Lion Tales 4/7/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, April 7 Easter Program / Worship Service at Living Hope Comm. Church - 6:30 pm

Friday, April 8 Groundbreaking Ceremony for new classroom building! 3:30 pm

Monday, April 11 MS Track at Tremont HS 4:30 (depart 3:45)

Wed-Fri, April 13-15 High School student trip to Creation Museum and The Ark.  Pray for this trip!

Fri-Mon, April 15-18 No School - Easter Break

Saturday, April 30 CLA Bike-a-Thon, 9-11 am

2022-2023 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families! 

As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE!  We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school.  Questions, please ask!  Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!


Don’t forget, the Andy Johnson Memorial Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 9-11 am.  To get your T-shirt, you need to REGISTER NOW!!! The cost to register is $5, T-shirts are $15, and then riders should get pledges to raise money for the CLA Building Project!  

We are looking forward to many students and friends riding on April 30!  To register, visit, click  or contact Mrs. Espenschied at [email protected]

Building Project update… Moving forward…

Join us Friday, April 8 at 3:30 pm for GROUNDBREAKING!

At the March school board meeting, the decision was made to START BUILDING!!  The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year!  Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project.  You can help in the following ways:

  1. Mr. Horning will be organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS soon.  Look for this information coming out via facebook and email… and sign up to help!  The first two opportunities will be for:

    1. foundation prep work - possibly within the next 2-3 weeks as weather permits

    2. clean-up crew (we will have ongoing teams to help keep the site looking good!)

  2. We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just over $200,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project!  Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!

From the Principal's Desk

I am anxiously looking forward to celebrating Easter and remembering what the Lord has done - tonight (6:30 pm) at our school Easter worship service.  I hope that many of you will be there to join me!  Let’s all be prepared to hear, participate, learn and grow together!  How exciting to worship together as a school community… and to be led by our children!  The service is at Living Hope Community Church, and we greatly appreciate LHCC sharing their space with us.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 3/31/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, April 1 MS Track at Midwest Central HS 4:15 (depart 3:15)

Wednesday, April 6 Early dismissal 11:30 am / staff in-service

Thursday, April 7 Easter Program / Worship Service at Living Hope Comm. Church - 6:30 pm

Monday, April 11 MS Track at Tremont HS 4:30 (depart 3:45)

Fri-Mon, April 15-18 No School - Easter Break

Saturday, April 30 CLA Bike-a-Thon, 9-11 am - register NOW to get a T-shirt reserved.

2022-2023 school year is coming soon…share with potential new CLA families! 

As we look toward the future, we are excited about the upcoming school year, as so many of our families have registered to return! But we have ROOM FOR MORE!  We would love to have more families join this great community… We continue to have registration open and would encourage those interested to contact the school.  Questions, please ask!  Please do encourage any friends who are thinking of joining… now is the time!


Don’t forget, the Andy Johnson Memorial Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 9-11 am.  To get your T-shirt, you need to REGISTER NOW!!! The cost to register is $5, T-shirts are $15, and then riders should get pledges to raise money for the CLA Building Project!  

We are looking forward to many students and friends riding on April 30!  To register, visit, click  or contact Mrs. Espenschied at [email protected]

Building Project update… Moving forward!

At the March school board meeting, the decision was made to START BUILDING!! We will be announcing an official “groundbreaking” soon, but we will likely see some action happening prior to that time.  The general plan will be to complete the exterior of the building and as a “phase 1” to complete a portion of the interior that could be used by HS students in the 2022-23 school year!  Construction will be going on over the summer… please pray for good timing, agreeable weather, and God’s hand in the project.  You can help in the following ways:

  1. Mr. Horning will be organizing VOLUNTEER WORK CREWS soon.  Look for this information coming out via facebook and email… and sign up to help!  The first two opportunities will be for:

    1. foundation prep work - possibly within the next 2-3 weeks as weather permits

    2. clean-up crew (we will have ongoing teams to help keep the site looking good!)

  2. We will CONTINUE TO RAISE FUNDS as the building is built… Currently funding sits at just over $200,000 raised, and as bills come in for payment (and material costs rise), we will need continued support to get to a completed project!  Now is a great time to commit to a donation or to tap the shoulder of a friend who might be able to help!

From the Principal's Desk

I hope that all of our families had a refreshing spring break.  In central IL, it sure hasn’t felt like spring the past week or so.  But we know that our Creator God handles the weather, and we can rest in the knowledge that He knows what is best for us.  

