Lion Tales 4/13/23

Upcoming Dates 

Monday, April 17 PTF meeting 3:45 pm

Tuesday, April 18 High School track meet at Midwest Central

Friday, April 21 All-school field trip to the Circus!

Saturday, April 22 MS Track meet at Morton HS (Bethel Invitational)

May 1-5 Teacher Appreciation Week organized by PTF

(sign ups coming - be ready to help out and show appreciation!)

Thursday, May 18 8th grade and HS graduation

Friday, May 19 Last day of school / Field Day

Participate in the CLA Bike-a-thon! 

The 2nd Annual Andy Johnson Memorial CLA Bike-A-Thon is scheduled to happen again! Please mark your calendars for Sunday, May 7 from 2-4 pm. Again this year, proceeds will be directed toward completion of the new high school building.  Registration and pledge sheets were given out to students yesterday.  For more sheets or information, check in the school office.  Registration can also be done with this link:

SUMMER DAYCARE SIGNUPS  For those (K through age 12) students who are in need of daycare in the summer, CLA has a summer program available.  Sign-up Flyer for summer daycare was sent home last week.  You can also see the email attachment to this Lion Tales.

Enroll now for next school year!  Full time, part time, athletes…friends!

Enrollment continues to be OPEN for next year.  We ask that families try to make their decisions about next school year as soon as possible, as it helps us to plan for classrooms, staffing, and more!  Re-enrollment forms are available in the office. You can complete this form and return it to the school office any time.  Even though the “early” registration deadline is past, we encourage you to enroll! Any questions, please check in with Mr. Horning!


Next school year, CLA will be launching a new opportunity for students and home school families.  We will be participating in hands-on STEM learning through the FIRST Lego League.  We plan to create a team for the "Challenge" division of FIRST.  What does that mean exactly?  Students from grades 5th-8th are able to join a team that will meet twice a week September through December after school.  As a team member they will build and program a LEGO robot to run through an obstacle course and perform specific tasks.  In addition, the students will be asked to brainstorm, create, and finally present a solution to a significant world problem related to science (for example, this last year students were asked to provide solutions to the growing energy crisis).  Yep, it's not just building cool stuff. In December, a local tournament is held for teams from the area to compete on the obstacle course and to present their scientific solutions.  It is a very fun end to the season and participants usually wear goofy hats, eat a lot of pizza, and meet a lot of other kids.

So look next fall for announcements to sign-up and try it out.  Also, if you have a student who is involved in sports but would like to join LEGO league, please let us know and we hope to accommodate all who are interested. Finally, it is required to have two coaches for the team.  Mrs. Travis will be a coach, but she is in search of an interested parent to help out!

Smencils available in the school office for $1 each

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is selling scented pencils - “Smencils” which are available in the school office.  Students can make a purchase at any time with teacher permission!

Easy ways to support CLA when you shop! - questions? Check with the office

  • Casey’s Rewards - you can select Christian Life Academy as one of the “cash for classrooms” options and earn rewards for CLA with gas, pizza, donuts and more! It’s part of Casey’s Rewards

  • Amazon Smile - go to and Christian Life Academy can be selected for an eligible organization to receive donations when you shop on Amazon!

  • Kroger Community Rewards - you can link your Kroger Rewards card to CLA - at!

  • The Shop with Scrip program is now called “RaiseRight” - go to and use CLA enrollment code 87FE965127555.  You can also get cards through the CLA office.

From the Principal's Desk

In case you didn’t recognize me… that’s yours truly, Mr. Horning, installing (“laying”) brick on the new high school building. (See photo in the emailed copy of Lion Tales!) In fact, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing this afternoon when many of you will be reading this Lion Tales! I’m so grateful for the trade I learned when I was a young adult and it’s been a joy to work with my hands over the last couple of weeks in this particular way.  It is a reminder to me that every one of us has a way to contribute to the school community.  Stop by sometime and take a look at what’s happening in the construction project.  I love to give tours.  You could see the messages of encouragement and verses that our students wrote on the unfinished walls (that will be covered by drywall within the next few months).  You could see and hear about the many, many volunteers that have contributed time to the project.  And you could thank God for the way He has led and guided us as this amazing, big project continues.  I’m praising the Lord for His provision and grace.  Much more to be completed, but so much has already been done.  

Trusting God,

        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 4/6/23

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, April 7 NO School - Good Friday

Saturday, April 8 MS Track at Pekin 10 am

Monday, April 10 No School - Easter Break

Tuesday, April 11 HS Track at DeeMack 4:30 pm

Monday, April 17 PTF meeting 3:45 pm

Friday, April 21 All-school field trip to the Circus!

May 1-5 Teacher Appreciation Week organized by PTF

(sign ups coming - be ready to help out and show appreciation!)

