning, and we know He will see us through in His timing and with His plan prevailing.  I’m looking forward to working side by side with many of you in the coming months!


        Mr. Horning