We can also rest in the fact that in a short while we will remember and recognize the most important and significant celebration… Easter!  We recognize the perfect plan that God had, to send His one and only Son, our Savior, to earth. Jesus, fully God, lived as a man, died, rose, and lives again… giving us an opportunity to live eternally with Him.  I look forward to sharing with you all in this celebration next week at our April 7 (6:30 pm) school Easter celebration at Living Hope Community Church.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 3/10/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, March 11 End of 3rd Quarter

Mon-Wed, Mar. 14-16 Spring Parent/Teacher conferences

Thursday, Mar. 17 JH Track practice 3:30-5 pm

Mon-Fri, Mar. 21-25 Spring Break - No School

Wednesday, April 6 Early dismissal 11:30 am / staff in-service

Thursday, April 7 Easter Program / Worship Service at Living Hope Comm. Church - 6:30 pm

Time to REGISTER for next school year! 2022-2023 school year is coming soon!

As we look toward the future, can you believe it’s time to think about next school year?  Our early registration is now open.  Early registration goes through spring break (reduced registration fee ends March 25).  Questions, please ask!  We encourage you to take care of re-enrollment as soon as possible as we plan for the upcoming school year!  JUST TWO WEEKS UNTIL THE REGISTRATION FEE GOES UP.  Mr. Horning will likely be making contacts with those we haven’t heard from… and please do encourage any friends who were thinking of joining… now is the time!

Time change this weekend!

Don’t forget, this weekend we “spring ahead” with our clocks.  Be sure to take this into account with an early bedtime on Saturday and Sunday so students are ready for school on Monday!

Current Building Fund update… WOW!

If you’d like details, check out emails and facebook posts on Tuesday, March 1. Here’s the short version: With the generosity of so many, our building fund account now sits at $198,000.  Over $82,000 came in from January 10 through March 1.  The Lord has blessed CLA with so many faithful friends, and the high school building project is becoming a reality.  Praise the Lord! More information on the building project will likely be released near the end of March…

From the Principal's Desk

What a joy it was to visit with families and friends at our Open House this past Tuesday.  I’m continually reminded of the amazing ways God works through our staff and students.  Smiling faces greeted visitors.  We joyfully shared what God is doing.  And excitement about the growth of our school continues to be evident.  Thank you, Lord, for your provision.  


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 3/3/22

Upcoming Dates 

Tuesday, March 8  CLA Open House 9 am - 7 pm.  Invite friends to visit!

Friday, March 11 End of 3rd Quarter

Mon-Wed, Mar. 14-16 Spring Parent/Teacher conferences

Mon-Fri, Mar. 21-25 Spring Break - No School

Wednesday, April 6 Early dismissal 11:30 am / staff in-service

Thursday, April 7 Easter Program / Worship Service at Living Hope Comm. Church - 6:30 pm

Time to REGISTER for next school year! 2022-2023 school year is coming soon!

As we look toward the future, can you believe it’s time to think about next school year?  Our early registration is now open.  Early registration goes through spring break (reduced registration fee ends March 25).  Questions, please ask!  We encourage you to take care of re-enrollment as soon as possible as we plan for the upcoming school year!


Encourage those you know to visit and find out more about what is happening at Christian Life Academy.  We will have our final open house day on Tuesday, March 8.  At open house, the school will be “OPEN” from 9 am to 7 pm for visitors to check out what’s going on!  Especially encourage those who want to see the school in action to come in the 9-11 am time frame (for PreK-12 classroom visits) or 1-3 pm (for K-12 classroom visits).  In the evening, from 4-7 pm, we will have school staff on hand to meet with visitors and give tours as well.  We hope to have many see the difference our CLA community makes for our families!

Current Building Fund update… WOW!

If you’d like details, check out emails and facebook posts on Tuesday, March 1. Here’s the short version: With the generosity of so many, our building fund account now sits at $198,000.  Over $82,000 came in from January 10 through March 1.  The Lord has blessed CLA with so many faithful friends, and the high school building project is becoming a reality.  Praise the Lord!

From the Principal's Desk

The Lord is good.  His faithfulness can be seen in so many ways.  But I’d like to share just a “small” way… I’m blessed to see what happens in this school building every day.  Many Thursday afternoons, I walk down the hall, and see one of our seniors, Abby Martin, spending time with a Kindergarten or 1st grader.  Just a dozen years ago, Abby was one of those little ones, learning to read and do math…within these same walls - and learning to serve her Lord at CLA.  Now she influences others.  Such a great example to the little ones.  Thanks Abby!


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/24/22

Upcoming Dates 

Wednesday, March 2  Early dismissal 11:30 am / staff in-service

Tuesday, March 8  CLA Open House 9 am - 7 pm.  Invite friends to visit!