Thursday, May 18 8th grade and HS graduation

Friday, May 19 Last day of school / Field Day

BOOK FAIR going on NOW!

CLA is hosting an I:55 Christian Book Fair April 3rd-12th!  This is our first time with this faith-based book fair and we are excited for students to have this opportunity. The books are waiting for your purchase!

Students and parents will be able to shop for books after school during the week and some lunch/recess times. We also have a link for online ordering and items can ship for free to the school!  They have a large variety of fiction and nonfiction books, Bibles, CDs, DVDs and novelty items.

Here is the link...

Participate in the CLA Bike-a-thon! 

The 2nd Annual Andy Johnson Memorial CLA Bike-A-Thon is scheduled to happen again! Please mark your calendars for Sunday, May 7 from 2-4 pm. Again this year, proceeds will be directed toward completion of the new high school building.  Registration and pledge sheets were given out to students yesterday.  For more sheets or information, check in the school office.  Registration can also be done with this link:


For those (K through age 12) students who are in need of daycare in the summer, CLA has a summer program available.  Sign-up Flyer for summer daycare was sent home yesterday.  You can also see the email attachment to this Lion Tales.

Enroll now for next school year!  Full time, part time, athletes…friends!

Enrollment continues to be OPEN for next year.  We ask that families try to make their decisions about next school year as soon as possible, as it helps us to plan for classrooms, staffing, and more!  Re-enrollment forms are available in the office. You can complete this form and return it to the school office any time.  Even though the “early” registration deadline is past, we encourage you to enroll! Any questions, please check in with Mr. Horning!


Next school year, CLA will be launching a new opportunity for students and home school families.  We will be participating in hands-on STEM learning through the FIRST Lego League.  We plan to create a team for the "Challenge" division of FIRST.  What does that mean exactly?  Students from grades 5th-8th are able to join a team that will meet twice a week September through December after school.  As a team member they will build and program a LEGO robot to run through an obstacle course and perform specific tasks.  In addition, the students will be asked to brainstorm, create, and finally present a solution to a significant world problem related to science (for example, this last year students were asked to provide solutions to the growing energy crisis).  Yep, it's not just building cool stuff. In December, a local tournament is held for teams from the area to compete on the obstacle course and to present their scientific solutions.  It is a very fun end to the season and participants usually wear goofy hats, eat a lot of pizza, and meet a lot of other kids.

So look next fall for announcements to sign-up and try it out.  Also, if you have a student who is involved in sports but would like to join LEGO league, please let us know and we hope to accommodate all who are interested. Finally, it is required to have two coaches for the team.  Mrs. Travis will be a coach, but she is in search of an interested parent to help out!

Smencils available in the school office for $1 each

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is selling scented pencils - “Smencils” which are available in the school office.  Students can make a purchase at any time with teacher permission!

Easy ways to support CLA when you shop! - questions? Check with the office

  • Casey’s Rewards - you can select Christian Life Academy as one of the “cash for classrooms” options and earn rewards for CLA with gas, pizza, donuts and more! It’s part of Casey’s Rewards

  • Amazon Smile - go to and Christian Life Academy can be selected for an eligible organization to receive donations when you shop on Amazon!

  • Kroger Community Rewards - you can link your Kroger Rewards card to CLA - at!

  • The Shop with Scrip program is now called “RaiseRight” - go to and use CLA enrollment code 87FE965127555.  You can also get cards through the CLA office.

From the Principal's Desk

Over the past week, I have had many conversations with parents, staff, board members, local law enforcement, and others regarding safety and security at CLA.  I am glad to say that everyone thinks very carefully about this, and are united in the goal to both keep our children safe, and to trust God.  When a tragedy happens, as we have seen time after time in school settings, it is natural for us to wonder, question, plan, and to be somewhat anxious.  But time and again, God tells us to “fear not.”  We are also instructed to make plans and to seek the Lord.  So Christian Life Academy continues to do this regarding safety at our school.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, ideas, or thoughts regarding this very important topic.  

Trusting God,

        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 3/16/23

Upcoming Dates 

Monday, March 20 PTF meeting after school 3:45

Thursday, March 23 6:30 pm - CLA Easter Worship Service at Living Hope Community Church

Please note - students should arrive by 6:15 (or earlier in some cases if requested)

Friday, March 24 End of Early Registration period - Re-enroll before this date!!

Saturday, March 25 School Board of Directors’ meeting 7:30 am

March 27-31 No School - Spring Break

Saturday, April 1 Track Meet - HS Girls only - at Pekin High School

Full time/part time/athletes enroll now - JUST ONE WEEK remaining for discount

Enrollment is OPEN for next year.  We ask that families try to make their decisions about next school year as soon as possible, as it helps us to plan for classrooms, staffing, and more!  Re-enrollment forms are available in the office. You can complete this form and return it to the school office… and save $50 on the initial registration fee (until spring break).  Re-enroll now since the discounted early re-enrollment ends on March 24th! Any questions, please check in with Mr. Horning!