Friday, March 11 End of 3rd Quarter

Mon-Wed, Mar. 14-16 Spring Parent/Teacher conferences

Mon-Fri, Mar. 21-25 Spring Break - No School

Wednesday, April 6 Early dismissal 11:30 am / staff in-service

Thursday, April 7 Easter Program / Worship Service (info coming soon!)

Time to REGISTER for next school year! 2022-2023 school year is coming soon!

As we look toward the future, can you believe it’s time to think about next school year?  Our early registration is now open.  Early registration goes through spring break (reduced registration fee ends March 25).  Questions, please ask!  We encourage you to take care of re-enrollment as soon as possible as we plan for the upcoming school year!


Encourage those you know to visit and find out more about what is happening at Christian Life Academy.  We will have our final open house day on Tuesday, March 8.  At open house, the school will be “OPEN” from 9 am to 7 pm for visitors to check out what’s going on!  Especially encourage those who want to see the school in action to come in the 9-11 am time frame (for PreK-12 classroom visits) or 1-3 pm (for K-12 classroom visits).  In the evening, from 4-7 pm, we will have school staff on hand to meet with visitors and give tours as well.  We hope to have many see the difference our CLA community makes for our families!

Building Project - MATCHING CHALLENGE EXPIRES Tuesday -  MARCH 1st!

The $25,000 dollar-for-dollar match (offered by a generous friend) ends NEXT WEEK on March 1st! Over $13,000 has come in towards this match already…See the website for more details about the fundraising.

EXCITING…. Many of our classes are doing special class projects to raise money for our building fund… please support them by March 1st to have these project funds matched! Check with individual teachers with your questions and offer to help!

Current Building Fund update… 

As of today, the graph shows the fund including the amount donated during the match campaign - with the funds that have been matched so far (still $12,000 available for matching!) To see the current progress, please visit

From the Principal's Desk

I am continually amazed at the way our Great GOD works.  His timing is perfect, His miracles are amazing, and He shows us His faithfulness in small and large ways!  At our recent school board meeting, the board authorized me to move forward with preliminary “dirt work” and permits for our new building.  The official motion was “spend up to $5,000…”  It was a step of faith, as snow was on the ground, the fund had reached just over $150,000, and we were not yet at the “build now” mark on our fundraising thermometer.  In HIS perfect way, God confirmed this step of faith, as an unexpected check - for the building fund - arrived this week… in the amount of $5,000.  Praise the Lord for His timing, and for the individual who heeded the call to give.  This is just one of MANY situations in the course of our building project timeline where we have seen God work - in a DETAIL.  We are truly blessed, and so happy to serve our Great GOD!  Keep praying for the school and thanking the Lord for provision!


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/10/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thurs-Sat, Feb 10-12 Varsity Basketball tournament at ICCS (Washington)

5:00 and 7:00 pm Thursday… Fri/Sat based on results - Go Lions!

Fri-Mon, Feb 18-21 No School - Presidents’ Day Weekend

Tuesday, Feb 22 CLA Open House 9 am - 7 pm.  Invite friends to visit!

Thursday, Feb 24 CLA Open House 9 am - 7 pm.  Invite friends to visit!

Wednesday, March 2  Early dismissal 11:30 am / staff in-service

Tuesday, March 8  CLA Open House 9 am - 7 pm.  Invite friends to visit!

Time to REGISTER for next school year! 2022-2023 school year is coming soon!

As we look toward the future, can you believe it’s time to think about next school year?  Our early registration is now open.  Early registration goes through spring break (March 25).  A re-enrollment packet went home recently with all the details. Questions? Please ask!


Encourage those you know to visit and find out more about what is happening at Christian Life Academy.  We will have open house dates on Tuesday, February 22, Thursday, February 24, and again on Tuesday, March 8.  At each open house, the school will be “OPEN” from 9 am to 7 pm for visitors to check out what’s going on!  Especially encourage those who want to see the school in action to come in the 9-11 am time frame (for PreK-12 classroom visits) or 1-3 pm (for K-12 classroom visits).  In the evenings from 4-7 pm, we will have at least 3 school staff on hand to meet with visitors and give tours as well.  We hope to have many visit and see the difference our CLA community makes for our families!

Building Project at Christian Life Academy - MATCHING CHALLENGE!

This is an exciting time at Christian Life Academy.   We are in the public phase of fundraising, now approaching $150,000 already raised toward the project.  

UPDATE!  The $25,000 dollar-for-dollar match (offered by a generous friend) continues through March 1st! Over $5,000 has come in towards this match already…See the website for more details about the fundraising.