Lions Football Club - commit by TOMORROW to be a part of this adventure!

CLA is co-sponsoring along with Kingdom Sports a potential Football Club for high school boys. Even if you missed this meeting in February, there is still an opportunity to share your interest at:  If your son is committing to play, here’s the commitment link: The Lions Football Club is asking for commitments by Friday, March 17 to begin equipment fitting and purchases.

Spring Break and Days off school – are you needing to have children at Daycare?

Spring break is March 27-31.  If your K-6 child is in need of care at the CLA daycare, you MUST RESERVE these days ahead of time so we can staff properly.  Email [email protected] or call 309-449-3346 to get your child on the list!

Other upcoming dates: Half day on Wed, April 5 and No School on Fri, April 7 and Mon, April 10. 

PTF Fundraiser - we raised enough funds for a 9-Square Game!

Wow! Our school sold 125 DOZEN Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and raised enough money for 9-square! Your pre-ordered  Dozens of Doughnuts will be available for pickup at CLA on Friday, March 17 3-5 pm.

Save the date!

The Andy Johnson Memorial CLA Bike-A-Thon is scheduled to happen again! Please mark your calendars for Sunday, May 7 from 2-4pm. More info to come! 


Next school year, CLA will be launching a new opportunity for students and home school families.  We will be participating in hands-on STEM learning through the FIRST Lego League.  We plan to create a team for the "Challenge" division of FIRST.  What does that mean exactly?  Students from grades 5th-8th are able to join a team that will meet twice a week September through December after school.  As a team member they will build and program a LEGO robot to run through an obstacle course and perform specific tasks.  In addition, the students will be asked to brainstorm, create, and finally present a solution to a significant world problem related to science (for example, this last year students were asked to provide solutions to the growing energy crisis).  Yep, it's not just building cool stuff. In December, a local tournament is held for teams from the area to compete on the obstacle course and to present their scientific solutions.  It is a very fun end to the season and participants usually wear goofy hats, eat a lot of pizza, and meet a lot of other kids.

So look next fall for announcements to sign-up and try it out.  Also, if you have a student who is involved in sports but would like to join LEGO league, please let us know and we hope to accommodate all who are interested. Finally, it is required to have two coaches for the team.  Mrs. Travis will be a coach, but she is in search of an interested parent to help out!

Smencils available in the school office for $1 each

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is selling scented pencils - “Smencils” which are available in the school office.  Students can make a purchase at any time with teacher permission!

Easy ways to support CLA when you shop! - questions? Check with the office

  • Casey’s Rewards - you can select Christian Life Academy as one of the “cash for classrooms” options and earn rewards for CLA with gas, pizza, donuts and more! It’s part of Casey’s Rewards

  • Amazon Smile - go to and Christian Life Academy can be selected for an eligible organization to receive donations when you shop on Amazon!

  • Kroger Community Rewards - you can link your Kroger Rewards card to CLA - at!

  • The Shop with Scrip program is now called “RaiseRight” - go to and use CLA enrollment code 87FE965127555.  You can also get cards through the CLA office.

From the Principal's Desk

The Christian Life Academy family is such an encouragement to me.  And I know that you all are also an encouragement to one another and to the broader community.  Would you take time this week to give a word of encouragement to someone?  We are called by the Lord to be a light to those around us.  Jesus gave us such great examples of how to do this… let’s follow His lead and encourage someone today!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 3/2/23

Upcoming Dates 

Monday, March 6 First day of MS/HS Track  - Registration is closed - MUST PAY FEE to practice!

Tuesday, March 7 Open House 9 am - 7 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Monday, March 13 No School - teacher in-service

March 13-15 Spring Conferences - contact teachers to schedule!

Thursday, March 23 CLA Easter Program / Worship Service 

Friday, March 24 End of Early Registration period - Re-enroll before this date!!

March 27-31 No School - Spring Break

Now is a great time to re-enroll! Full time/part time/athletes enroll now!

Enrollment is OPEN for next year.  We ask that families try to make their decisions about next school year as soon as possible, as it helps us to plan for classrooms, staffing, and more! 

Open House … one remaining on March 7… Invite friends to visit!

Re-enrollment forms: You can complete this form and return it to the school office… and

save $50 on the initial registration fee (until spring break).  Re-enroll now!

Any questions, please check in with Mr. Horning!

Doing Sports God’s Way

Champions… of Sportsmanship!

Volleyball and Basketball Accomplish a Great Feat

CLA sports teams strive to be the best that they can be, led by coaches and a philosophy of doing sports in the way God calls us to - every activity is an act of worship to God!  This is represented well by all of our teams, but a special feat was accomplished by both our HS girls volleyball team (in October) and our HS boys basketball team (just a few weeks ago).  Both teams brought home championship banners from the IFBE River Valley Tournament hosted by ICCS in Washington, IL.  But better yet, BOTH teams also won the coveted SPORTSMANSHIP team award along with the championship trophy.  What a blessing.  Thank you to players and coaches for representing CLA so well!

Lions Football Club - a new venture in athletics available to CLA high school boys

CLA is co-sponsoring along with Kingdom Sports a potential Football Club for high school boys.  This is for boys that don’t have access to football (homeschool students and students at schools without football).  An informational meeting was held on Feb 14 in the CLA gym.  Even if you missed this meeting, there is still an opportunity to share your interest at:  If your son is committing to play, here’s the commitment link: The Lions Football Club is asking for commitments by Friday, March 17 to begin equipment fitting and purchases.

PTF Fundraiser - Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 

Funds for a 9-Square Game!

9-square is a game loved by many… and CLA is raising funds to purchase a game set to use in our PE classes! The Krispy Kreme Donut fundraiser was sent home earlier this week, and donuts can be sold through March 14, at 10 am.  Dozens of Doughnuts will be available for pickup at CLA on Friday, March 17 3-5 pm.

Smencils available in the school office for $1 each

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is selling scented pencils - “Smencils” which are available in the school office.  Students can make a purchase at any time with teacher permission!

Interested in a summer baseball or softball opportunity?  

Hopedale Rec has programs for boys and girls ages 4-13. The registration deadline is March 10 and you can get more information by contacting Rachel Birkey ([email protected]).  If you are interested, you can sign up at this link:

Easy ways to support CLA when you shop! - questions? Check with the office

  • Casey’s Rewards - you can select Christian Life Academy as one of the “cash for classrooms” options and earn rewards for CLA with gas, pizza, donuts and more! It’s part of Casey’s Rewards

  • Amazon Smile - go to and Christian Life Academy can be selected for an eligible organization to receive donations when you shop on Amazon!

  • Kroger Community Rewards - you can link your Kroger Rewards card to CLA - at!

  • The Shop with Scrip program is now called “RaiseRight” - go to and use CLA enrollment code 87FE965127555.  You can also get cards through the CLA office.

First of the year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

It’s still early in the calendar year, so it is still a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer from December, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

From the Principal's Desk

As we continue to learn about how God calls us to “fan the flame” of his gift of salvation, this week we read about how God’s spirit gives us His power, His love, and His self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:6-8).  The great thing is that we don’t have to rely on our own strength.  That would be a disaster, as we are not strong enough to love others well or to discipline ourselves without God’s help.  We need Jesus!  We were also treated to a great time of worship Monday afternoon with the Greenville University Pursuit Blue worship team.  It was a powerful time, and again is evidence of God working in and though all of us.  Blessings to each of you as you continue to rely on His Spirit to live your life for the Lord!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/23/23

Upcoming Dates 

Today, February 23 Open House 8 am - 5 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Monday, February 27 Open House 11-noon (Kindergarten) and 4-8 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

PTF meeting 3:45 pm 

Staff/Coaches/Parents vs Players Volleyball 5:30 pm  Basketball 7:00 pm

Wednesday, March 1 Early Dismissal 11:30 - Staff in-service

Monday, March 6 First day of MS/HS Track  - MUST REGISTER AND PAY FEE to practice!

Tuesday, March 7 Open House 9 am - 7 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Friday, March 24 End of Early Registration period - Re-enroll before this date!!

Can You Believe it?? It’s time to re-enroll for the 2023-24 school year already!

Enrollment is OPEN for next year.  We ask that families try to make their decisions about next school year as soon as possible, as it helps us to plan for classrooms, staffing, and more!

Open House Dates February 23, February 27 and March 7… Invite friends to visit!

Re-enrollment forms: You can complete this form and return it to the school office… and

save $50 on the initial registration fee (until spring break).  Re-enroll now!

Any questions, please check in with Mr. Horning!


Track and Field is the next sport available for students in grades 5-12. And registration is now open! Register by February 24 - begin practice March 6.

Lions Football Club - a new venture in athletics available to CLA high school boys

CLA is co-sponsoring along with Kingdom Sports a potential Football Club for high school boys.  This is for boys that don’t have access to football (homeschool students and students at schools without football).  An informational meeting was held on Feb 14 in the CLA gym.  Even if you missed this meeting, there is still an opportunity to share your interest at:  If your son is committing to play, here’s the commitment link: 

Smencils available in the school office for $1 each

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is selling scented pencils - “Smencils” which are available in the school office.  Students can make a purchase at any time with teacher permission!