EXCITING…. Many of our classes are doing special class projects to raise money for our building fund… please support them! Check with individual teachers with your questions and offer to help!

Meals prepared for you… Support the CLA Building Fund!

As announced earlier this week, CLA PTF is sponsoring a Prep-Freeze-Cook fundraiser to support the CLA Building Fund! Meals will arrive at CLA Thursday, February 24 for 3:30 pm pickup, and must be ordered by Thursday, February 17 at noon.  Details can be found on the order form / flyer that was sent home or on the website at

Don’t forget to order your CLA Logo Tumbler - and some for friends and family as well! The link to order is ( Thanks to the Sarver family and for organizing this Building Project fundraiser!

From the Principal's Desk

Tough times produce perseverance… which leads to character building … which allows us to have hope.  This idea, which comes from Romans 5, has such truth in it, but it sure can be difficult to “live through.”  Maybe you or your family is going through a tough time right now.  Maybe you have been through a tough time and have seen how it builds strength in your life.  Maybe you have a clearer picture of the HOPE we have in Jesus because He has carried you through.  If that’s the case, I’d encourage you to share that with someone!  Don’t just share the end result, but share the struggle that strengthened you… and then the hope you have because of it.  Be an encouragement to someone in their struggle.  Be a beacon of hope!  We know who holds the future!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 1/28/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, Jan 27 JH basketball practice

Monday, Jan 31 HOME basketball games

5:30 JH vs Good Shepherd

7:15 Varsity vs Trinity

Tuesday, Feb 1 Away basketball games vs ICCS 5:00 JH / 6:00 Varsity (3:45 bus)

Wednesday, Feb 2 Varsity Basketball practice

Thursday, Fe 3 JH Basketball practice

Friday, Feb 4 Away basketball games vs Faith 5:00 JH / 6:00 Varsity (4:00 bus)

Time to REGISTER for next school year! 2022-2023 school year is coming soon!

As we look toward the future, can you believe it’s time to think about next school year?  Our early registration is now open.  Early registration goes through spring break (March 25).  A re-enrollment packet went home earlier this week with all the details. 

Building Project at Christian Life Academy - MATCHING CHALLENGE!

This is an exciting time at Christian Life Academy.   We are in the public phase of fundraising, with now nearly $140,000 raised toward the project.  

EXCITING!  A $25,000 dollar-for-dollar match has been offered by a generous friend! See the website for details.

ALSO EXCITING…. Many of our classes are kicking of special class projects to raise money for our building fund… please support them! Information from teachers came home yesterday and today - check with individual teachers with your questions and offer to help!

From the Principal's Desk

The Winter Olympics are coming up soon - next week, I believe… I always like to hear the “personal story” of Olympians, and I pray that we have some great Christian examples to tell their story during the Olympics.  Are you sharing your story of Jesus’ saving grace with others??

I hope so, and I pray we always teach our children to tell others about Jesus!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 1/20/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, Jan 21 JH/HS basketball games have been cancelled

Saturday, Jan 22 JH basketball tournament has been cancelled

Monday, Jan 24 JH/HS basketball practices

Tuesday, Jan 25 FINAL HOME BASKETBALL GAMES - 8th Grade and Senior Recognition

JH game 6:15 pm / Varsity game 7:15 pm vs Danville Flames 

Wednesday, Jan 26 HS basketball practice

Thursday, Jan 27 JH basketball practice

Time to REGISTER for next school year! 2022-2023 school year is coming soon!

As we look toward the future, can you believe it’s time to think about next school year?  Our early registration is now open.  Early registration goes through spring break (March 25).  A re-enrollment packet will be going home either Friday or early next week with all the details. 

Building Project at Christian Life Academy - MATCHING CHALLENGE!

This is an exciting time at Christian Life Academy.   We are in the public phase of fundraising, with now nearly $140,000 raised toward the project.  Hopefully that building will begin as soon as the weather permits in the spring! We ask our families to be a conduit of information.  Please ask families, friends, church communities and more to consider learning more about Christian Life Academy and our upcoming building project.

EXCITING!  A $25,000 dollar-for-dollar match has been offered by a generous friend! See the website for details and more information!

From the Principal's Desk

As I spent a good part of the day today working on registration and enrollment work for next school year, my excitement and my hope for CLA’s future is even more focused.  I don’t know the plans that God has for our school in detail, but I know that He holds our future in “His righteous right hand” as Scripture tells us in Isaiah 41:10.  How reassuring this promise is!


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 1/13/22

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, Jan 13 Christmas Programs at Living Hope Community Church

NOTE: Middle School Program has been Cancelled

Elementary Program begins at 6 pm (students arrive by 5:45)

Friday, Jan 14 HOME basketball games vs Good Shepherd   4:30 pm Elem / 5:30 pm JH

Sat, Jan 15 7:30 am Board of Directors Meeting

HS basketball Varsity Tournament at Rosamond IL

Monday, Jan 17 NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr Day

Home basketball game Elementary vs Olympia Legends 5:30 pm

Friday, Jan 21 HOME basketball games vs Calvary Urbana 6 pm JH 7 pm Varsity

Saturday, Jan 22 HOME JH basketball tournament.  CLA games at 10 am / 1 pm

Christmas Program - Rescheduled for THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2022

The rescheduled Christmas program, presented by our PreK-4th grade students, will begin at 6:00 pm at Living Hope Community church.  The Middle school portion has been cancelled due to quarantine situations and will be presented at a later date (look for emails from Mrs. Young with details)

K-4 students should plan on arriving at Living Hope Community Church at 5:45pm. 

The church is situated between Jefferson and Madison Streets just off of Route 122 on the north edge of Hopedale.

Building Project at Christian Life Academy - MATCHING CHALLENGE!

This is an exciting time at Christian Life Academy.   We are in the public phase of fundraising, with now nearly $140,000 raised toward the project.  Hopefully that building will begin as soon as the weather permits in the spring! We ask our families to be a conduit of information.  Please ask families, friends, church communities and more to consider learning more about Christian Life Academy and our upcoming building project.

EXCITING!  A $25,000 dollar-for-dollar match has been offered by a generous friend! See the website for details and more information!

From the Principal's Desk

It is exciting to see God work and His timing is always spot on!  After an exciting first day back to school last Thursday, I was blessed to receive a call regarding the dollar-for-dollar match that was being offered by a generous friend of CLA.  You see, even after excitedly sharing the news of our building fund thermometer in the morning chapel, by the afternoon I had begun to look at the gap that needed to be filled to get to the next goal -and was a bit discouraged.  God chose just that time to remind us that His timing is perfect, and give me an encouraging phone call!  God is so good.  Thank you for sharing God’s goodness with our school community!


Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 1/6/22

Upcoming Dates  - Happy New Year!  

Thursday, Jan 6 JH and Elementary basketball practices

Monday, Jan 10 HOME basketball games vs Galesburg Christian 5 pm JH / 6 pm Varsity

Tuesday, Jan 11 AWAY basketball games at Calvary Chillicothe 5 pm / 6 pm /  BUS 3:35

Elementary basketball practice at CLA

Wednesday, Jan 12 HS Basketball practice

Thursday, Jan 13 Christmas Programs at Living Hope Community Church

Arrival Times Listed Below

Friday, Jan 14 HOME basketball games vs Good Shepherd   4:30 pm Elem / 5:30 pm JH

Christmas Program - Rescheduled for THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2022

Due to our remote schooling situation in December, the Christmas Program has been rescheduled for January 13.  Both PK-4 and MS will have their program that same night at Living Hope Community Church.  Details on arrival times:

K-4 students should plan on arriving at Living Hope Community Church at 5:45pm.

Middle school students should arrive at the following times (go to church gym): 

  • Sparkly Things and Love 6pm

  • Angels   6:15pm

  • All other parts & stage hands  6:30pm

Building Project at Christian Life Academy!

This is an exciting time at Christian Life Academy.  In December we announced our building project, including some plans and drawings, ways to partner through giving, pledges, prayer and volunteer opportunities.  While the building is focused on the high school age group, the benefits for all ages and families are evident, and the excitement should be something we all share.  If you drive by the school parking lot, you will now see a billboard announcing the building is “coming soon.”  Please pass the word along to friends and family.  We are in the public phase of fundraising, with now under $130,000 remaining to raise before we begin building.  Hopefully that building will begin as soon as the weather permits in the spring! We also ask our families to be a conduit of information.  Please ask families, friends, church communities and more to consider learning more about Christian Life Academy and our upcoming building project.

From the Principal's Desk

A NEW YEAR!  I’m so excited for 2022, as I am seeing it as a great year for Christian Life Academy.  Today in chapel we talked about HOPE - it’s a word I’m choosing for this year myself, and it’s our theme for our chapels beginning here in January.  The word HOPE has been translated from several different Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible.  One of these meanings is “waiting with expectation.”  How appropriate for a new year!  Are you waiting on the Lord, and expecting His plan to be fulfilled as you follow His guidance? That’s what we want to do at Christian Life Academy!  

Blessings in this New Year!

        Mr. Horning