Thank You for participating in the CLA Pizza Ranch Fundraiser this past Monday!

It was a great turnout, the food was delicious, and over $820 was raised for the tuition assistance fund at CLA.  Thank you to all who volunteered to serve, to those who came and ate pizza, and all who supported the fundraiser.  We are grateful to Pizza Ranch for offering this opportunity for local organizations!

Interested in a summer baseball or softball opportunity?  Hopedale Rec has programs for boys and girls ages 4-13. The registration deadline is March 10 and you can get more information by contacting Rachel Birkey ([email protected]).  If you are interested, you can sign up at this link: Hopedale Rec League

Easy ways to support CLA when you shop! - questions? Check with the office

  • Casey’s Rewards - you can select Christian Life Academy as one of the “cash for classrooms” options and earn rewards for CLA with gas, pizza, donuts and more! It’s part of Casey’s Rewards

  • Amazon Smile - go to and Christian Life Academy can be selected for an eligible organization to receive donations when you shop on Amazon!

  • Kroger Community Rewards - you can link your Kroger Rewards card to CLA - at!

  • The Shop with Scrip program is now called “RaiseRight” - go to and use CLA enrollment code 87FE965127555.  You can also get cards through the CLA office.

First of the year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

It’s still early in the calendar year, so it is still a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer from December, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

From the Principal's Desk

In chapel this week, we continued to discuss “fanning the flame” in our Christian lives. We talked about how spending time together with others helps us to know one another better, love one another more deeply, and to know Jesus better as we share our love for Jesus with others.  I pray that each of you have opportunities to gather with other Christ-followers on a regular basis!  If you are looking for a way to do this, talk with me! 


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/9/23

Upcoming Dates 

Thurs-Sat, Feb 9-11 HS Basketball Tournament at ICCS (Washington)

Monday, February 13 Lions Football Club informational meeting 4 pm in the CLA gym

Monday, February 20 CLA PIZZA RANCH FUNDRAISER - save the date!

Sign up to volunteer!

Thursday, February 23 Open House 8 am - 5 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Monday, February 27 Open House 11-noon (Kindergarten) and 4-8 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Tuesday, March 7 Open House 9 am - 7 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Friday, March 24 End of Early Registration period - Re-enroll before this date!!

Can You Believe it?? It’s time to re-enroll for the 2023-24 school year already!

Enrollment is OPEN for next year.  We ask that families try to make their decisions about next school year as soon as possible, as it helps us to plan for classrooms, staffing, and more!

Open House Dates February 23, February 27 and March 7… Invite friends to visit!

Re-enrollment forms: You can complete this form and return it to the school office… and

save $50 on the initial registration fee (until spring break).  Re-enroll now!

Any questions, please check in with Mr. Horning!

Lions Football Club - a new venture in athletics available to CLA high school boys

CLA is sponsoring a potential Football Club for high school boys that don’t have access to football (homeschool students and students at schools without football).  An informational meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13 at 4 pm in the CLA gym.  Pass the word on!

A link to RSVP for the informational meeting is:

SMALENTINES! Due TOMORROW - Friday, February 10

A week ago,  PTF sent home an order form for K-8 students to purchase Smencils (scented pencils) to be given out as a Valentine’s Day gift.  These orders are due next Friday, February 10.  Details are on the PINK form that went home… if you need a copy, grab one in the office.

Easy ways to support CLA when you shop! - questions? Check with the office

  • Casey’s Rewards - you can select Christian Life Academy as one of the “cash for classrooms” options and earn rewards for CLA with gas, pizza, donuts and more! It’s part of Casey’s Rewards

  • Amazon Smile - go to and Christian Life Academy can be selected for an eligible organization to receive donations when you shop on Amazon!

  • Kroger Community Rewards - you can link your Kroger Rewards card to CLA - at!

  • The Shop with Scrip program is now called “RaiseRight” - go to and use CLA enrollment code 87FE965127555.  You can also get cards through the CLA office.

LOOK! - MS/HS Track and Field 

Track and Field is the next sport available for students in grades 5-12. And registration is now open! Register by February 24 - begin practice March 6.

First of the year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

It’s still early in the calendar year, so it is still a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer from December, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

From the Principal's Desk

I am thankful today.  I’m thankful for friends who are caring enough to listen.  For those who are close enough to help.  I’m thankful for those who are confident in their faith and can challenge me.  My Christian Life Academy friends, co-workers and students are like family.  Early on in the history of CLA, I was surrounded by my immediate family - my wife and children were all a physical part of this community.  As time passed, and my family has grown older and moved on -  Now, I see the CLA family as “my family” as well!  I pray that in this community, you are also able to recognize the value of one another… and call yourself an integral part of the “CLA family!” 


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 2/2/2023

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, February 3 Away basketball games - HS teams at Danville Flames

Saturday, February 4 Away basketball games - 5th/6th at Danville / HS JV at Morton (Sat/Sun)

Monday, February 6 Away basketball games - JH and HS at Rosamond FBCA

Thurs-Sat, Feb 9-11 HS Basketball Tournament at ICCS (Washington)

Monday, February 13 Lions Football Club informational meeting 4 pm

Monday, February 20 CLA PIZZA RANCH FUNDRAISER - save the date!

Thursday, February 23 Open House 8 am - 5 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Monday, February 27 Open House 11-noon (Kindergarten) and 4-8 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Tuesday, March 7 Open House 9 am - 7 pm   INVITE FRIENDS!

Friday, March 24 End of Early Registration period - Re-enroll before this date!!

Can You Believe it?? It’s time to re-enroll for the 2023-24 school year already!

This week we will be opening the enrollment process for next school year. Attached to this Lion Tales email will be information about:

Open House Dates February 23, February 27 and March 7… Invite friends to visit!

Re-enrollment forms: You can complete this form and return it to the school office and 

save $50 on the initial registration fee (until spring break).  Re-enroll now!

New Tuition schedules: A few minor changes have been made, although the school 

board of directors continues to work hard to keep tuition prices reasonable.  The biggest 

change is a small percentage adjustment in our multi-student family discounts.  Any 

questions, please check in with Mr. Horning

CLA Gear - Order TODAY! - The Store CLOSES at 8 am tomorrow!

CLA-branded gear is for sale…  Shirts, sweatshirts/hoodies and more are available!  Here’s the link:  The store will close on February 3 at 8 am… items in hand by the end of February.  If you’re looking to spruce up your Lions apparel or are a new family to our school, this will be your chance to order!   This will be the only time that the store is open this semester for ordering- we will not do another order window until the fall. Be on the lookout for more information and the ordering link in a couple of weeks!

ALSO… in the office we currently have T-shirts with the 15th Anniversary Logo.  These are $15 each.

Lions Football Club - a new venture in athletics available to CLA high school boys

You may have seen this information in a recent email or facebook post, but CLA is sponsoring a potential Football Club for high school boys that don’t have access to football (homeschool students and students at schools without football).  An informational meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13 at 4 pm in the CLA gym.  Feel free to pass the word around!

A link to RSVP for the informational meeting is:

SMALENTINES! Due Friday, February 10

Last week, PTF sent home an order form for K-8 students to purchase Smencils (scented pencils) to be given out as a Valentine’s Day gift.  These orders are due next Friday, February 10.  Details are on the PINK form that went home last week.

First of the year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

Now is still a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer from December, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

From the Principal's Desk

As we completed our January chapel series about the “new” things that God is asking us to do, we finished with the story of Esther.  We remembered the Bible accounts of Esther being chosen as queen, and then having the challenge of going to the king to ask him to save her people (Esther 4 and 5).  The words of Esther’s uncle Mordecai reminded Esther that she was in the position “for such a time as this.”  I challenge you to consider… what is the “for such a time” situation that God has placed you here for?  What great work can God accomplish through your willingness to follow Him?  Amazing things can happen when God works through His people.  Do you see Him working? Can you believe He’s got an amazing plan? I believe it!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 1/26/23

Upcoming Dates 

Thursday, January 26 HS basketball Away games at Bethel Lutheran - JV 5:30 / V 6:45

Monday, January 30 HOME basketball games vs CBCA Urbana - JH 5:30 / V 6:30

(last home basketball games of the season - support the Lions!)

Wednesday, February 1 Early Dismissal 11:30 - Teacher in-service

Friday, February 3 Away basketball games at Danville Flames

Saturday, February 4 Away basketball games - 5th/6th at Danville / HS JV at Morton (Sat/Sun)

Monday, February 6 Away basketball games - HS at Rosamond FBCA

Monday, February 13 Lions Football Club informational meeting 4 pm

Monday, February 20 CLA PIZZA RANCH FUNDRAISER - Save this date!! A sign-up sheet for volunteers will be available soon.

Friday, March 24 End of Early Registration period - Re-enroll before this date!!

Can You Believe it?? It’s time to re-enroll for the 2023-24 school year already!

This week we will be opening the enrollment process for next school year. Attached to this Lion Tales email will be information about:

Open House Dates February 23, February 27 and March 7… Invite friends to visit!

Re-enrollment forms: You can complete this form and return it to the school office and 

save $50 on the initial registration fee (until spring break).  Re-enroll now!

New Tuition schedules: A few minor changes have been made, although the school 

board of directors continues to work hard to keep tuition prices reasonable.  The biggest 

change is a small percentage adjustment in our multi-student family discounts.  Any 

questions, please check in with Mr. Horning

CLA Gear - Order NOW!

CLA-branded gear is for sale…  Shirts, sweatshirts/hoodies and more are available!  Here’s the link:  The store will close on February 3 at 8 am… items in hand by the end of February.  If you’re looking to spruce up your Lions apparel or are a new family to our school, this will be your chance to order!   This will be the only time that the store is open this semester for ordering- we will not do another order window until the fall. Be on the lookout for more information and the ordering link in a couple of weeks!

ALSO… in the office we currently have T-shirts with the 15th Anniversary Logo.  These are $15 each.

Lions Football Club - a new venture in athletics available to CLA high school boys

You may have seen this information in a recent email or facebook post, but CLA is sponsoring a potential Football Club for high school boys that don’t have access to football (homeschool students and students at schools without football).  An informational meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13 at 4 pm in the CLA gym.  Feel free to pass the word around!

A link to RSVP for the informational meeting is:

First of the year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

January is a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer from December, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

From the Principal's Desk

This month in chapel we have continued to discuss being ready for the “new” things that God is asking us to do.  We remembered the Bible accounts of Gideon and David, and how God used someone for a mighty work who might have seen themselves as small or insignificant.  Do you believe that God wants to do mighty works through you?  God can do immeasurable things!  Let’s all, together, consider the work He’s doing, and jump in with both feet.  I am so grateful for the many people that I’ve had the opportunity to work with in ministry.  YOU are one of them!


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 1/19/23

Upcoming Dates 

Saturday, January 21 Board of Directors Meeting 7:30 am

JH Basketball HOME tournament/round robin games 10:30 - 2:00 pm

Monday, January 23 PTF meeting 3:45 pm - Parents, please join in!

Tuesday, January 24 Basketball HOME games (8th grade and Senior Recognition night)

JH basketball 5:30 pm   /  HS basketball 6:30 pm vs Faith (Pekin)

Thursday, January 26 HS basketball Away games at Bethel Lutheran - JV 5:30 / V 6:45

ONE MORE DAY … Regular heat in the building set to return Friday.

Just one more day, hopefully - Due to a needed and somewhat urgent repair on our boiler system at the school, the building lost its heating ability for a period of time in the main classroom hallway and rooms.  We kept warm with space heaters and layers. Tomorrow (Friday, 1/20) the heat will hopefully return to operation.  Thank you to so many who have loaned space heaters… please plan to pick them up when you pick up children on Friday!

CLA Gear- opening soon!

CLA-branded gear will once again be for sale towards the end of the month.  Shirts, sweatshirts/hoodies and more will be available!  Pricing will range from $20-40 and items will be available to order online. Look for the link for the online store on January 23… Store will close on February 3… items in hand by the end of February.  If you’re looking to spruce up your Lions apparel or are a new family to our school, this will be your chance to order!   This will be the only time that the store is open this semester for ordering- we will not do another order window until the fall. Be on the lookout for more information and the ordering link in a couple of weeks!

ALSO… in the office we currently have T-shirts with the 15th Anniversary Logo.  These are $15 each.

Reminders from the office - communicating illness…. payments due

So that our teachers can do their best to help with schoolwork and catching up with students:

  • Please be sure to call in (309-449-3346 to the school office) and/or send an email when your child is ill and will miss school.  This helps us to keep track and follow up.  If it appears to be an extended illness, let us know how things are going! Reminder - we ask that students are 24 hours fever free without meds to return to school.

  • Don’t forget your monthly or semester tuition bill… and keep your lunch account paid ahead!

Need some baking supplies?? Brown Sugar available

The PTF Baking day in November resulted in some leftover supplies.  If anyone is interested in them, they can be purchased at the school office:  7.5 lb bags of brown sugar for $8/bag (dated through 2023)

First of the year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

January is a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer from December, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

High School Building Construction Update

Although the exterior of the new building hasn’t seen much change over the past month, work has been going on inside!  Interior dividing walls, insulation, and ceilings are completed… with mechanical/electrical work to begin soon.  If you want a tour, contact Mr. Horning!

From the Principal's Desk

Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr… He was a Christ-follower!  In chapel this past week, we remembered the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I quoted some of the famous lines from a speech given in 1963 by Dr. King, and pointed out the scripture passages that he, as a minister, used in his speeches.  In particular, his pointing to Jesus as the way to reconciliation (he quoted Isaiah 40 and also Galatians 3 in his “I have a dream” speech).  If we want to live peacefully with those around us, our focus on following Jesus helps us to accomplish this.  If we want to be loved and show love, Jesus is the true definition of love!  My hope and prayer is that we can always point our students to Jesus, in every situation!  May the Lord strengthen us daily.


        Mr. Horning

Lion Tales 12/15/22

Upcoming Dates 

Friday, Dec 16 Elem/JH/HS Basketball HOME vs FBCA Rosamond 5:00 / 6:00 / 7:00

Monday, Dec 19 JH/HS Basketball AWAY vs Faith Baptist at CBC Groveland 5:00 / 6:00

Tuesday, Dec 20 RESCHEDULED - New date!

Christmas Program at Living Hope Community Church, 6:50 pm start

Wednesday, Dec 21 Last day of school (11:30 dismissal) for the semester

Dec 22-Jan 4 Christmas Break

Wednesday, Jan 4 No school - teacher in-service

Thursday, Jan 5 Classes Resume for all students

CLA Christmas Program and Dinner - RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, December 20 

THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM on December 20 is open to all, and tickets are not required.  The program is at Living Hope Community Church (329 Madison St, Hopedale). We will run a shuttle from the school parking lot for extra parking space as well, from approximately 6:20-6:45.

     All students participate in the program or help with the meal, so it’s an all-school event and we are excited to have it again this year! The program will start at 6:50 pm with our PreK students kicking off the event.  Hope to see you there!

Arrival times and dress details for students have been recently sent via email by Mrs. Gibson (K-4) and Mrs. Stribling (MS/HS)- check your email for additional information.

Table Hosts: tables will be set up Tuesday afternoon and will be ready for decorating immediately after school. 

Ticket holders:  Seating for the dinner will start at 5:30 with dinner service starting at 5:45pm.  Upon your arrival, please check in at the check in station by the church gym doors!  

Please note-there will not be paper tickets sent home this year.  

Reminder about communication regarding illness/absences

So that our teachers can do their best to help with schoolwork and catching up with students:

  • Please be sure to call in (309-449-3346 to the school office) and/or send an email when your child is ill and will miss school.  This helps us to keep track and follow up.  If it appears to be an extended illness, let us know how things are going!

  • Reminder - we ask that students are 24 hours fever free without meds to return to school.

Need some baking supplies?? Butter and Brown Sugar available

The PTF Baking day resulted in some leftover supplies.  If anyone is interested in them, they can be purchased at the school office:

4 lb packages (4 boxes/4 sticks each) of butter for $14/package

7.5 lb bags of brown sugar for $8/bag

End of year Donations… and CAT / State Farm matching opportunities

The end of the calendar year is a great time to support Christian Life Academy! You may have already seen our mailer, but this is just a reminder… If you or others you know are looking for a ministry to support, CLA would be grateful for your support.  Tuition pays less than ⅔ of expenses, so we rely on donations.  If you have questions, please check with Mr. Horning.  Also, if you or others you know are Caterpillar or State Farm employees (or retirees), you may want to let them know that both companies have a program for donations to CLA being matched as a 501(c)3 non-profit! The CLA office may be able to help.  

High School Building Construction Update

Although the exterior of the new building hasn’t seen much change over the past month, work has been going on inside!  Interior dividing walls, insulation, and the beginnings of ceilings… and soon there will be some mechanical/electrical work to begin.  If you want a tour, contact Mr. Horning!

From the Principal's Desk

This week has been a week of reflection for me.  Some of you may know the beginnings - the story of Christian Life Academy’s start in 2008.  But since we are 15 years removed from this, many of you may not.  A dear friend, Jess Slager, passed away this week.  Jess was instrumental in the founding of CLA, and he has been called a “CLA Grandpa” by one of our original teachers.  Such an appropriate title.  In our early years, Jess had grandchildren at CLA.  Even though they have grown, Jess is still a CLA Grandpa. You see, a grandpa is one that cares so much about and looks out for the family.  Their goal isn’t to proclaim the title of Grandpa, but to see to it that the family is taken care of.  That’s what Jess Slager was to Christian Life Academy.  As we celebrated the life and faith of Jess today, I couldn’t help but reminisce about how Jess walked side-by-side with our CLA families, supporting us.  He had vision, and was forever optimistic about what the Lord wanted to do with this school.  He didn’t want people to look at him and see what he had done, but wanted people to see what God could do through people.

Jess had a vision many years ago about a high school building on our campus.  He saw the vision begin to be realized over the past few years.  He wasn’t able to see the end result - students and community in the new building - but I know he would be pleased that God has allowed it to happen.

I’ll forever be grateful for Jess and the amazing, optimistic, forward-thinking life that he lived.  I’m glad he’s with Jesus, but I’ll surely miss him around here.  I pray that more CLA Grandpas and Grandmas can fill a great void and care for us the way Jess always did.  Thank you, Lord, for placing people on this earth and allowing us to share together in ministry!


        Mr. Horning